The first issue of Revolutionary Age, dated Nov. 1, 1929, announced that an "enlarged session of the National Committee" of the Communist Party (Majority Group) had recently med and elected a "National Council" to lead the organization.


Communist Party (Majority Group)

National Council (49)

A. Bail, Lazar Becker, J.O. Bentall, D. Benjamin, W. Bixby, S. Cohen, Ellen Dawson, I. Gallant, P. Gallo, Benjamin Gitlow, Kate Gitlow, D. Grey, Marion Grey, A. Gross, M. Hankin, Will Herberg, B. Herman, M. Intrator, B. Kalfides, A. Kobel, M. Kormazior, Grace Lamb, Jay Lovestone, Minnie Lurye, l. Marks, B. Miller, W. Miller, Sabi Nahama, M. Nemser, Charles Novak, S. Pires, Elsi Pultur, J. Reed, B. Ralph, P. Rubinstein, J. Shaffer, Miriam Silvis, J. Sorenson, Mary Smith, P. Siro, F. Vrateric, M. Wagshull, Edward Welsh, W.J. White, Bertram Wolfe, M. Yablon, Clara Yampolsky, Herbert Zam, Charles Zimmerman.

Editorial Board

Editor: Ben Gitlow

Associate Editor: Bertram D. Wolfe

Editorial Board: J.O. Bentall, C.W. Bixby, Ellen Dawson, Ben Gitlow, Will Herberg, Jay Lovestone, Bert Miller, William Miller, R. Pires, Jack Rubinstein, Frank Vrataric, Edward Welsh, W.J. White, Bertram D. Wolfe, Herbert Zam, Charles S. Zimmerman.

Independent Communist Labor League


Executive Committee (11)


National Council (53)



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