Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

Marxist-Leninists Unite!

NEGRO RESOLUTION: Free the Negro Nation

For the Anglo-American working class, the Negro National Colonial question is of critical importance and is directly linked to the question of the proletarian revolution and the overthrow of USNA imperialism.

One of the key questions discussed at the workshop on the Negro National Colonial Question was; Do the Negro people suffer national oppression as well as class oppression or exclusively class oppression? The conference decided that the Negro people suffer national as well as class oppression. For the Anglo-American working class, this means that the question of overthrowing USNA imperialism must be linked to concretely demanding Independence of the Negro Nation, which is the key colony of USNA imperialism today.

As Joseph Stalin, the leading Marxist-Leninist theoretician on the National Colonial question points out in “Marxism and the National Colonial Question”:

1. ”That the national and colonial question are inseparable from the question of emancipation from the power of capital;
2. That imperialism (the highest form of capitalism) cannot exist without the political and economic enslavement of non-sovereign nations and colonies;
3. That the non-sovereign nations and colonies cannot be emancipated without the overthrow of the power of capital;
4. That the victory of the proletariat cannot be a lasting one unless the non-sovereign nations and colonies are emancipated from the yoke of Imperialism.

Historically the revolutionary movement in the USNA, although militant and progressive in many ways has lapsed into opportunism on the Negro question under the influence of the CPUSA, center of revisionism in this country.

The main opportunist deviation on the national colonial question in the USNA today is national chauvinism expressed as white chauvinism which is the primary deviation justifying USNA imperialism and their right to continue to enslave the colonial peoples, and thus prevent the unity of the working class which is a necessary condition for proletarian revolution.

As Marxist-Leninists, we must militantly fight and oppose both white chauvinism and reactionary cultural nationalism with proletarian internationalism. This means that a key for the overall strategy of the Anglo-American working class to overthrow U.S. imperialism, is the revolutionary demand around the Negro National Colonial Question of Independence for the Negro Nation.

Historically, the downfall of the whole Communist movement and almost every revolutionary organization in the USNA today has come about in part through their failure to scientifically understand the national colonial question in general arid the Negro National Colonial question in particular as an integral part of the class question.