Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

The Second National Conference of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Chile – Press Communique

First Published: ANCHA, No. 22, July 1977.
Transcription, Editing and Markup: Paul Saba and Sam Richards
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Somewhere in Chile, on the 29th of May, 1977, the successful conclusion of the Second National Conference of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Chile called by its Central Committee took place. Important resolutions on the present national and world situation were discussed and approved. Furthermore, the necessary measures and orientations were established to raise to a higher level the struggle which the Chilean people are developing to overthrow the fascist pro-Yankee dictatorship and to finally smash the regime of oppression, exploitation and dependence with which the reactionaries and imperialists subjugate Chile.

In circumstances in which the ultra-reactionaries and the Yankee imperialists unleash a brutal dictatorship against our people, the convocation, development and successful conclusion of the Second National Conference of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Chile, constitutes a triumph of the Chilean proletariat in its fight to open up the road toward its liberation. Also it represents a hard blow to the attempts of the fascists to suppress the Chilean proletariat and people through its regime of terror and hunger. In spite of the existence of this sanguinary system of oppression, our Party has shown its revolutionary mettle strengthening itself day by day. It has linked itself closer to the masses, leading important struggles and developing in the heat of them.

The successful culmination of this Second National Conference has also constituted a serious defeat to the attempts of the revisionist clique to brake and stop the struggle that our people are waging to overthrow the dictatorship and fight imperialism. Their pretensions of dragging the anti-fascist resistance movement toward the road of capitulation and “exchange” raised by Freism which signifies the replacement of Pinochet but the leaving intact of the present repressive system of exploitation and social dependence, will have to be repudiated and swept away by the popular revolutionary struggle. The Chilean people, united around the anti-fascist Minimum Programme and under the leadership of the proletariat, forges ahead day by day, impelling all forms of struggle against the dictatorship. Finally, with their own weapons in their hands, they will succeed in completely destroying the system of oppression, exploitation and dependence of Yankee imperialism and the native reactionaries.

In conclusion, we should hold very high the steel-like political, ideological and organizational unity demonstrated by the Party, around the correct line laid down by its Central Committee. The Second National Conference adopted measures for the greater strengthening of the Party on all fronts. The event concluded with a warm and profound revolutionary homage to our dear and remembered comrade Guillermo Arevalo, assassinated by fascism in September 1973.


National Propaganda Commission Revolutionary Communist Party of Chile