中文马克思主义文库 -> 参考图书·阶级斗争文献 -> 托派刊物《动向》(1939) -> 第一期









  Today is an age replete with scientific wonders, with new pro cesses, with new ideas both theoretical and practical. Day by day, history unfolds at a breath-taking pace. The menace of war hangs over the entire world and a new, world-wide conflict draws inexorably nearer, threatening to wipe away all progress.

  Into this vibrant era we launch "The Living Age." It is the aim of the publisher to give to readers not just another magazine. Rather is it the aim to give them a new kind of magazine: a magazine which fearlessly probes the contemporary era in all its phases. It is our aim to present authoritative and stimulating articles on contemporary international politics, art, literature, science, and history. The rich, historical past will not be for-gotten, the present will be chronicled, and what lies ahead-though we are no prophets-will be charted with the aid of our knowledge of the past and present. The contents of the magazine will be presented by competent Chinese writers, and, when pertinent, translations from foreign languages will be published.

  The Alexander Publishing and Printing Company is a new name on the Chinese literary horizon. In its few months of existence, several books have been published bearing the Company's imprint. The publisher hopes that "The Living Age" will live up to the motto of the Company: “Reading Material with a Purpose."

Alexander H. Buchman
Alexander Publishing and Printing Compan

[1] 本杂志英文名为Living Age,意为“活的时代”;今依华文名译为“动向”。——译者

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