This is how the works.css and border.css stlesheets set the format in your HTML files. If you link works-color.css in the header of your HTML file, the browser reads the works.css from top to bottom to interpret the various classes of element. It gets the basic p format first, and then varies it according to each class. So each class 'inherits' much of its format from the basic p format. It then reads works-color.css and amends the various class of element as it reads. So you have to read works.css to see all the various formats available. But at a glance, you can see how works-color.css changes this basic style. The set of stylesheets based on border.css work the same way. the border-colour styles are used for indexes, and the works-colour styles for the texts as such. There are a number of other stylesheets which are not part of sets like these. Andy Blunden, 2018.