Peng Dehuai (彭德怀) Archive


Peng Dehuai (P'eng Te-Huai,  彭德怀; October 24, 1898 – November 29, 1974) was a prominent CCP military leader since 1928. He successfully defended the Jiangxi Soviet, participated in the Long March, and commanded Chinese troops in the Korean War. He served as China's Defense Minister from 1954 to 1959. He clashed with Mao over Mao’s personality cult and economic policies associated with the Great Leap Forward, which led to Peng being labeled as a leader of an "anti-Party clique” and tortured during the Cultural Revolution. He was posthumously rehabilitated in 1978.




1984: Memoirs of a Chinese Marshal - The Autobiographical Notes of Peng Te-huai (1898-1974)



