Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist)

Political Report of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist)

Chapter 3: Study historical experience

Our Party is young and fairly immature. Although we have made some mistakes our policies and programmes have been in the main correct. This has led to the extremely favourable situation that exists now. We have a united, functioning Central Committee; we have built a national, daily propaganda organ in French and English with mass distribution; and we have many trained revolutionary cadres who are integrated with the struggles of the people at the place of work, in the communities, and in the educational institutions. However, we will allow the favourable situation to turn into an unfavourable situation if we ignore the solid foundation on which our Party is based, if we do not pay attention to strengthening the Central Organs of the Party and maintaining continuity in Party leadership.

The holy alliance of the “left” (which is always ready to give freelance advice to anyone) tells us that since we have come out of the youth and student movement we should ignore all our experience and start from scratch if we want to organise the working class. They say that we cannot lead the workers using methods which were developed “outside the working class” and we should wait until some “real workers” organise the Party.

How shameless the holy alliance is. Right in front of their eyes we took up the task of disseminating Marxist-Leninist literature on a wide-scale and built material conditions to take up the next task; to develop the instruments of working class propaganda. This led to the call to Build the Central Organs of the Party, and now our main task is to Strengthen the Central Organs of the Party and use the Party as the Decisive Factor in Leading the Actual Struggles of the Masses.

This entire process reflected the deep sentiment of the masses and fulfilled their need for revolutionary literature and for a revolutionary Party. So what is the holy alliance talking about? It is altogether bourgeois philistininism to suggest that “workers will build the party” because there is no such thing as a worker in the abstract. Communist cadres, who are dedicated to the overthrow of capitalism and building of communism, and no one else, have built the Party and will continue to do so.

This means that the advanced experience gained by the Party over the years of struggle is of paramount importance in the struggle to Strengthen the Central Organs of the Party and in the Struggle to Build the Party Amongst the Masses.

If our Party takes up the glorious aspiration of leading the struggle of the masses by providing scientific guidance to their struggles, we must never forget the history of class struggle to build the Party, the revolutionary method of work developed in the struggle aeains the revisionist methods of work and the policies and programmes established to struggle against the monopoly capitalist class. These are the solid foundations on which our Party is built, and oppressed people are anxiously looking towards the Party to bring this history to them.

The revolutionary works of the great leaders of the proletariat: Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Chairman Mao, are the historical summation of the struggles of the working and oppressed people the world over and are the guilding light which Marxist-Leninists in Canada and the rest of the world must follow in their struggle against U.S. imperialism, Soviet social-imperialism and all reaction. We must escalate the large-scale dissemination of Marxist-Leninist works, and the whole Party should conscientiously study the great works of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Chairman Mao.

We must study over and over again the important documents issued by the Party and involve the whole membership and our friends and supporters and the large masses of the people in discussing the political line of the Party.

By close study and investigation of Marxist-Leninist works and the important documents of CPC(M-L) in the light of our tasks, the comrades with relatively little experience in applying Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought will become more experienced, and the comrades with more experience will not slide back but will become better at applying it, and the whole ideological level of the Party will develop.