Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

Forum for Marxist-Leninist Struggle

The National Liberation Movement Today as Seen by Dutt, Krushchev and Others


This pamphlet is published under the auspices of FORUM. It is the first of a number of supplements whose length makes it impossible to include them, even serially, in the journal itself.

As with all articles appearing in FORUM, the views of this supplement are the responsibility of the authors, who have also arranged for printing. The journal is extending its service by means of such supplements to cover longer and more theoretical contributions.

The conditions of publication are the same as for the journal and are determined by the objects for which FORUM was established. These objects may be summarised as follows:
to open a forum for the views and experiences of all Marxists inside and outside the Communist Party of Great Britain;
to oppose revisionism in Britain as part of the international struggle for correct Marxist-Leninist policies and action;
to discharge this responsibility not by dictating a “line” but by providing a point of contact for all revolutionary forces;
to exclude contributions from disruptors trying to take advantage of divisions in the world communist movement;
to preserve anonymity in order to protect those still in the Party from victimisation and to avoid any suggestion of personal advertisement.

Anyone wishing to make use of this extra service should get in touch with:
41 AthoIl Mansions, South Lambeth Road,
London, S. W.8