中文马克思主义文库 -> 参考图书·左翼文化 -> 〔美〕安德鲁·克莱曼《大失败:资本主义生产大衰退的根本原因》(2012)


  我感谢佩斯大学(Pace University)经济系的同事对我研究的大力支持。我还感谢该校戴森(Dyson)艺术与科学学院,它给我提供了足够的时间以从事关于盈利能力趋势的研究;它给我提供了研究经费,使我能够购买一个超大型的计算机显示屏。这个显示屏使数据分析工作变得较为简单和更有效率。

  · The Commune,which published“The Economic Crisis:An interview with Andrew Kliman”as pamphlet no.4,November 2008.
  · The Institute for Social Sciences of Gyeongsang National University,which published“Masters of Words:A reply to Michel Husson on the character of the latest economic crisis,”in Marxism 21,vol.7,no.2,Summer 2010.
  · International Socialism,which published“A Crisis for the Centre of the System,”in issue no.120,October 2008,and“Pinning the Blame on the System,”a review of Chris Harman's Zombie Capitalism,in issue no.124,September 2009.
  · Lexington Books,which published Reclaiming Marx's“Capital”:A refutation of the myth of inconsistency in 2007.
  · Marxist-Humanist Initiative,which published“The Persistent Fall in Profitability Underlying the Current Crisis:New temporalist evidence”in March 2010 and,in With Sober Senses,its online publication:“On the Roots of the Current Economic Crisis and Some Proposed Solutions,”April 17,2009;“How(Not)to Respond to the Economic Crisis,”May 5,2009;“Cherry Picking Peaks and Troughs,”May 13,2009;“Appearance and Essence:Neoliberalism,financialization,and the underlying crisis of capitalist production,”May 17,2010,and“Lies,Damned Lies,and Underconsumptionist Statistics,”September 16,2010.
  · Megafoni,an online journal,which published Joel Kaitila Lauri Lahikainen,and Jukka Peltokoski's interview,“‘Kukaan ei tiedä,onko kriisi ohi’—Andrew Klimanin haastattelu,”on November 23,2009.
  · Palgrave Macmillan,which published“Production and Economic Crisis:A temporal perspective,”in Richard Westra and Alan Zuege(eds),Value and the World Economy Today in 2003.
  · Razón y Revolución,which published Juan Kornblihtt's interview,“Entrevista al Economista Estadounidense Andrew Kliman,”in El Aromo no.50,July 2009.
  · Taylor & Francis,which published“‘The Destruction of Capital’and the Current Economic Crisis,”in Socialism & Democracy,vol.23,no.2,July 2009.
  · The Workers' Liberty website,which published Martin Thomas' interview,“Andrew Kliman—The level of debt is astronomical,”on January 12,2009.



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