Bhagat Singh

Letter to I.G. (Prisons), Punjab Mianwali Jail

Date: June 17, 1929
HTML Markup: Salil Sen for MIA, December, 2007
Copyright: © Published on MIA with the permission of and Shahid Bhagat Singh Research Committee.

[Prelude to a prolonged struggle in jail on the demand of a better treatment.]

17 June, 1929


The Inspector-General(Jails),

Punjab Jails

Dear Sir,

Despite the fact that I will be prosecuted along with other young men arrested in Saunders shooting case, I have been shifted to Mianwali Jail from Delhi. The hearing of the case is to start from 26 June, 1929. I am totally unable to understand the logic behind this kind of shifting. Whatever it be, justice demands that every under trial should be given all those facilities which help him to prepare and contest the case. How can I appoint any lawyer while I am here ? It is difficult to keep on the contact with my father and other relatives. This place is quite isolated, the route is troublesome and it is very far from Lahore.

I request you that you order my immediate transfer to Lahore Central Jail so that I get an opportunity to prepare my case. I hope that it will be given the earliest consideration.

Yours truly

Bhagat Singh

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