Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

Communists and the Present Crisis

October League Chairman Calls for Anti-Nixon Drive

Excerpts from THE CURRENT CRISIS AND TASKS OF OUR MOVEMENT, speech by Michael Klonsky, November 24, 1973

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We have got to pay attention to the democratic aspirations that the people have. Now, bourgeois democracy has never meant anything but misery, has never meant anything but oppression, terror and lynching, the degradation of women, the starvation of children. It is clear that only under socialism does democracy become democracy for the majority of the people.

But today a fascist offensive is taking place. Nixon is attempting to unleash open terror. We must realize that this is because the imperialists are getting weaker. They cannot rule in the old way any more. The people don’t believe the illusions anymore! Thus, we have got to pay attention to these democratic aspirations of the people!

In order for Nixon to unleash open terror he has got to consolidate power within the ranks of the mo monopolists. But the monopolists are not ready to do that, at least a significant section of them. Even some of the same sections that put Nixon into power are now calling for his impeachment.

Now, impeaching Nixon is not going to change this system. And I think most people know that. Most people you talk to in the street ....I tell you impeaching Nixon won’t make a big change or do much to improve the conditions of the people. But the people still want Nixon dumped! They’ll tell you “We know Gerald Ford is no different than Nixon.” That’s obvious. They know McGovern wasn’t much different. They’re all representatives of the capitalists. They’ll tell you in different ways. They say, “All these politicians are the same.” “They’re all crooked.” But they still want Nixon dumped! I heard someone say the other day, “We know Nixon is the agent of the capitalist class. But they’ll just have to send us another one, cause this one won’t do!”


And I don’t think we can isolate ourselves from this sentiment. It is this sentiment that has caused alot of the trade unions to call for Nixon’s downfall. This is especially true in the most progressive unions such as the United Mineworkers, and the United Farm Workers. It is this sentiment that has caused the major civil rights organizations in this country to call for impeachment. This reflects mass discontent. People cannot live this way anymore.

Within this move for impeachment there are many lines being put forth. George Meany thinks Nixon is crazy and therefore supports impeachment. Two years ago, though, when Nixon was attacking the working and poor people relentlessly, Mr. Meany saw fit to support him. And the Communist Party with the slogan of “Impeach Nixon, Let’s Revote,” is trying to foster illusions among the people about the nature of this capitalist system. Like Meany, they pin their hopes on the election of a better candidate.

Well, we say “Dump Nixon, Stop the Fascist Tide.” We’re not spreading any illusions about this system. We’re expressing the concentrated opinions and feelings of the masses of people. We have to muster the forces to see impeachment through. Already Nixon has gone on tours in order to prettify himself and regain some lost stature. And already the bourgeois forces talking impeachment are beginning to vacillate. The only way a real blow can be struck at this fascist offensive is for the masses of people to be mobilized, to move the trade unions, to move the rank and file organizations, the mass democratic organizations, and demand that Nixon be dumped! In the process the people will surely build up their own fighting capacity. And if we do our job the people will learn revolutionary lessons. That is, if we aren’t standing on the sidelines. If we’re out there among the masses of people!