Nahuel Moreno 1980

The Transitional Program Now

Edición electrónica: Secretariado Centroamericano, Centro Internacional del Trotskismo Ortodoxo. Julio, 2001. Tomado de Ediciones Antídoto, Buenos Aires, 1990.

Introduction by the Editors

Nahuel Moreno wrote the Theses we presents today with the purpose that they served as a base to elaborate the program of the Fourth International- International Committee (CI-CI), organization arisen in 1980 as a coalition of the Bolshevik Fraction (BFC) headed by Nahuel Moreno with the Committee of Reconstruction of the Fourth International (CORCI) headed by Pierre Lambert.

This first writing was never corrected neither reprocessed, since these theses became a common text arisen of the discussion with the lambertism. That text was denominated Project of Thesis for the Reorganization (reconstruction) of the Fourth International (Correspondence International-the Truth, Bogotá, January of 1981).

It was in the Theses that we publishes today, that Moreno exposed by the first time in a complete and systematic form, the changes that he believed should be introduced in the two pillars of the trotskist conception: the Theory of the Permanent Revolution and The Program of Transition.

The last years of Moreno's life, who died in 1987, were also his richest and revolutionary theoretical production and politics. By that reason several categories and definitions of these Theses were refined and enriched -and some modified in certain measure- in later texts.

Table of Contents

Actuality of the Transition Program

Thesis I History has confirmed the foundation bases of the Fourth International

Thesis II A century of struggle of the world proletariat: great victories and conquests; leadership crisis and the decadence of mankind

Thesis III The reformist epoch, the organisation of the great socialists parties and the crisis of the Second International

Thesis IV The exceptional character of the October Revolution and of the Third International

Thesis V Twenty years of defeats caused by Stalinism

Thesis VI The foundation of the IV International

Thesis VII Thirty years of great revolutionary victories

Thesis VIII Are we at the onset of the stage of Trotskyism?

Thesis IX Some facts that haven't been foreseen, and a false analogy

Thesis X Revisionism tends to destroy the International

Thesis XI The Round-Table Committee reorganises the forces that withstood revisionism

Thesis XII Strengthening and crisis of the counterrevolutionary apparatuses

Thesis XIII Stalinism and Castroism are counterrevolutionary agents, by their policy and by the class sector they reflect

Thesis XIV The productive forces decay while the destructive forces go on developing under the economic boom

Thesis XV A stage of February revolutions, and no October revolution

Thesis XVI The guerilla warfare

Thesis XVII The opportunism of the guerrilla leaderships

Thesis XVIII The workers' and peasants' government

Thesis XIX The genesis of the new bureaucratised workers' states

Thesis XX The bureaucratised workers' states: the case of Cuba

Thesis XXI The revolutionary and the bureaucratic dictatorships of the proletariat

Thesis XXII Wars and occupations among workers' states

Thesis XXIII The political revolution

Thesis XXIV The federation of workers' states

Thesis XXV The imminence of the revolution. What's a revolutionary situation?

Thesis XXVI The February revolutions, duality of power and the development of workers' and popular power

Thesis XXVII The fundamental importance of the democratic slogans and tasks. The Constitutional Assembly

Thesis XXVIII The right to national self-determination and our struggle for the destruction of the national states

Thesis XXIX The anti-imperialist, democratic, feminist and other fronts

Thesis XXX Germany, the centre of the European revolution

Thesis XXXI It's time to build mass Trotskyist parties, taking profit of the opportunities

Thesis XXXII The revolutionary processes, the mass organisations and the building of Trotskyist parties

Thesis XXXIII The workers' parties and Trotskyism

Thesis XXXIV Entrism and the unity with centrist mass tendencies

Thesis XXXV Propaganda, agitation and action. The role of the slogans

Thesis XXXVI Principles, strategy and tactics

Thesis XXXVII The unique workers' front

Thesis XXXVIII The character of our Party and of our International

Thesis XXXIX Actuality of the theory of the permanent revolution and the law of unequal and combined development

Thesis XL Holocaust or Trotskyism. A coercive necessity: the conquest of the cosmos

Thesis XLI It's time for the reconstruction of the Fourth International