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‘Imp‘ort‘ant Tri‘al



F’or a P’ol‘it’ik’al P’amfl’et ’entitld

“Dhě Rěstorr ǒv Sosiěte tw ǐts nǎteǔrǎl Stat,”

’On Ma 27th, 1801,




L’ORD K’ENE’UN ǎnd a Spěshǎl Jwre.

“A fǒrbǐdn Ritǐng ǐz thǒǒt tw be a sěrtn Spǎrk ǒv Trwth dhǎt fliz ǔp ǐn dhě Fas ǒv dhěm hw sek tw trěd ǐt ǒwt.”   Mǐltǔn

* * ’Az nerle dhě hol ǒv dhǐs ǒfěnsǐv Bwk wǐdh sutǎbl Rěmǎrks wǒz rěd tw dhě Jwre dhě hol ǒv ǐt dharfǒr ǐz reprǐntěd herǐn, ǎz a Wǎrnǐng tw pwr Old ‘Inglǎnd. “’And ǒǒl dhě Pepl shǎl her ǎnd fer ǎnd dw no mor prězǔmptuǔsle.”

And the Vision of all is become unto you as the Words of a Book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot, for it is sealed: And the Book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned.

(But) in that Day, shall the Deaf hear the Words of the Book, and the Eyes of the Blind shall see out of Obscurity, and out of Darkness.   Isaiah 29.


Printed by A. Seale, Tottenham Court Road, for T.Spence


’Ekspereěnshǎ dosět.


Sǒwnděd ǒr namd.’Egzǎmplz.[Modern IPA]
AaaBa na ma la sa[eɪ]
’AǎǎBăd nǎg mǎd lǎd sǎd[æ]
Bbǐb ǒr bǐBa be bi bo bu[b]
Ddǐd ǒr dǐDa de di do du[d]
EeeDe le se ke me[i]
’EěěDěn lěg sěl kěn měn[e]
Ffǐf ǒr fǐFa fe fi fo fu[f]
Ggǐg ǒr gǐGa ge gi go gu[g]
HhHa he hi ho hu[h]
’IǐîHǐp nǐp rǐp sǐp lǐp[ɪ]
Kkǐk ǒr kǐKa ke ki ko ku[k]
Llǐl ǒr lǐLa le li lo lu[l]
Mmǐm ǒr mǐMa me mi mo mu[m]
Nnǐn ǒr nǐNa ne ni no nu[n]
OooNo ro so go ho[oʊ]
’OǒǒNǒt rǒt sǒt gǒt hǒt[ɒ]
Ppǐp ǒr pǐPa pe pi po pu[p]
Rrǐr ǒr rǐRa re ri ro ru[r]
Ssǐs ǒr sǐSa se si so su[s]
Ttǐt ǒr tǐTa te ti to tu[t]
’UǔǔTǔn rǔn sǔn fǔn gǔn[ʌ]
Vvǐv ǒr vǐVa ve vi vo vu[v]
WwwDw tw hw we wa[uː]
Shshǐsh ǒr shǐSha she shi sho shu[ʃ]
Zhzhǐzh ǒr zhǐZha zhe zhi zho zhu[ʒ]
Ththǐth ǒr thǐThǐk thǐn thǎnk thrǒng[θ]
Dhdhǐdh ǒr dhǐDho dhěn dhǐs dha[ð]
IiǎeKind mind bi dhi[aɪ]
Jjǐdzh ǒr dzhǐJǒn jǔg jǐg jw jǒe[dʒ]
UuewDu fu pu su vu[iu:]

NB. Dhě Jǔnkshǔnz ǒv Sh, zh, th, ǎnd dh ar pǔt ǐn dhě ’Alfĭbět bekǒǒz dha ar běst lěrnd ǎz sǐngl Kǎrǎktrz.

[ 4 ] Dho I, J, ǎnd U ar nǒt Lětrz ǎnd ma be dǔn wǐdhǒwt, eět fǒr dhě Sak ǒv Brěvǐte dha ar ǎněkst tw dhě ’Alfǐbět ǎz beǐng kǒnveneěnt ǎnd usfǔl Kǒntrǎkshǔnz.

Dhǔs ǐz lad dhě Fǒwndashǔn fǒr dhě most sěrtn ǎnd ǎkurat ’Orthǒgrǎfe. ’And ǐt ǐz no Wǔndr dhě Spěnsoneǎnz (ǒv Fare Lǎnd) ar so siěntǐfǐk a Pepl ǐn ěvre Thǐng, beǐng uzd, ǎz dha ar, tw sǔtsh Kǒnsǐstěnse ǎnd Hǎrmǔne frǒm dhar Tshild-hwd.Spělǐng ǐz dhar Spǒrt ǎz swn ǎzdha kǎn spek ǎnd a něvr klǒeǐng Dělit ǎz lǒng âz dha lǐv. Skwlz ar ǔnněsǐsǎre fǒr dhê tetshǐng ǒv Redǐng sǔtsh Lǔksǔre ǎtěndz dhě ’Instrǔkshǔn ǒv Tshǐldrn ǎnd Fǒrǐnrz.

Dhě Děrǐvashǔnz ǒv Wǔrdz dha lev tw Dǐkshǔnǎrez hwǐtsh dha thǐnk kǎn dhar be takn Kar ǒv bětr dhǎn bi ǎne ’Inkǔmbrǎns ǒv dhar ’Otthǒgrage. Dha něvr gǐv ûp Kǒnsǐstěnse fǒr dhě Sak ǒv plezǐng dhě I; dha no dhǎt ǐt swn fǎmǐleǎrizěz ǐtsêlf tw lwk wǐdh Kǒmplasěnse ǒn hwǒtěvr dh Mind ǎprwvz.

Dho ǐn Prǐntǐng dha ar, ǎz dha ǒǒt tw be, strǐkyle ěgzǎkt, eět dha ar sǔtsh gwd Skǒlrz dhǎt ǐn ritǐng dha dha ǒfn ǒmǐt dhě ’Aksěnts, ěspěshǎle ǐn a Hǔre. ’Inded dha kǎn be sǔplid ǎt ǎne futǔr ’Opǔrtunǐte, ǐf thǒǒt rěkwǐzǐt.