Marxists Internet Archive: Archive updates

MIA Updates


April 2024


See Also: Daily list of files updated


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25 April 2024: Added to the Swedish Pierre Broué Internet Archive:

The Socialist Youth in Spain 1934–1936. (1983)
Trotsky and the Trotskyists facing the Second World War (1985)
The descent into Hell. Chapter from Broué's Trotsky biography (1988)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


25 April 2024: Added to the Portuguese Temática Archive:

O 25 de abril na imprensa estrangeira, 1974
Portugal na imprensa estrangeira - um ano depois, 1975
Conclusões do Seminário sobre a democratização do ensino, 1974
Escolas de resistência: a oposição estudantil à ditadura, 1999
Pensões vitalícias para fascistas, colonialistas e arrependidos políticos, 1988
Por uma candidatura operária e camponesa para as autarquias locais, 1976
Comunicado aos Estudantes Madeirenses - União dos Estudantes Comunistas
Declaração da União dos Estudantes Comunistas, 1974
Comunicado da Comissão Central da União dos Estudantes Comunistas, 1974
Sobre a política reaccionária do MEIC
Aos Estudantes Portugueses, 1976
Lembrar e Defender Abril Hoje e Sempre, 1979
Trinta anos da Revolução dos Cravos, 2004
Um povo unido dentro e fora do país - acabas de regressar a um novo país, 1974
À classe operária, ao povo de Portugal, 1974
À classe operária da zona da Covilhã, 1974
Alerta!, 1974
Circular do Grito do Povo, 1974
Comunicado da Organização Comunista Marxista-Leninista Portuguesa, 1974
Comunicado sobre a situação actual, 1974
Contra o fascismo, ofensiva popular, 1974
Declaração do Comité Central da OCMLP sobre a situação actual, 1974
Desmascarados dois bufos, 1974
Estatutos da Organização Comunista Marxista-Leninista Portuguesa
Exijamos a libertação imediata de Saldanha Sanches, 1974
Greve dos Pescadores, 1973
Não às eleições burguesas!, 1973
Porque mente o governo ao povo!, 1974
Primeiro de Maio no Porto, 1973
Projeto de Programa da Revolução Democrática Popular, 1974
Só pela Revolução Popular o Povo se libertará da exploração, da opressão e da guerra colonial assassina!, 1974
Terminam as ilusões. A hora é de luta, 1974
Portugal Informação - Boletim da Frente Patriótica de Libertação Nacional (FPLN)
Boletim Informativo da Associação de Familiares dos Militares Revolucionários Presos
A Classe Operária - Jornal central da União Comunista (M-L) - Vanguarda Vermelha
O Soldado Vermelho - Órgão dos Comités Revolucionários de Soldados (Portugal)
Luta Comunista - Órgão do Comité de Apoio à Reconstrução do Partido (Marxista-Leninista)
Luta Popular - Órgão Central do Movimento Reorganizativo do Proletariado - Partido Comunista dos Trabalhadores Portugueses (PCTP/MRPP)
Lutar pelo Socialismo - Órgão das Comissões de Base Socialista (Portugal)
Ousar Lutar. Ousar Vencer - Jornal de Unidade Antifascista e Anti-Social-Fascista do Liceu Nacional do Funchal
O Grito do Povo - Jornal da Organização Comunista Marxista-Leninista Portuguesa - OCMLP
A Voz do Povo - Boletim Informativo dos Grupos de Estudo Che Guevara e O Povo Vencerá
Vanguarda Vermelha - Jornal teórico da União Comunista (M-L)
Cadernos n.º 7 - Círculo de Iniciativa Política
Nota do Secretariado do Comité Central da União Comunista para a Reconstrução do Partido (M-L), 1976
Estatutos da UCRP (M-L), 1975
Esmaguemos a ofensiva social-fascista. Defendamos as conquistas democráticas e a independência nacional!, 1975
Relatório e Autocrítica da Direcção Provisória da União Comunista (M-L), 1975
Ergamos a bandeira da independência nacional e das liberdades democráticas contra a escalada social-fascista, 1975
Nota do Secretariado do Comité Sub-Regional sobre a situação política e as eleições, 1974
Linha política e programa da União Comunista Marxista-Leninista, 1974
Caderno "Resolução da 5.ª reunião plenária do C.C. da U.C.R.P. (Marxista-Leninista)" sobre a situação política, 1976
A Célula - Biblioteca do militante da Vanguarda Vermelha, 1974
Ivan Babusjkin. Propagandista, Agitador, Organizador - Biblioteca de Agitação e Propaganda, 1974
Por uma mentalidade bolchevique - Biblioteca do militante da Vanguarda Vermelha, 1974
Portugal. Social-Fascismo a passos largos (Clarté - Órgão dos Marxistas-Leninistas belgas), 1974
Em Portugal o perigo fascista vem sobretudo dos revisionistas (Clarté - Órgão dos Marxistas-Leninistas belgas), 1974
Balanço ao ME após o 25 de abril de 74
Contra as novas polícias políticas. Cerrar fileiras em torno da luta popular
Ao povo do bairro de S. Vicente
Circular do Comité Regional da Madeira, 1979
Comunicado dos simpatizantes do PCTP/MRPP na EEM, 1978
Porque é o Luta Popular o jornal mais perseguido? Porque foi o Luta Popular multado recentemente?, 1977
Sabia que...
Continua a luta. Organizar a greve. Lutar até à vitória!, 1977
O MRPP informa o povo - n.º 3, 1976
Alerta Estudantes! Contra o separatismo - viva a unidade nacional
Viva o 18 de janeiro de 1934! Viva o Partido Comunista (Marxista-Leninista) Português!, 1978
Defendamos o camarada Fernando Ferreira! Defendamos os direitos sindicais alcançados!, 1978
Os desbravadores "em rodagem" da EDE - "MRPP" e o "Poder duplo" - Uma aberração trotskista perfilhada pelo "MRPP", 1973
Estado Maior do Exército - MFA 2: Plataforma de acordo constitucional com os Partidos Políticos, 1975
Estado Maior do Exército - MFA 3: Plano de Acção Política, 1975
Estado Maior do Exército - MFA 4: Aliança Povo MFA, 1975
Estado Maior do Exército - MFA 5: Tribunal Revolucionário, 1975
Plano Político do MFA
Proposta de Trabalho do COPCON
Plataforma de acordo constitucional entre o MFA e os Partidos Políticos, 1976
Programa de Política Económica e Social do Terceiro Governo Provisório, 1975
Revista Flama - Entrevista a Isabel do Carmo, 1975
Libertemos todos os revolucionários e anti-fascistas presos!
Manifesto: Contra o fascismo, unidade popular
Julgar a PIDE. Condenar o Fascismo - Decisão final do Tribunal Cívico Humberto Delgado
Eleições - Unir, Organizar, Vencer!
Intervir na Economia: Defender a Democracia, 1974
Unidade do Povo pela Democracia, 1975
Ao Povo Português - Comunicado do Conselho Superior da LUAR
[Thanks to Fernando Araújo]


23 April 2024: Added to the Spanish Section's Juan Velasco Alvarado archive:

Mensaje a la nación con motivo del Sesquicentenario de la Independencia Nacional (1971)
Espíritu revolucionario de la actual fase política del Perú (1972)
[Thanks to Biblioteca Digital del Centro de Documentación del Perú Contemporáneo (CEDOC) de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima - Peru]


23 April 2024: Added to the Spanish Section's J. V. Stalin archive:

La Revolución de Octubre y la táctica de los comunistas rusos (1924)
El Nuevo Estado y la edificación económica rusa (1931)


23 April 2024: Added to the Sino-Soviet Split history archive:

Marxists-Leninists, Unite!: A Reply to the "Open Letter" of July 14, 1963, Published in 'Pravda', by the Brussels Federal Committee of the Belgian Communist Party (1963)
Thwart the Manoeuvres to Split the International Communist Movement, by the Korean Workers' Party (1964)
[Thanks to Juan Fajardo]


22 April 2024: Added to the new Swedish Julián Gorkin Internet Archive:

The assassination of Leon Trotsky (1972)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


22 April 2024: Added to the Swedish Joseph Hansen Internet Archive:

Campa's 'Revelations' (1978)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


21 April 2024: The Ukrainian section starts an archive for the works of Herman Gorter, with:

Уроки березневого руху (Постскриптум до Відкритого листа Леніну) (1921)
[Thanks to Павло Кравчук]


21 April 2024: Added to the Ukrainian Anton Pannekoek archive:

Соціалізм і Анархізм (1913)
Життя боротьби - Прощання з Германом Гортером (1927)
Соціал-Демократія і Комунізм (1927)
[Thanks to Павло Кравчук]


21 April 2024: Added to the new German Archiv Parvus (Alexandr Helphand):

Die preußischen Landtagswahlen (The Prussian Landtag Elections) (1893)
Keinen Mann und keinen Groschen! (Not a Man, Not a Dime) (1894)
Zur Diskussion über den Agrarprogrammentwurf (Concerning Discussion on the Agrarian Programme) (1895)
Der Breslauer Parteitag und die Taktik in den Landtagen (The Breslau Party Congress and Tactics in the Landtags) (1895)
Der Weltmarkt und die Agrarkrisis (The World Market and the Agrarian Crisis) (series) (1895)
[Thanks to Sozialistische Klassiker 2.0 & Einde O'Callaghan]


21 April 2024: Added to the Swedish Leon Trotsky Internet Archive:

Leon Trotsky Hits Back at N.Y. Daily News Slanders (December 1938)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


19 April 2024: Added to the Swedish Lenin Archive:

A Protest by Russian Social-Democrats (August 1899)
A Retrograde Trend in Russian Social-Democracy (December 1899)
Marxism and Revisionism (April 1917)
From A Publicist's Diary (September 1917)
Tenth Congress of the R.C.P.(B.) (March 1921)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


16 April 2024: Added to the Swedish Leon Trotsky Internet Archive:

Report of the Siberian Delegation (1903)
Toward Capitalism or Socialism? (August 1925)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


15 April 2024: The Hebrew-language section starts the Ho Chi Minh Archive, with:

Prison Diary (1894)
The Path Which Led Me To Leninism (1960)
[Thanks to Gal.Y]


15 April 2024: Added to the Swedish Isaac Deutscher Internet Archive:

Beria’s Trial: The Old Show?, 1954
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


14 April 2024: We start an archive for the works of Mongolia's Yumjaagiin Tsedenbal, with:

Message on Occasion of the 33rd Anniversary of the Bulgarian Revolution (1977)
Address at the Third Plenum of the Central Committee of the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party (1981)
Speech at the Fourth Plenum of the Central Committee of the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party (1982)
Speech at the reception given by the Soviet ambassador in celebration of the 65th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution (1982)
Speech at the Fifth Plenum of the Central Committee of the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party (1982)
Message of Condolence to Fidel Castro upon the death of Osvaldo Dorticos Torrado (1983)
Message to the Organization of African Unity (1983)
Message of Congratulations to leaders of Algeria (1983)
[Thanks to Juan Fajardo]


12 April 2024: Added to the Swedish Leon Trotsky Internet Archive:

After the Collapse of Czechoslovakia, Stalin Will Seek Accord with Hitler (September 1938)
The German-Soviet Alliance (September 1939)
Stalin Seeks My Death (June 1940)
The Comintern and the GPU (August 1940)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


12 April, 2024: Added to the Tom O'Lincoln Internet Archive:

Nicaragua: The Sandinistas, capitalism and socialism, 1986
[Thanks to Carl Jackson]


11 April 2024: Added to the German Archiv Gustav Eckstein:

Die vierfache Wurzel des Satzes vom unzureichenden Grunde der Grenznutzentheorie (The Fourth Root of the Insufficient Utility Theorem of Marginal Utility Theory) (1902)
Zur Methode der politischen Ökonomie (On the Method of Political Economy) (1909)
Karl Marx – Theorien über den Mehrwert (Karl Marx – Theories of Surplus Value – review) (1910)
Rosa Luxemburg, Die Akkumulation des Kapitals (Rosa Luxemburg, The Accumulation of Capital Thomas Hodgskin als Theoretiker der politischen Ökonomie (Thomas Hodgskin as Theoretician of Political Economy) (1916)
[Thanks to Daniel Gaido & Einde O’Callaghan]


11 April 2024: Added to the German Archiv Rudolf Hilferding:

Aus der Vorgeschichte der Marxschen Ökonomie (From the Prehistory of Marxian Economics) (1911)
Die Anfänge des Merkantilismus in England (The Beginnings of Mercantilism in England) (1911)
Die Gesamtpartei ist tot, es lebe die Gesamtpartei (The general party is dead, long live the general party) (1911)
[Thanks to Daniel Gaido & Einde O’Callaghan]


11 April 2024: Added to the German Archiv Karl Kautsky:

Eine Frage (A Question) (1911)
Weltpolitik, Weltkrieg und Sozialdemokratie! (World Politics, World War and Social Democracy!) (1911)
[Thanks to Daniel Gaido & Einde O’Callaghan]


11 April 2024: Added to the German Archiv Adelheid Popp:

Erziehung (Parenting) (1911)
Mutterschutz (Maternity Protection) (1911)
Lebensschicksal der Arbeiter (The Fate of the Workers) (1911)
[Thanks to Daniel Gaido & Einde O’Callaghan]


11 April 2024: Added to the German Archiv Karl Renner:

Oeffentliche Wohnungsfürsorge (Public Housing Provision) (1911)
Politische Windstille (Political Calm) (1911)
Die Trilogie unserer Leiden (The Trilogy of Our Suffering) (1911)
Klarheit im Gewerkschaftsstreit! (Clarity in the Trade Union Dispute) (1911)
Die Stimme der Intellektuellen (The Voice of the Intellectuals) (1911)
Der Bankerott des Kleinbürgersozialismus (The Bankruptcy of Petty Bourgois Socialism) (1911)
Soziale Demonstrationen (Social Demonstrations) (1911)
Nach Innsbruck (After Innsbruck) (1911)
[Thanks to Daniel Gaido & Einde O’Callaghan]


11 April 2024: Added to the German Archiv Leo Trotzki:

Der russische Paragraph 14 (The Russian Paragraph 14) (1911)
[Thanks to Daniel Gaido & Einde O’Callaghan]


11 April 2024: Added to the German Archiv Friedrich Adler:

Der Wert des Parlamentarismus (The Value of Parliament) (1911)
Minderwertig im Internationalismus (Inferior in Internationalism) (1911)
[Thanks to Daniel Gaido & Einde O’Callaghan]


11 April 2024: Added to the German Archiv Max Adler:

Christentum und Sozialismus (Christianity and Suciali3m) (1911)
Dialektik oder Metaphysik (Dialectics or Metaphysics) (1911)
Die Dialektik des Werdens (The Dialectic of Becoming) (1911)
[Thanks to Daniel Gaido & Einde O’Callaghan]


11 April 2024: Added to the German Archiv Viktor Adler:

Die separatistische Krise (The Separatist Crisis) (1911)
[Thanks to Daniel Gaido & Einde O’Callaghan]


11 April 2024: Added to the German Archiv Otto Bauer:

Antiklerikale Kartelle (Anticlerical Cartels) (1911)
Geschichte (History – review) (1911)
Schlusswort zur Minoritätenfrage (Closing Remarks on the Minorities Issue) (1911)
Parteipresse und Parteiliteratur (Party Press and Party Literature) (1911)
Marx-Literatur (Marx Literature – review) (1911)
Oesterreich-Ungarn und Italien (Austria-Hungary and Italy) (1911)
Mietzinssteigerung und Mieterbewegung (Rent Increases and Tenant Movement) (1911)
Die Internationale der Nationalisten (The International pf the Nationalists) (1911)
Neutralisierung Oesterreich-Ungarns? (The Neutralisation of Austria) (1911)
Dreadnoughts-Wahlen (Dreadnought Elections) (1911)
Parteiliteratur (Party Literature – review) (1911)
Marx-Literatur (Marx Literature – review) (1911)
Zum Maitag des Wahlkampfes (On the May Day of the Election Campaign) (1911)
Wahlliteratur (Election Literature – review) (1911)
Das Ende des christlichen Sozialismus (The End Of Christian Socialism) (1911)
Zu neuen Formen (On New Forms) (1911)
Keine Blockpolitik (No Bloc Politics ) (1911)
Tschechische Kandidaten in deutschen Wahlbezirken (Czech Candidates in German Constituencies) (1911)
Parteiliteratur (Party Literature &#ndash; review) (1911)
Verwaltung (Administration – review) (1911)
Gesamtparteitag und Gewerkschaftsfrage (The General Party Congress and the Trade Union Issue) (1911)
Politik (Politics – review) (1911)
Zum Innsbrucker Parteitag (On the Innsbruck Party Congress) (1911)
Parteigeschichte (Party History – history) (1911)
Orientalische Revolutionen (Oriental Revolutions) (1911)
[Thanks to Daniel Gaido & Einde O’Callaghan]


10 April 2024: Added to the Swedish Leon Trotsky Internet Archive:

Preface to La révolution défigurée (May 1929)
On the Atlantic. (December 1936)
Bonapartism, Fascism and War (August 1940)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


10 April 2024: Added to the The Militant Archive – 1949:

SWP plenum opens offensive on anti-Marxists (1949)
The state of the union and our legislative program, by the Editors (1949)
Post-election trends and perspectives in U.S., by M. Stein (1949)
Supreme Court again shows its class bias (1949)
Capitalist propaganda runs into “sales resistance”, by M. Stein (1949)
The fight over the Taft Act (1949)
The White House’s Steel Plan – is it ‘socialistic’? (1949)
SWP case – precedent for Stalinist trial (1949)
No one need go hungry, by Paul Abbott (1949)
Imperialists in Shanghai fear workers’ uprising (1949)
Dutch Trotskyists back Indonesian freedom struggle (1949)
Negroes and the CIO, by Joseph Andrews (1949)
“Carry on as usual,” say Chinese Stalinists (1949)
World Trade Union body – a pawn in the Cold War, by N. Henri (1949)
The economic causes of U.S. war drive, by John Saunders (1949)
A new book on the life of Frederick Douglass, by George Lavan (1949)
The saga of the 10¢ fare, by Robert Chester (1949)
“Democrat” and Smith Act, by Sam Taylor (1949)
Greek govt. kills Jehovah Witness (1949)
Resistance to the use of arbitrary powers, by Ruth Johnson (1949)
Spies, spies, everywhere! by Henry Walsh (1949)
Ban all restrictions on right on strike, SWP tells Senate (1949)
Queens College case and Catholic hierarchy (1949)
UAW opposition paper answers Reuther (1949)
Teachers with “conviction”, by Ruth Johnson (1949)
A lesson in democracy, by Fred Hart (1949)
My interview with LEPL, by Philomena Goelman (1949)
Cardinal Spellman – strikebreaker (1949)
Two million lost childhoods, by Ruth Johnson (1949)
New police-state bills pushed by witch-hunters (1949)
Stalin’s crimes bared at Paris Kravchenko trial (1949)
Truth about Trenton frameup, by Bill Smith (1949)
Cardinal Spellman smashes strike of cemetery workers (1949)
Dubinsky’s radio station, by Ruth Johnson (1949)
The meanest man of the month, by Ruth Johnson (1949)
[Thanks to Einde O’Callaghan, Marty Goodman & the Riazanov Library]


10 April 2024: Added to the Labor Action Archive – 1950:

U.S. Imposed New Greek Regime, by Chris Sikokis (1949)
East German Police Can’t Quell Socialist Resistance (1950)
Ruhr Industrialists Riding Back to Power on Allied Policies, by Eugene Keller (1950)
Pro und Contra – New German Magazine for Marxist Discussion Appears, by A.G. (1950)
Israeli-Jordan Peace Prospect Bogs Down, by Al Findley (1950)
S-D and the Ruhr, from Eugene Keller (1950)
The ‘Escalator Clause’ Today: A Discussion of Labor’s Problem, by A. Winters (1950)
Will It Be a ‘National Secrecy Foundation’? by Carl Darton (1950)
Unemployed Graduates: Radical ‘Danger’, by Sam Feliks (1950)
Inside Franco’s Spain, by Michel Salmon, from London Socialist Leader (1950)
The Fight for Socialism Is the Hope for the World, by L.G. Smith (1950)
The Future Belongs to the Youth, by Max Martin (1950)
Freedom Draws No Color Line, by Larry O’Connor (1950)
New Low: Farrell Attacks Politicals in Unions, by Peter Loumos (1950)
You and Science, by Carl Darton (1950)
U.S. Diplomacy Loses a Round in Greece, by Chris Sikokis (1950)
U.S. to Finance War by France Against Viet-Namese People, by Jack Brad & H.D. Spector (1950)
Launching a Discussion Page (1950)
‘Liberal’ Prof says State Can Ban Freedom If It Is Danger to Own Power, by James Lowery (1950)
German Nationalism (1950)
The Background of Allied Policy in Germany – Cold War Crime: Dismantling (1950)
French Forced to Propose Steel-Coal Pool with Germany to Bolster War Preparations, by Sam Feliks (1950)
The First Seven Years of the Atomic Age, by Carl Darton (1950)
Who’ll Pay the A-Pact Bill? Atlantic Council Clashes over Cost, by Sam Feliks (1950)
German Dismantling: Some Cases (1950)
U. of Wisconsin Cracks Down on Anti-ROTC Demonstration, by Jim Black (1950)
India’s CP Is in the Rough, from Janata (1950)
Anti-ROTC Students Punished by U. of Wisconsin Administration, by Dave Wood (1950)
‘4th International’ Goes Whole Hog (1950)
SWP: Tito ‘Vindicates’ Trotsky, by Daniel Welsh (1950)
Cold War Crime: German Dismantling III (1950)
Supreme Court Hits Legal Jim Crow in 3 Decisions; Dodges Segregation Angle, by Jesse Kaaren & Larry O’Connor (1950)
MacArthur Teaches Iron-Fist ‘Democracy’ (1950)
Brooklyn College Scandal: ‘Liberal’ Prexy Swings Ax on Academic Freedom for Press, by Eugene Martel (1950)
Schuman Plan Asks Autocratic ‘High Command’ for Economy, by Sam Feliks (1950)
CP Registers Losses, by Daniel Welsh (1950)
The Relation Between Politico-Economic Radicalism and Certain Traits of Personality (1950)
Love and Family Relationships of American College Girls (1950)
German Dismantling: the Network of Inter-Imperialist Rivalry (1950)
BLP Blast at Europe Unity Plan Is NOT Socialist, by Sam Feliks (1950)
Midway into 1950 – Labors Score in Politics (1950)
California: Labor Props the Fair Deal, by A. Garber (1950)
New York City: Record of a Fair Dealer, by William Barton (1950)
Hidden Starvation and the Income Bracket, by Carl Darton (1950)
Television’s Peril to Culture (1950)
Semanticists and Russia, by David Welsh (1950)
The British Labor Party and European Unity, by William Barton (1950)
Israel Makes Arabs ‘Second-Class Citizens’, by Al Findley (1950)
CP Fronts: Stalinist Party Losing Out in Non-Party Sympathizers, by Daniel Welsh (1950)
A British Scientist on Science and Socialism, by Carl Darton (1950)
Positive Approach to Western European Unity Is Needed as Against BLP’s Nationalism (1950)
[Thanks to Einde O’Callaghan, Marty Goodman & the Riazanov Library]


8 April 2024: Added to the Andrzej Rudzienki Archive in the Encyclopaedia of Trotskyism On-Line (ETOL):

Events Leading Up to the General Strike Situation in Bolivia (as Juan Rey) (1950)
[Thanks to Einde O’Callaghan, Marty Goodman & the Riazanov Library]


9 April 2024: Added to the Paul N. Siegel Archive in the Encyclopaedia of Trotskyism On-Line (ETOL):

New Book on Sacco-Vanzetti (as Paul Schapiro) (book review) (1949)
Life in MacArthur’s Japan Today (as Paul Schapiro) (book review) (1949)
An Analysis of Union Leaders’ Role (as Paul Schapiro) (book review) (1949)
[Thanks to Einde O’Callaghan, Marty Goodman & the Riazanov Library]


8 April 2024: Added to the B.J. Widick Archive in the Encyclopaedia of Trotskyism On-Line (ETOL):

UAW Exposes Phony Offer on Pensions by Chrysler (as Walter Jason) (1950)
Chr ysler Local 7 Demonstrates in Mass Rally at Plant Gates (as Walter Jason) (1950)
Labor – Let’s Harness Labor’s Power! (as Walter Jason) (1950)
Labor – Let’s Harness Labor’s Power! (as Walter Jason) (1950)
UAW Gains Victory at Chrysler But Dangers Loom for Future (as Walter Jason) (1950)
Charges Against Gosser Create Scandal in UAW (as Walter Jason) (1950)
UAW’s Contract Victory at GM Marks a Turning Point (as Walter Jason) (1950)
Michigan – What’s the Line, Walter? (as Walter Jason) (1950)
Norman Thomas Girding to Reverse SP Convention Line on Elections (as Walter Jason) (1950)
[Thanks to Einde O’Callaghan, Marty Goodman & the Riazanov Library]


8 April 2024: Added to the John G. Wright (Joseph Vanzler) Archive in the Encyclopaedia of Trotskyism On-Line (ETOL):

Lenin’s Record Speaks Against His Slanderers (1949)
A Lesson in Democracy (1949)
Does ‘World Fair Deal’ Differ from ‘Old’ Imperialism (1949)
Monopolists Try to Hide Need for Wage Raises (1949)
Hard Economic Reality Makes Pollyanna Forecasts Absurd (1949)
[Thanks to Einde O’Callaghan, Marty Goodman & the Riazanov Library]


8 April 2024: Added to the Mary Bell Archive in the Encyclopaedia of Trotskyism On-Line (ETOL):

Purge Octopus Now Reaches Out for ADA and SP (1950)
Shachtman versus Browder – A Full Report of the Debate (1950)
Moscow – Arch-Enemy of Socialism (1950)
May Day Perverted into M-Day by Both War Camps (1950)
Truman Boasts Fair Deal ‘Saved’ U.S. from Socialism (1950)
U.S. Attack on BLP Tags Meaning of Pool Plan as Anti-Socialist (1950)
[Thanks to Einde O’Callaghan, Marty Goodman & the Riazanov Library]


8 April 2024: Added to the George Breitman Archive in the Encyclopaedia of Trotskyism On-Line (ETOL):

Weinstock Letters Show CP Sabotaged Fight on Smith Act (1949)
Your Stake in the Case of the Legless Veteran(1949)
New Republic on Kutcher (1949)
James Kutcher in Hospital for New Operation (1949)
Truman’s Bill No Bar to Use of Injunctions (1949)
Democrats and Republicans Combine to Save Filibuster (as Albert Parker) (1949)
Repeating Our Warning (as Albert Parker) (1949)
Social Democrats Endorse Witch-Hunt in Colleges (1949)
Potential Fellow-Draftees! (as John F. Petrone) (1949)
CP Launches Public Attack on James Kutcher (1949)
Sidney Hook – Then and Now (1949)
Senate Filibuster Debate Was a Sham Battle (as Albert Parker) (1949)
What’s to Be Done About Civil Rights? (as Albert Parker) (1949)
Pact’s Aims Are War, Dictatorships (1949)
[Thanks to Einde O’Callaghan, Marty Goodman & the Riazanov Library]


8 April 2024: Added to the Grace Carlson Archive in the Encyclopaedia of Trotskyism On-Line (ETOL):

Humphrey and Labor (1949)
Letter to a Student (1949)
National Heart Week (1949)
Humphrey and Housing (1949)
Meat in the Diet (1949)
[Thanks to Einde O’Callaghan, Marty Goodman & the Riazanov Library]


8 April 2024: Added to the George Clarke Archive in the Encyclopaedia of Trotskyism On-Line (ETOL):

Wallace Throws Another Boomerang (1949)
Weinstock Uses Lie-and-Run Technique to Dodge Debate (1949)
Marshall Plan Linked Directly to War Pact (1949)
[Thanks to Einde O’Callaghan, Marty Goodman & the Riazanov Library]


8 April 2024: Added to the Bert Cochran Archive in the Encyclopaedia of Trotskyism On-Line (ETOL):

An Answer Tracing Main Political Developments in Labor Movement (as E.R. Frank) (1949)
Stalinism and the Opposition in the UAW (1949)
The Struggle for Control of the UE (1949)
Reuther Threatens the Opposition (1949)
Knoll vs. Reuther on Political Action (1949)
[Thanks to Einde O’Callaghan, Marty Goodman & the Riazanov Library]


8 April 2024: Added to the Farrell Dobbs Archive in the Encyclopaedia of Trotskyism On-Line (ETOL):

Who Will Do Planning Under U.S. Socialism? (1949)
Further Degeneration of the Socialist Party (1949)
How Revolutionary Socialist Would Speak in Congress (1949)
Trial of C.P. Threatens All Labor’s Rights (1949)
CP Trial Shows Juries Packed by the Rich (1949)
The President’s Inaugural Speech (1949)
Wall Street Sets Up Clamor to Speed CP Trial (1949)
Judge Bars ‘Confidential’ Jury-Packing Evidence (1949)
Answer to Ben Davis’ Slander Against SWP (1949)
Smith Act Prosecution of CP Starts March 7 (1949)
Truman Administration Bears Responsibility for Filibuster (1949)
Fear of Depression Is Voiced at Trial of 11 (1949)
How Jury is Being Selected in Trial of Stalinist Leaders (1949)
Jury Selected in Trial of 11 Stalinist Leaders (1949)
New Introduction to Cannon Trial Pamphlet (1949)
CP Cites Role in War as Defense at Trial (1949)
[Thanks to Einde O’Callaghan, Marty Goodman & the Riazanov Library]


8 April 2024: Added to the James Fenwick Archive in the Encyclopaedia of Trotskyism On-Line (ETOL):

Trapped in Emptiness (book review) (1950)
[Thanks to Einde O’Callaghan, Marty Goodman & the Riazanov Library]


8 April 2024: Added to the Albert Glotzer Archive in the Encyclopaedia of Trotskyism On-Line (ETOL):

Reuther OKs Acceptance of Witchhunt Contract (as Sam Adams) (1950)
ISL Launches Fund Drive for Tenth Anniversary (as Albert Gates) (1950)
[Thanks to Einde O’Callaghan, Marty Goodman & the Riazanov Library]


8 April 2024: Added to the William Gorman (Morris Goelman) Archive in the Encyclopaedia of Trotskyism On-Line (ETOL):

Oakland City Council Knocks FEPC Ordinance Off Ballot (1949)
[Thanks to Einde O’Callaghan, Marty Goodman & the Riazanov Library]


8 April 2024: Added to the Susan Green Archive in the Encyclopaedia of Trotskyism On-Line (ETOL):

Cold-War ‘Prosperity’ – Army of Unemployed Is Near 5 Million, 3 April 1950
Who Killed the 32 on the L.I.R.R.?, 24 April 1950
Congressmen Worried about “Oligopolies” – Can’t Turn Clock Back to Small Business, 22 May 1950
[Thanks to Einde O’Callaghan, Marty Goodman & the Riazanov Library]


8 April 2024: Added to the Ben Hall (Herman Benson) Archive in the Encyclopaedia of Trotskyism On-Line (ETOL):

Capitalism – From the Old World of Capitalism (1950)
CIO Utility Workers Complain of “Socialism” – to Wrong Address (1950)
On Political Action Policy (1950)
Against Support of Candidates in Democratic Party Primaries (1950)
Labor and the Fair Deal (1950)
[Thanks to Einde O’Callaghan, Marty Goodman & the Riazanov Library]


8 April 2024: Added to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Archive:

The Moral Code of the Builder of Communism, 1961
[Thanks to Zdravko Saveski]


7 April 2024: Added to the Frank Glass (Li Fu-jen) Archive:

Survival of Kuomintang Made Possible by CP (1949)
Anna L. Strong Boosts CP Line in China (1949)
Shanghai Strike Indicates Growing Unrest in China (1949)
[Thanks to Einde O’Callaghan, Marty Goodman and Riazanov Library]


7 April 2024: Added to the Joseph Hansen Archive:

“Morality” in Indonesia War (1949)
World Events (1949)
SP Record vs. Ours on Indonesia (1949)
World Events (1949)
What American Labor Can Learn from Lenin (1949)
Death Knell Sounds for Chiang Dictatorship (1949)
Truman Urges Pact Binding America to New World War (1949)
World Events (1949)
New Stalin Plea – “I Want a Deal” (1949)
World Events (1949)
The Struggle to Win Colonial Independence (1949)
Fourth International Scores with Another Excellent Issue
[Thanks to Einde O’Callaghan, Marty Goodman and Riazanov Library]


7 April 2024: Added to the C.L.R. James Archive:

Negro History Week and the Workers (1949)
The Two Sides of Abraham Lincoln (1949)
Answer Shows What Powell and Wallace Really Stand For (1949)
[Thanks to Einde O’Callaghan, Marty Goodman and Riazanov Library]


7 April 2024: Added to the Michel Pablo Archive:

Markos on the Scrapheap (as Spero) (1949)
[Thanks to Einde O’Callaghan, Marty Goodman and Riazanov Library]


7 April 2024: Added to the Hal Draper Archive:

On Political Action Policy (1950)
What Is New in American Politics Today? (1950)
It Was a Victory, But – (1950)
[Thanks to Einde O’Callaghan, Marty Goodman and Riazanov Library]


7 April 2024: We add Selected Works in Three Volumes (1978) to the Georgi Dimitrov Archive.


7 April 2024: Added to the Swedish Lenin Archive:

Conditions for Admiting New Members to the Party, March 1922
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


7 April 2024: Added to the Harry Braverman Archive:

New Deal Democrat Carries the Ball for the Steel Trust (1949)
[Thanks to Einde O'Callaghan, Marty Goodman and Riazanov Library]


7 April 2024: Added to the James P. Cannon Archive:

Trial of the Stalinist Leaders (1949)
[Thanks to Einde O'Callaghan, Marty Goodman and Riazanov Library]


7 April 2024: Added to the Hal Draper Archive:

Culture on the Luce: Life and Science (1950)
Liberal Dilemma: ADA Weighs Its Independent Role (1950)
Truman-Dulles ‘Bipartisan’ Deal on Foreign Policy Spotlights U.S. Imperialism (1950)
Wallace’s Capitalist Credo – And Its Link with Politics (1950)
They Told the Truth about Dulles (1950)
Democracy – From This a New Man Shall Arise! (1950)
Liberal Party Leader Calls for New Party (1950)
Big 3 Decree Permanent Occupation of Germany as Garrison in Cold War (1950)
‘We May Have to Occupy More Countries,’ Says V.P.! (1950)
Which Pattern Will Be Set? (1950)
On Policy for Political Action (1950)
‘Socialism in One Country’ – Heart of the BLP Stand (1950)
GM Contract and Unemployment (1950)
[Thanks to Einde O'Callaghan, Marty Goodman and Riazanov Library]


7 April 2024: Added to the Portuguese Temática Archive:

O 25 de abril na imprensa estrangeira, 1974
Portugal na imprensa estrangeira - um ano depois, 1975
Conclusões do Seminário sobre a democratização do ensino, 1974
Escolas de resistência: a oposição estudantil à ditadura, 1999
Pensões vitalícias para fascistas, colonialistas e arrependidos políticos, 1988
Por uma candidatura operária e camponesa para as autarquias locais, 1976
Comunicado aos Estudantes Madeirenses - União dos Estudantes Comunistas
Declaração da União dos Estudantes Comunistas, 1974
Comunicado da Comissão Central da União dos Estudantes Comunistas, 1974
Sobre a política reaccionária do MEIC
Aos Estudantes Portugueses, 1976
Lembrar e Defender Abril Hoje e Sempre, 1979
Trinta anos da Revolução dos Cravos, 2004
Um povo unido dentro e fora do país - acabas de regressar a um novo país, 1974
[Thanks to Fernando Araújo]


6 April 2024: Added to the Portuguese Temática Archive:

Primeiras Cantigas do Araguaia, 1980
A arma da crítica não substitui a crítica das armas, 1970
Audiência Pública: Mortos e Desaparecidos na Guerrilha do Araguaia, 2014
Camponeses Mortos e Desaparecidos: Excluídos da Justiça de Transição, 2012
Catálogo de Livros apreendidos pelas Polícias Políticas - 1933-1983, 2012
Infância Roubada: Crianças atingidas pela ditadura militar no Brasil, 2014
[Thanks to Fernando Araújo]


5 April 2024: Added to the Portuguese History archive for the 50th anniversary of the Portuguese Carnation Revolution:

Various unpublished articles by Tony Cliff, Chris Harman, Peter Robinson, and others.
[Thanks to Peter Robinson and Graham Seaman]


5 April 2024: Added to the Brian Bunting Archive:

Advance Was Murdered by Nationalists New Age, October 28, 1954
Geneva and After 1955
Making the Africans Pay for Apartheid New Age [South Africa] August 23, 1956
Problems of the Multi-Racial Conference Liberation, November 1957
Liquor and the Colour Bar Africa South, July-September 1958
The Truth About Southwest Africa 1959
The African in Industry Africa South, October-December 1959
Windhoek Diary Africa South, April-June 1960
Basutoland 1960
Towards a Climax Africa South, July-September 1961
South West Africa and the United Nations 1961
Freedom Fight Focus is on the Protectorates 1963
Fascist South Africa [under the pseudonym Peter Mackintosh] African Communist, No. 15, October-December 1963
Verwoerd's Bantustan Fraud 1963
Nazism in South Africa 1964
Blueprint for Slavery. Bantu Laws Amendment Act 1964 [under the pseudonym Z. Nkosi] African Communist, No. 18, July-September 1964
Fascist Sympathiser – Now Minister of Justice 1964
[Thanks to Paul Saba]


4 April 2024: We start an archive for the works of Yuri A. Kharin in the Odia (Oriya)-language section, with:

ଦ୍ୱନ୍ଦ୍ୱବାଦର ମୂଳକଥା (Fundamentals of Dialectics) (1983)
[Thanks to Internet Archive]


4 April 2024: We start an archive for the works of Vassily Krapivin in the Odia (Oriya)-language section, with:

ମାର୍କ୍ସବାଦ-ଲେନିନ୍‌ବାଦ ଅଧ୍ୟୟନ ସୂତ୍ର (1984)
[Thanks to Internet Archive]


4 April 2024: We start an archive for the works of Motiejus Sumauskas in the Lithuanian-language section, with:

Kovu̜ verpetuose (1973)


4 April 2024: Added to the Joe Slovo Archive:

Preparation for the Final Onslaught. Dawn Interview with Comrade Joe Slovo, Dawn, August 1980
Speech on Occasion of the Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the SACP, 1981
The Two Pillars of Our Struggle [ANC and SACP], [under the pseudonym Sol Dubula] The African Communist, No. 87, Fourth Quarter 1981
J.B. Marks, Communist, Man of the People, Freedom Fighter, The African Communist, No. 95, Fourth Quarter 1983
We Are Victorious, 1984
'Reforms' and Revolution in South Africa, Sechaba, February 1985
Journey to Pretoria; interview by Jonathan Steele, 1986
The Longest Three Minutes in My Life. An Episode by Comrade Joe Slovo, Dawn, Vol. 10, No. 3, 1986
South Africa's New Era: Dream Come True 1990
Rally Speech, Lentegeur Stadium, Mitchells Plain, Sunday, 28 April 1990
Slovo Speaks, New Era, March 1990
Keith Coleman Interview with Joe Slovo 1990
Beyond the Stereotype – The SACP in the Past, Present and Future 1991
Socialist Aspirations and Socialist Realities, The African Communist, No. 124, First Quarter 1991
A Tribute to Yusuf Dadoo 1991
The Negotiations Victory: A political overview 1993
Shared Values: Socialism and Religion 1994
[Thanks to Paul Saba]


4 April 2024: Added to the Swedish Leon Trotsky Internet Archive:

Theses on Revolution and Counter-Revolution (November 1926)
Speech to the Seventh (enlarged) Plenum of the ECCI (December 1926)
It Is Impossible to Remain in the Same “International” with Stalin, Manuilsky, Lozovsky and Company (July 1933)


3 April 2024: Added to the Swedish Lenin Archive:

Lenin: The Party Crisis, January 1921
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


3 April 2024: Added to the Joe Slovo Archive:

How Social Change Comes About, [under the pseudonym Sol Dubula] The African Communist, No. 15, Fourth Quarter 1963
The Role of Ideas in History, [under the pseudonym Sol Dubula] The African Communist, No. 16, First Quarter 1964
South West Africa – The Hour of Decision, [under the pseudonym Sol Dubula] The African Communist, No. 21, Second Quarter 1965
A Socialist Label for Bourgeois Thinking. A critical examination of the Kenya sessional paper on 'African Socialism', [under the pseudonym Sol Dubula] The African Communist, No. 22, Third Quarter 1965
The Myth of PAC Militancy, [under the pseudonym Sol Dubula] The African Communist, No. 23, Fourth Quarter 1965
Putting the Record Straight [on the PAC], [under the pseudonym Sol Dubula] The African Communist, No. 24, First Quarter 1966
Latin America and the Ideas of Regis Debray, 1968
Prospects for Armed Struggle in South Africa, 1968
Nigeria in Turmoil, [under the pseudonym Sol Dubula] The African Communist, No. 35, Fourth Quarter 1968
Double Anniversary – African Perspective, 1971
Ten Years of Umkhonto We Sizwe, [under the pseudonym Sol Dubula] The African Communist, No. 47, Fourth Quarter 1971
'Bantustan' Politics, [under the pseudonym Sol Dubula] The African Communist, No. 48, First Quarter 1972
A Critical Appraisal of the Non-capitalist Path and the National Democratic State in Africa, 1974
The Congo on the Road to Socialism, [under the pseudonym Sol Dubula] The African Communist, No. 64, First Quarter 1976
Lessons of the Mozambican Revolution, The African Communist, No. 73, Second Quarter 1978
South Africa: The Struggle Continues, 1978, with O. Tambo and M. Biliso, Tricontinental No. 56, 1978
Unity and Disunity in White Politics, [under the pseudonym Sol Dubula] The African Communist, No. 76, First Quarter 1979
[Thanks to Paul Saba]


3 April 2024: Opened the Tatyana Mikhailovna Khabarova archive in the Portuguese-language section, with:

Carta a Suslov, 1976
Carta a Andrópov I, 1978
Carta a Andrópov II, 1979
Os «sindicatos livres» e os acontecimentos na Polónia à luz da concepção marxista das duas fases do processo revolucionário comunista, 1981
O culpado será o «stalinismo»? (Definir correctamente, sem preconceitos e artificialismos, a natureza do actual «mecanismo de travagem») Carta aberta a Mikhail Gorbatchov secretário-geral do PCUS, 1987
Porque criticamos Gorbatchov, 1988
Carta ao Comité Central do PCUS, 1988
Socialismo e capitalismo de Estado, 1990
Para trás de nós não ficou apenas o PCUS, 1994
Stáline e a democracia socialista, 1994
O papel dos estados nacionais na época contemporânea, 1996
O internacionalismo da classe operária e o transnacionalismo da burguesia, 1997
A economia socialista como sistema, 1997
Devemos aprender com os nosso inimigos?, 1997
A verdadeira causa da situação de pobreza dos trabalhadores é a ocupação de facto do país e a sua colonização, 1998
O socialismo como a mais eficaz tecnologia anticolonial do séc. XX-XXI, 1998
Terá o marxismo sido derrotado na guerra psicológica-intelectual?, 1998
A guerra em que estamos é intelectual - Entrevista ao jornal Slovo Kommunista, 1998
Formas contemporâneas da luta de classes, 2000
Breve história económica da URSS, 2000
Socialismo e mercado, 2001
Uma Constituição para construir o comunismo, 2001
A socialização da mais-valia, 2002
Mais uma vez sobre o capitalismo de Estado, 2002
O bolchevismo hoje: lições, problemas, perspectivas (a propósito do centenário do II Congresso do POSDR), 2003
I.V. Stáline, o socialismo e o Estado, 2003
A URSS está viva, se está viva, logo luta, se luta, logo vencerá, 2006
Está fria a água no Rubicão?, 2006
O marxismo e o bolchevismo na URSS pós-Stáline: torpor e ruptura, 2009
V.I. Lénine, a filosofia e o poder, 2010
O modelo económico de Stáline. O que era, como foi destruído, qual o seu papel no futuro? 2013
A entrevista não publicada ao portal Ruskaia Planeta, 2014
[Thanks to Para a História do Socialismo and Fernando Araújo]



2 April 2024: Added to the Idris Cox Archive:

Land Robbery in Kenya The African Communist, Vol. 2, No. 1, October-December 1962
They Cannot Forget Lumumba The African Communist, Vol. 2, No. 2, January-March 1963
The Only Solution [in Rhodesia]: African Majority Rule, The Spark, (Ghana) March 12, 1965
Britain and the Hungry Millions Part 1; Part 2 (1965)
Congo and Counter-Revolution (1965)
Wilson's retreat in the face of U.D.I., The Spark, (Ghana) January 28, 1966
Socialist Ideas in Africa, [book] (1966)
World Hunger and "Economic Aid" (1966)
New Crisis in Africa (1966)
New Situation in Kenya (1966)
Africa's Future – Capitalism or Socialism? (1967)
Book Review: The World that Was Ours (1968)
The National Problem in Britain (1968)
Comment on the Discussion of The National Problem in Britain (1969)
Conference of Conflict. Conflict over Rhodesia reflects growing crisis (1969)
50 Years Against Imperialism (1970)
Iraq – Oil Victory (1973)
Britain and 'Economic Aid' (1973)
Communist Strongholds in Inter-War Britain (1979)
[Thanks to Paul Saba]


1 April 2024: Added to the Idris Cox Archive:

Chamberlain and the November Elections Labour Monthly, October 1938
Empire Premiers Meet Labour Monthly, January 1955
Nkrumah and the Gold Coast Labour Monthly, February 1956
Conflicts Within the Commonwealth Labour Monthly, August 1957
New Factors in the Struggle Against Imperialism (1958)
Democracy and Africa's Liberation (1959)
Nigeria's Path to Independence (1960)
New Crisis Looms in Kenya Voice of Africa, (Ghana) October-December 1962
Monopoly Sharks in India (1963)
Britain and the Commonwealth, The Spark, (Ghana) December 6, 1963
Socialist Ideas in Africa [article] (1964)
"African Socialism" or Scientific Socialism? Voice of Africa, (Ghana) March-April 1964
Zero Hour in Southern Rhodesia The Spark, (Ghana) May 15, 1964
Imperialist Strategy in Africa Voice of Africa, (Ghana) May-June 1964
The Future for Zambia The Spark, (Ghana) June 19, 1964
What Took Place in London The Spark, (Ghana) July 24, 1964
Zambia Still Being Robbed The Spark, (Ghana) November 6, 1964
[Thanks to Paul Saba]


Archived “What’s New” Pages: