Marxists Internet Archive: Georgi Dimitrov


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Administrator’s Note:

A number of the documents in this archive are subsequent editions of Dimitrov’s works that were edited heavily for republication during the decades following his death. The revisions and omissions are significant and – generally speaking – are indicative of political developments stemming from the changes in the world communist movement following the Twentieth Congress of the CPSU. We have marked these problematic documents with asterisks so that readers are aware that they are not the original versions of Dimitrov’s writings and speeches. We hope to procure the unedited editions of these works in the future and place them online so that readers may fully understand and appreciate Dimitrov's original words and sentiments.  – Mike B., 2014


1906: After May Day*
1907: The Need of Trade Unions in Bulgaria and Their Organization*
1910: Bulgaria’s Economic Development*
1911: The Budapest Resolution*
1914: Towards Unity*
1914: Against Military Credits*
1915: The Significance of the Second Balkan Conference*
1917: The Small Nations*
1918: The Right Road*
1918: No Pardon, but Amnesty*
1919: Lenin to the Workers in Europe and America*
1920: The Tasks of the Trade Unions*
1920: Third Anniversary of the Russian Revolution*
1923: The Revolutionary Trade Union Movement in the Balkans
1923: The Trade Union Movement in Bulgaria
1923: The United Workers’ Front*
1924: Five Years: The Bulgarian Communist Party and the Communist International
1924: The European War and the Labour Movement in the Balkans
1933: Dimitrov vs. Göbbels*
1935: Report to the VII Congress: The Fascist Offensive and the Tasks of the Communist International*
1935: Unity of the Working Class against Fascism*
1935: Youth Against Facism
1936: Speech on the Chinese Question
1936: The People’s Front
1937: Fascism is War*
1937: Speech on the Chinese Question
1937: Notes on the Chinese Question
1946: Policy Declaration of the New Fatherland Front Government*
1948: People of Bulgaria in the Struggle for Democracy and Socialism
1948: The October Socialist Revolution Opened for Mankind the Road to Real Democracy and Socialism
1948: Concluding Speech before the 5th Congress of the BCP*

1978: Selected Works in Three Volumes. Published by Sofia Press (Bulgaria)

Volume 1 (1906-1934)
Volume 2 (1935-1946)
Volume 3 (1946-1948)



Supplemental Reading:

1949: Obituary, signed by Andreyev, Beria, Bulganin, Voroshilov, Kaganovitch, Kosygin, Malenkov, Mikoyan, Molotov, Ponomarenko, Popov, Pospelov, Stalin, Suslov, Khrushchev, Shvernik, Shkiryatov.



Last updated on 7 April 2024