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Louis B. Boudin

The Theoretical System of Karl Marx

In the Light of Recent Criticism

Written: May 1905 to October 1906 as a serial for International Socialist Review.
Published as a book: 1907.
Source: Charles H. Kerr and Co. first edition, 1907, Chicago, USA.
Transcription[1] and Markup: Bill Wright for marxists.org, September, 2022
Ebooks: Coming soon!


I. Karl Marx and his Latter-day Critics

II. The Materialistic Conception of History and Class Struggle

III. The Materialistic Conception of History and its Critics

IV. Value and Surplus Value

V. The Labor Theory of Value and its Critics

VI. The Great Contradiction in the Marxian Theory of Value

VII. Economic Contradictions and the Passing of Capitalism

VIII. The Concentration of Capital and the Disappearance of the Middle Class

IX. The Proletariat and the Revolution

X. The Social Revolution

XI. Conclusion

Appendix I

Appendix II

Transcriber's Note

1. In addition to correcting misprints and mispellings in the original text, I have also corrected many basic single-word grammatical errors without comment. These errors probably owe to Boudin's slavic native language: missing or extraneous 'a's and 'the's, confusion between 'is' and 'are', etc. More complex errors have either been left unchanged, or in important cases have been corrected and noted with a transcriber's footnote.

Last updated on 24 September 2022