Vere Gordon Childe, 1930

The Bronze Age

Source: Book, Cambridge University Press, Fetter Lane, London, 1930
Transcription and mark-up: by Steve Painter



Antiquity. Antiquity, A quarterly Review of Archaeology, Southampton

Ant. J. Antiquaries' Journal, Society of Antiquaries of London

Arch. Archaeologia, Society of Antiquaries of London

Arch. Camb. Archaeologia Cambriensis

BP. Bullettino di Paletnologia Italiana, Parma

IPEK. Jahrbuck fur prahistorische und ethnographische Kunst, Leipzig

MA Monumenti Antichi, R. Accademia dei Lincei, Rome.

Mat. Materiaux pour l’histoire primitive de l’homme, Paris (continued as L’Anthropologie)

MS AN. Memoires de la Societe des Antiquaires du Nord, Copenhagen.

PSAS. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh.

PZ. Prahistorische Zeitschrift, Berlin.

Real. Ebert's Reallexikon der Forgeschichte, Berlin, 1924-9.

WAM. Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine, Devizes.


(1) BURKITT. Our Early Ancestors. Cambridge, 1926

(2) British Museum. A Guide to the Antiquities of the Bronze Age. 1920

(3) CHILDE. The Dawn of European Civilization. London, 1924

(4) DECHELETTE. Manuel d'archeologie prehistorique, celtique et gallo-romaine. Vol. n. Paris, 1910

(5) EVANS, JOHN. Ancient Bronze Implements of Great Britain. London, 1881

(6) PETRIE, Tools and Weapons. London, 1917. For CHAPTER I especially

(7) SMITH, SIDNEY. The Early History of Assyria. London, 1927

(8) CHILDE. The Most Ancient East. London, 1928

(9) PETRIE. Prehistoric Egypt. London, 1917

(10) FRANKFORT. Studies on the Ancient Pottery of the Near East. Royal Anthropological Institute, Occasional Papers, 6 and 8. London, 1924-6

(11) WOOLLEY. “Excavations at Ur”. Ant. J. Oct. 1929

(12) EVANS, A.J. The Palace of Minos at Knossos. London, 1921 ff

(13) HALL, H.R. The Civilisation of Greece in the Bronze Age. London, 1928.

(14) BLEGEN. Korakou. New York, 1921

(15) DORPFELD. Alt-Ithaka. Munich, 1927

(16) TSOUNTAS. The Mycenean Age. A Study of the Monuments and Culture of Prehistoric Greece, 1898-99

(17) SCHMIDT, H. Schliemanns Sammlung Trojanishcher Altertumer. K. Museen zu Berlin, 1902

(18) GJERSTAD. Studies on Prehistoric Cyprus. Uppsala, 1926



(19) ANDRES. Bergbau in der Vorzeit. Leipzig, 1922. (Also article “Bergbau” in Real)


(20) GOWLAND. “Early Metallurgy in Europe”, Arch., LVI

(21) LUCAS. “Copper in Ancient Egypt”, J. Eg. Arch., xm

(22) GOTZE. “Bronzeguss”. Real

Trade routes

(23) NAVARRO. “Prehistoric Routes between Northern Europe and Italy defined by the Amber Trade”. Geographical Journal, Dec. 1925


(24) GAMS AND NORDHAGEN. Postglaziale Klimadnderung ... in Mitteleuropa. Munich, 1923.

(25) WAHLE. “DieBesiedelungSiidwestdeutschlandsinvorromischer Zeit”. xii. Eericht der romisch-germanischen Kommission. Mainz, 1921


(26) EVANS, A.J. “The Ring of Nestor”. JUS. XLV

Potter's wheel

(27) HARRISON. Pots and Pans. London, 1927

Typological series

(28) MONTELIUS. Die altere Kulturperioden. i. Stockholm


(29) MULLER, SOPHUS. In MS AN. 1914-15

(30) REINECKE. In Altertumer unserer heidnischen Forzeit. v



(31) EVANS, A.J. ““The Prehistoric Tombs of Knossos”. Arch. LIX

(32) PEAKE. The Bronze Age and the Celtic World. London, 1922

(33) PARKER-BREWIS. “The Bronze Sword in Great Britain”. Arch. LXXIII


(34) GREENWELL. “The Origin of the Bronze Spearhead”, Arch. LXI


(35) MONTELIUS. Dievorklassische Chronologie ltaliens. Stockholm, 1912


(36) BLINKENBERG. Fibules greeques et orientates. Copenhagen, 1926

(37) MYRES, J.L. Who were the Greeks? Berkeley, 1930

(38) KOSSINNA. Die deutsche Vorgeschichte, eine hervorragend nationale Wissenschaft. 1922


(39) SEGER. “Nadel”. Real

Jet ornaments

(40) CALLANDER. “Notice of a Jet Necklace”. PSAS. L

CHAPTERS IV-VI inclusive.

Special area

Central Europe

(41) CHILDE. The Danube in Prehistory. Oxford, 1929

(42) BEHRENS. Eronzezeit Suddeutschlands. Katalog c v :s romisch-germanischen Centralmuseums, Mainz, 1916

(43) KRAFT. Die Kultur der Bronzezeit in Suddeutschland. Tubingen, 1925.


(44) PEET. The Stone and Bronze Ages in Italy and Sicily. Oxford, 1912


(45) SIRET. Les premiers ages du metal dans la sud-est de l’Espagne. Brussels, 1889

(46) “L’Espagne prehistorique”. Revue des questions scientifijues, Brussels, 1893.

(47) BoscH-GiMPERA. “Pyrenaen-Halbinsel”. Real

(48) CASTILLO. La Cultura del Vaso campaniforme. Barcelona, 1927

(49) BURKITT. Prehistory. Cambridge, 1924

(50) OBERMAIER. “Die bronzezeitlichen Felsgravierungen von Nordwestspanien”. In IPEK. 1925.


(51) DU CHATELLIER. Les epoques prehistoriques et gauloises dans la Finistere. Rennes, 1907

Rhone valley

(52) KRAFT. “Die Stellung der Schweiz innerhalb der bronze-zeitlichen Kulturgruppen Mitteleuropas”. Anzeiger fur schweizerische Altertumskunde, Zurich, 1927-8.

Great Britain

(53) ABERCROMBY. Bronze Age Pottery of Great Britain and Ireland. Oxford, 1912

(54) ANDERSON, JOSEPH. Scotland in Pagan Times, ii. Edinburgh, 1886

(55) Fox. The Archaeology of the Cambridge Region. Cambridge, 1923

(56) WHEELER. Prehistoric and Roman Wales, Oxford, 1925

(57) COFFEY. The Bronze Age in Ireland, Dublin, 1913

(58) MACALISTER. Ireland in pre-Celtic Times, Dublin, 1921

(59) MONTELIUS. In Arch. LXI

(60) CALLANDER. “Scottish Bronze Age Hoards”. PSAS. LVII



(70) Fox. “On two Beakers of the Early Bronze Age”. Arch. Camb. 1926

(71) “A Bronze Age Barrow on Kilpaison Burrows”, Arch. Camb. 1926

(72) CRAWFORD. “Barrows”. Antiquity, 1

(73) CALLANDER. “Recent Archaeological Research in Scotland.” Arch. LXXVII

(74) ALLCROFT. The Circle and the Cross. London, 1927


(75) CUNNINGTON AND NEWALL, in WAM. XLIV; Arbor Low, GRAY, in Arch. LVIII; Stennis, THOMAS, in Arch, xxxiv

(76) KENDRICK. The Druids. London, 1927

(77) COFFEY. New Grange. Dublin, 1912


(78) Dartmoor Research Committee Reports in Trans. Devonshire Association, xxvi-xxvn, xxix, xxx

(79) FAIRBAIRN. “Further Discoveries ... in Hut-circles ... in Ayrshire”. PSAS. LIV

(80) CURWEN, C. “Prehistoric Agriculture in Britain”, Antiquity, i



(81) SOPHUS MULLER. Oldtidens Kunst i Danmark, Copenhagen, 1921

(82) SOPHUS MULLER. Ordning af Danemarkes Oldsager. Copenhagen, 1898

(83) MONTELIUS. Minnen fran var Forntid. Stockholm, 1917

(84) SPLIETH. Inventar der Bronzealterfunde aus Schleswig-Holstein. Kiel, 1900


(85) NAUE. Die Bronzezeit in Oberbayern. Munich, 1894

(86) SCHAEFFER. Les tertres funeraires dans la Foret de Haguenau. Haguenau, 1926


(87) MUNRO, ROBERT. Palaeolithic Man and Terramara Settlements in Europe. Edinburgh, 1912


(88) NEWALL. “Shale Cups of the Early Bronze Age”. WAM. LIV

(89) Fox. Arch. Camb. 1928, p. 145


Italy and Sardinia

(90) Articles by TARAMELLI and BOSCH-GIMPERA in Il Convegno Archeologico in Sardegna, Reggio nell’ Emilia, 1929

(91) RANDALL-MAC!VER. Villanovans and Early Etruscans. Oxford, 1924

(92) Huelva. Real.s.v

(93) Hoards. B.P. XLVII

(94) Razor. MA. ix, p. 135

(95) Nuraghi. TARAMELLI. In M.A. xix

(96) Hoards. In M.A. Xxvii

(97) Temple. In M.A. xxv

Alpine urnfields

(98) WANNER. “Prehistoric Fortifications in Bavaria”. Antiquity, n, 5

(99) STAMPFUSS. “Beitrage zur Nordgruppe der Urnenfelder-kultur.” Mannus Erganzungsband v, Leipzig

(100) ISCHER. Die Pfahlbauten des Bielersees. Biel, 1928

(101) CHANTRE. Etudes paleoethnologiques dans le bassin du Rhone, Age du bronze. Lyons, 1875

(102) Pouges les-Eaux. Mat. 1879, p. 386

Scandinavia and North Germany

(103) NORDEN. “Neue Ergebnisse der schwedischen Felsbildfor-schung”, IPEK. 1927

(104) SCHMIDT, H. “Die Luren von Daberkow”. PZ. vn

South Russia

(105) TALLGREN. La Pontide prescythique (Eurasia Septentrionalis Antiqua, II). Helsingfors, 1926.


(106) MERHARDT, VON. Die Bronzezeit am Jenessei. Vienna, 1926. Great Britain

(107) CRAWFORD. “A Bronze Age Invasion.” Ant. J. i

(108) CRAWFORD AND KEILLER. Wessex from the Air. Oxford, 1927

(109) PITT-RIVERS. Excavations at Cranboume Chase. Vol. iii

(110) CLAY, R.C.C. “The Woodminton Group of Barrows”. WAM, XLIII

(111) CUNNINGTON. All Cannings Cross. Devizes, 1923

(112) Fox. “An Encrusted Urn of the Bronze Age from Wales”. Ant. J. vn

(113) WOLSELEY. “Prehistoric ... settlements on Park Brow”. Arc LXXVI.