A. Lozowsky

Letter of CI and R.I.L.U.

To the Bureau of the International Trade Union Federation
and to the Executive Committee of the Second international

(15 January 1923)

From International Press Correspondence, Vol. 3 No. 13, 6 February 1923, p. 105.
Transcribed & marked up by Einde O’Callaghan for the Marxists’ Internet Archive.
Public Domain: Marxists Internet Archive (2021). You may freely copy, distribute, display and perform this work; as well as make derivative and commercial works. Please credit “Marxists Internet Archive” as your source.

Moscow, Jan. 15, 1923

Dear Colleagues,

You are informed of the present tragic situation of the Italian proletariat Fascism is destroying the labor organizations with fire and sword, is killing hundreds of the proletariat of Italy. The Italian working class is being defeated in the struggle against the black reaction let loose against if. If the international proletariat, no matter to what political tendency it belongs, does not spring forward into action, and take energetic defensive measures against the Fascist robbers, the Italian proletariat will be bled to death. The Communist International, and the Red International of Labor Unions, propose to join with your representatives for the purpose of jointly considering as to the best practical measures to be adopted in the conflict against Fascism, and for working out a number of practical measures adapted for aiding our Italian brothers in their struggle against reaction. We for our part beg you to constitute jointly an international committee of action which will call upon the labor organizations of the whole world, and of every tendency, to fight against Fascism. If the workers of all countries do not break the power of Fascist reaction in Italy, they themselves will fall victims to the Fascism which already hangs over their heads in their own countries. We are prepared beforehand to accept all your proposals which are adapted for the fight against Fascism, and to aid the Italian proletariat in its struggle for emancipation from black reaction.

Hoping to hear in your prompt reply that you are prepared to take up joint action against the Fascist bandits, we beg you to accept the assurance of cur sincere international sentiments.


The Presidium of the Communist International
The Bureau of the Red International of Labor Unions
(signed) A. Lozovsky

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