Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist)

Political Report of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist)

Chapter 3: The anti-imperialist united front is growing daily against superpower politics of war, aggression, hegemony and interference

Aggression by the superpowers and their drive for hegemony have aroused a world-wide resistance movement from the people of Asia, Africa, Latin America and from the people of the capitalist countries themselves. This has led to the growing unity of many countries of the world in the struggle against the U.S. imperialists and the Soviet social-imperialists.

This resistance movement includes those who are waging armed struggle along with those who are waging unarmed forms of struggle. Today, the People’s Republic of China and the People’s Republiic of Albania are the bastions of world revolution.

The Chinese Communist Party, led by Comrade Mao Tsetung, the greatest Marxist-Leninist in our epoch, is a great, glorious and correct Party. It has led the Chinese people in one victory after another against imperialism, colonialism, neo-colonialism and all reaction, liberated the whole of mainland China and waged a victorious Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution against the revisionist traitors who would have restored capitalism in China and pulled China back into the imperialist camp. Today, following the revolutionary line of Chairman Mao’s foreign policy, China has won the recognition and support of more countries and governments all over the world, and is steadily smashing the imperialist and social-imperialist plots to isolate the great Chinese people and then attack then. The prestige of the People’s Republic of China, the Chinese Communist Party and Chaiman Mao is growing rapidly in all areas of the world.

The Albanian Party of Labour, led by Comrade Enver Hoxha, while a small Party in a small country, has contributed immensely to the revolutionary struggles of the world’s people, especially to the decisive struggle of the last few decades against the perfidies and treacheries of the Soviet revisionist clique and Soviet social-imperialism. With their heroic spirit of self-reliance and uncompromising struggle, the Albanian people have defeated fascism and the plots of Soviet social-imperialism and have made Albania the beacon of socialism in Europe.

In the anti-imperialist struggle, the solid revolutionary unity between the People’s Republic of China and the People’s Republic of Albania, the Chinese Communist Party and the Albanian Party of Labour and between Comrades Mao Tsetung and Enver Hoxha is the sure guarantee for the victorious advance of the world’s people. Here is the foundation, the solid bulwark against reaction which every revolutionary upholds and supports and which every imperialist slanders and fears.

In fighting against U.S. imperialism and its lackeys, the world’s people are making tremendous steps forward.

In Indochina, the Vietnamese people have shown that it is not the imperialist powers which decide the destiny of the world’s people. They have forced the U.S. imperialists to withdraw their troops after almost a decade of massive military intervention. The “Agreement on Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Vietnam” was signed by all the parties in Vietnam, and today a sharp struggle is being waged against the deliberate and criminal violations of this Agreement by the U.S. imperialists who are desperately trying to shore up the collapsing puppet regime in Viet Nam and in this way continue their exploitation and control of Viet Nam and interfere in its internal affairs. The Vietnamese people and the world’s people are having nothing to do with this, and a mass movement has developed all over the world which is demanding that the U.S. imperialists abide by their agreements and get out of Viet Nam once and for all.

In Cambodia, where the U.S. imperialists have obstinately continued their policy of intervention and aggression, the Cambodian people and the Cambodian People’s National Liberation Armed Forces, under the leadership of the National United Front of Kampuchea, have liberated over 90% of the land with well over 80% of the people, isolating the traitor Lon Nol clique in Phnom Penh and preparing conditions for its total collapse. The Patriotic Armed Forces in Laos have wongreat victories and also forced the U.S. imperialists to sign thepeace agreements on Laos. It was in this part of the world, that the U.S. imperialists concentrated their forces in an attempt to stop the national liberation movement from advancing and to “roll back” the revolutionary political power and re-establish its hegemony and control. U.S. imperialism has famed miserably and has only contriltuted to its own disintegration.

National liberation struggles are raging today all over the world. In the Middle East, the Palestinian people are persisting in struggle and closing their ranks against the Israeli aggressors. The heroic struggle of the Palestinian people and the criminal acts of terrorism by the Israeli zionists are encouraging more and more people in the Arab countries to come forward in denunciation of Zionism, U.S. imperialism and the criminal “no war – no peace” plot of the superpowers in which they can collude to liquidate the national liberation struggle of the Palestinian people.

In Africa, revolutionary wars for national liberation are raging. Portuguese colonialism, South African racism and the regime of Ian Smith are all being placed in a precarious position as the liberation movements continuously advance in southern Africa and as the working classes are beginning a revolutionary mass movement against apartheid and the vicious exploitation of the monopoly capitalists.

In Latin America, nations are fighting to defend the 200 nautical mile territorial rights from encroachment by the United States and are increasingly upholding the right to “independent development away from the dictates of the U.S. imperialist economic or military schemes.

In Asia, the Soviet social imperialist plot to use India as a base from which to encircle the People’s Republic of China is meeting with increasing difficulties. Even though, the Indian reactionaries succeeded in invading East Pakistan and have recently taken over Sikkim, they are finding themselves in increasing difficulties as more and more Indian people are embarking on the path of armed agrarian revolution led by the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) which is following the revolutionary teachings of Comrade Charu Mazumdar.

Numerous, capitalist countries are refusing to accept the burden of the U.S. imperialist economic crisis. They are taking measures to protect themselves from the economic aggression of the American-monopoly capitalists. This struggle is slowly leading to the break-up of the old alliances. NATO, already shaken by the withdrawal of France, is facing increasingly difficult situations due to the opposition of small countries like Malta and Iceland.

The revolutionary mass movement of the proletariat of the imperialist countries is developing in full fury. The conditions for social revolution are becoming excellent.

The whole trend towards revolution and closer unity among the oppressed people of the world has been clearly reflected in the United Nations. The legitimate place of the People’s Republic of China was supported by an overwhelming majority, inspite of the final desperate attempts of the U.S. imperialists to salvage their bankrupt policy of exclusion. China’s participation helped to develop the United Nations into a forum in which smaller and medium-sized nations stood up and voiced their opposition to the policies of the U.S. imperialists and the Soviet social-imperialists.

The whole international situation shows that, strengthening their unity, supporting each other, developing self-reliance and persisting in protracted revolutionary struggle, the peoples of the world will certainly overcome all the obstacles placed before them by their enemies and seize complete victory in the not too distant future.

Given this excellent world situation, what are the tasks of the Canadian proletariat? In 1934, Comrade Stalin pointed out:

As a result of the protracted economic crisis, there has been an unprecedented increase in the tension of the political situation in the capitalist countries, both within those countries, and in their mutual relations.

The intensified struggle for foreign markets, the abolition of the last vestiges of free trade, the prohibitive tariffs, the trade war, the foreign currency war, dumping, and many other analogous measures which demonstrate extreme nationalism in economic policy have strained to the utmost the relations among the various countries, have created the basis for military conflicts, and have put war on the order of the day as a means for the new redivision of the world and of spheres of influence in favour of the stronger states....

Of course there are no grounds for assuming that war can provide a real way out. On the contrary, it is bound to confuse the situation still more. More than that it is sure to unleash revolution and jeopardise the very existence of capitalism in a number of countries, as happened in the course of the first imperialist war, the bourgeois politicians clutch at a war as a drowning man clutches at a straw, that shows that they have got into a hopeless muddle, have landed in an impasse, and are ready to rush headlong into the abyss....

But while the bourgeoisie chooses the path of war, the working class in the capitalist countries brought to despair by four years of crisis and unemployment, is beginning to take the path of revolution. This means that a revolutionary crisis is maturing and will continue to mature. And the more the bourgeoisie becomes entangled in its war schemes, the more frequently it resorts to terrorist methods of fighting against the working class and the labouring peasantry, the more rapidly will the revolutionary crisis develop.

Some comrades think that, once there is a revolutionary crisis, the bourgeoisie is bound to get into a hopeless position, that its end is therefore a foregone conclusion; that the victory of the revolution is thus assured, and that all they have to do is to wait for the fall of the bourgeoisie and to draw up victorious resolutions. That is a profound mistake. The victory of the revolution never comes of itself. It must beprepared for and won. And only a strong proletarian revolutionary party can prepare for and win victory. Moments occur when the situation is revolutionary, when the rule of the bourgeoisie is shaken to its very foundations, and yet the victory of the revolution does not come, because there is no revolutionary party of the proletariat of sufficient strength and prestige to lead the masses and to take power. It would be unwise to think that such “cases” cannot occur.

It is worthwhile in this connection to recall Lenin’s prophetic words on revolutionary crises, uttered at the Second Congress of the Communist International: “We have now come to the question of the revolutionary crisis as the basis of our revolutionary action. And here we must first of all note two widespread errors. On the one hand, the bourgeois economists depict this crisis as mere ’unrest’, as the English so elegantly express it. On the other hand, revolutionaries sometimes try to prove that the crisis is absolutely hopeless. That is a mistake. There is no such thing as an absolutely hopeless situation, The bourgeoisie behaves like an arrogant brigand who has lost his hand; it commits blunder after blunder, making the situation more acute and hastening its own doom. All this is true. But it cannot ’prove’ that there is absolutely no chance of its gulling some minority of the exploited with some kind of minor concessions, or of suppressing some movement or uprising of some section or another of the oppressed and exploited. To try to ’prove’ beforehand that a situation is ’absolutely’ hopeless would be sheer pedantry, or juggling with concepts and catchwords. In this and similar question the only real ’proof’ is practice. The bourgeois system all over the world is experiencing a most profound revolutionary crisis. The revolutionary parties must now ’prove’ by their practical actions that they are sufficiently intelligent and organised, are sufficiently in contact with the exploited masses, are sufficiently determined and skillful to utilise this crisis for a successful and victorious revolution”. Report to the Seventeenth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolshevik) of the Work of the Central Committee January, 1934 – Chapter One, Part Two – “The Growing Tension in the Political Situation in the Capitalist Countries”.

In embryo, such a situation exists today and the Party must pay full attention to its development. The Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) calls on all of its comrades and friends to heighten vigilance, strengthen the revolutionary mass work of the Party, overcome all weaknesses, strengthen the Central Organs of the Party, build stable links with the masses and prepare to lead the revolutionary mass movement of the Canadian people against U.S. imperialism in Canada. In this way we will contribute to the defeat of U.S. imperialism and all reaction and, together with the American communists and the American working class, make sure that a counter-revolutionary war of imperialist aggression is met with a revolutionary war against the U.S. imperialist ruling class.

It is our responsibility and basic duty to make sure that this takes place.