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Society for Constitutional Information. [ 14th March 1792.]

This Society, composed chiefly of the Manufacturers of Sheffield, began about Four Months ago, and is already increased to nearly TWO THOUSAND MEMBERS, and is daily increasing, exclusive of the adjacent Towns and Villages, who are forming themfelves into similar Societies.

Considering, as we do, that the Want of Knowledge and Information in the general Mass of the People has exposed them to numberless Impositions and Abuses, the Exertions of this Society are directed to the Acquirement of useful Knowledge, and to spread the same as far as our Endeavours and Abilities can extend,

We declare that we have derived more true Knowledge from the Two Works of Mr. Thomas Paine, intituled “Rights of Man,” Part the First and Second, than from any other Author or Subject. The Practice as well as the Principle of Government is laid down in those Works, in a Manner so clear, and irresistibly convincing that this Society do hereby resolve to give their Thanks to Mr. Paine for his Two said Publications, intituled “Rights of Man,” Part 1st and 2d. Also,

Resolved unanimously, That the Thanks of this Society be given to Mr. Paine, for the affectionate Concern he has shown in his Second Work in Behalf of the Poor, the Infant, and the Aged; who, notwithstanding the Opulence which blesses other Parts of the Community, are, by the grievous Weight of Taxes, rendered the miserable Victims of Poverty and Wretchedness.

Resolved unanimously, That this Society, disdaining to be considered either of a Ministerial or Opposition Party (Names ot which we are tired, having been so often deceived by both) do ardently recommend it to all their Fellow Citizens, into whose Hands these Resolutions may come, to confer seriously and calmly with each other on the Subject alluded to, and to manifest to the World that the Spirit of true Liberty is a Spirit of Order and that to obtain Justice it is consistent that we be just ourselves.


Resolved, unanimously, That these Resolutions be printed, and that a Copy thereof be transmitted to the Society for Constitutional Information in London; requesting their Approbation for Twelve of our Friends to be entered into their Society, for the Purpose of establishing a Connection and a regular Communication with that, and all other similar societies in the Kingdom.

By Order of the Committee.

(Signed) — Chairman.