Antonio Gramsci 1936

Letter from Prison to his Son, Giuliano

Source: Lettere del Carcere, Einaudi, Turin, 1965;
Translated: by Mitchell Abidor;
CopyLeft: Creative Commons (Attribute & ShareAlike) 2013.

Translator’s note: Giuliano Gramsci, Antonio and Julia’s son, was born in Moscow on August 30, 1926, two months before Gramsci’s arrest. Gramsci never met his child, but he wrote to him often. This letter is typical of them.

Giuliano is top-right

November 24, 1936

Dear Julik:

I was happy to see from your letter that you write better. You already have the handwriting of a big boy. Why did you like the film “The Sons of Captain Grant?” You should write me a little more and a little longer and describe your life to me, what you think about, what books you like, etc. I'm happy you like the watch, but don’t be afraid to wear it, even outside. If it’s well attached to your wrist you can’t lose it, unless when you're outside you abandon yourself to violent exercises, like boxing or other things like that. What games do you prefer?

Dear Julike, I embrace you.