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[photo here] [photo here]

The M/E Internet Archive is continually expanding, as one work after another is brought online. While quite comprehensive as is, it's not complete. You can get a listing of works by visiting the Marx/Engels Library itself. Or, if you prefer, see what's changed/added by reading the What's New? page. You can also try Marx/Engels SEARCH!

Pictures/photos now adorn the site, with many more to come -- at least one for each "major player" in the Marx & Engels story. (And what an eventful life story that is...) The Marx/Engels Photo Gallery is open.

There's no way to monetarily profit from this project. 'Tis a labor of love undertaken in the purest communitarian sense. The real "profit" will hopefully manifest in the form of individual enlightenment through easy access to these classic works. Besides, transcribing them is an education in itself... Let me also add that this is not a sectarian/One-Great-Truth effort. Help from any individual or any group is welcome. We have but one slogan: "Piping Marx & Engels into cyberspace!"

The Marx/Engels Internet Archive serves several functions:

There are many people who have volunteered to help in ascii-transription of some Marx/Engels text. Most such volunteers are but most casually involved -- so please do not think major time commitments are a requirement to help. One chapter of one book goes a long way. If you wish to aid in this project, please contact me at CyberMarx to prevent duplication of effort.

People occassionally offer donations or equipment. The offers are appreciated, but outside our intent. We don't want your money. The only thing, other than your time in helping transcribe, that we could ask of you would be editions of hard-to-find books. All books and printed material is greatly appreciated. (As these would be "consumed" in the production process, you would not get them back.)

I would like to extend my warmest thanks to Akama Michio, Mike Ballard, Richard Bos, Tom Condit, Greg Earhart, Hans Ehrbar, Jim Esch, Mike Griffin, Gary Holloway, Carl Kavanagh, Rick Kuhn, Mike Lepore, Hinrich Kuhls, Lee Joon Koo, Marc Luzietti, Rick Mangi, Per Mathisen, Jay Miles, Bill Mitchell, Jon Muller, Harold Newson, Michael Perelman, J. J. Plant, Louis Proyect, Geoffrey Sauer, Bert Schultz, Allan Thurrott, David Walters and David Webb -- and especially Martha Gimenez and Don Roper for providing the opportunity to be piping Marx into cyberspace. Thank you, also, to all those people from around Planet Earth who have sent letters of support. (And you have written from everywhere: Korea to New Zealand to Argentina to Mexico to South Africa to India to Russia and from every single country in Europe.) Your encouragements are sincerely appreciated.

At any rate, I hope you find the Marx/Engels Internet Archive enjoyable and of lasting value.

Ken Campbell
Marx/Engels Internet Archivist

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