Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

Ten Public Resolutions Adopted by the National Conference of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Chile, May 1977

First Published: Workers’ Advocate, Vol. 7, No. 5, October 1, 1977.
Transcription, Editing and Markup: Paul Saba and Sam Richards
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1. Redouble the efforts which the Party has begun to realize to organize, encourage and lead the struggle of the popular masses for the overthrow of the pro-yankee fascist dictatorship.

2. Encourage and develop the largest unity of the popular masses and the other anti-fascist and patriotic democratic sectors to vigorously fight against the dictatorship and smash it. The key to this broad front is the unity between the workers and peasants. The leadership should be in the hands of the proletariat. Its immediate content is summed up in the Minimum Programme of the People’s Front. The perspective is indicated in the Democratic Programme of Anti-Fascist Unity, as a prior and necessary step to advance the Popular Democratic Programme established by the revolutionary Chilean proletariat.

3. To fight against defeatism, pacifism and the wait-and-see attitude that the Frei clique and the revisionists attempt to sow amongst the popular masses. The Party should firmly expose such positions which capitulate before the reactionaries and imperialism, by denouncing, isolating and hitting at such opportunist cliques. To oppose any way out which would leave intact the instruments of repression perfected by the fascists, because with them, they are attempting to perfect the present system of oppression and exploitation and dependence and to brake the popular revolutionary struggle against the reactionaries and yankee imperialism. This type of way out is what the Frei movement proposes, to which revisionism adhered, thus adding one more treachery to its list of capitulations.

4. Encourage and develop all the forms of organization and struggle, starting from the level of the consciousness of the masses, of each sector, and stressing especially the organization and the development of increasingly more combative mass actions. No form of struggle should be excluded in the fight against the dictatorship, even though the people will not be able to overthrow and destroy the last roots of fascism and the system of exploitation and present dependence except by developing as the principal form of struggle the people’s armed struggle, victoriously led by the proletariat and its Marxist-Leninist vanguard.

5. Concretize the unity of the people by encouraging and developing with greater vigor the basic organizations of the People’s Front at all levels and in all possible sectors. The unity of the people should be built up from their own basis. To give priority to the natural forms of organization of the masses but understand, left to themselves, in the present conditions, these are very limited in the sense of mobilizing the masses in a revolutionary manner. The Party established that, while encouraging the development of the natural organizations of the masses, in their midst clandestine organizations of different sizes are established with the most advanced elements. Such have been to date the People’s Front committees, the Resistance committees, the antifascist committees in education, etc. The actions of the natural organization of the masses are completed by that of the committees comprised of the most advanced elements.

6. To give priority to the work in the working class and amongst the poor peasants. The work in the proletariat in the big industries and in the mines is of particular importance. The Party, at each level, must plan and methodically control this important orientation.

7. To realize all the alliances and agreements possible with the other anti-fascist political forces, on the basis of the organization, encouragement and development of the struggle of the broad masses to smash the dictatorship. The content of these alliances is determined by the Minimum Programme of the People’s Front and the perspective they will take up is determined by the degree of unity and the revolutionary importance that will develop in the practice of the anti-fascist struggle. The Party must make the greatest efforts at all levels to encourage these political alliances in such a manner that they serve to develop the unity, the organization and the struggle of our people to overthrow the dictatorship.

8. To accelerate the building and the development of the Party amongst the masses. To correctly lead in an uninterrupted manner the liberation struggle of our people, build a firm and disciplined Party, closely linked with the masses, armed with Marxism- Leninism and which continuously practices criticism and self-criticism. To achieve the greater and faster development of the Party, through systematic planning and control, be vigilant as far as recruitment, regular functioning of the organs of leadership at all levels (taking the cell as the basic organization of leadership) and the formation of revolutionary proletarian cadres. Overcome those styles and practices of study and work which are harmful, by means of periodic summing up which combines criticism and self-criticism, and the systematization and synthesis of the experience and in which concrete measures to rectify are firmly implemented in practice. To make efforts to make all the Party organizations, at all levels, into genuine organizations which lead the struggle, give priority in the political discussion to the problems of the masses and to the encouragement of actions guided by the political line of the Party and which mobilize them in a revolutionary manner.

9. Improve the proletarian composition of the Party, by developing it in the first place among the working class. Make our Party a proletarian party, in its ideology and politics as well as its class composition and proletarian mettle.

10. Develop the internationalist tasks of the proletariat:

- Promote the unity of the International Marxist-Leninist Movement and the development and strengthening of the Marxist-Leninist parties. Greatly develop the international solidarity amongst the proletariat, the peoples and their Marxist-Leninist vanguards in the common struggle for national independence, people’s democracy and socialism. The Revolutionary Communist Party of Chile publicly thanks the Marxist-Leninists and progressive sections of the peoples of the world for the solidarity and support given to the anti-fascist and anti-imperialist struggle of our people.
- Encourage the struggle against modern revisionism and its variations by bringing forward our own experience. The dissemination of the conclusions drawn by the Chilean revolutionary proletariat – the light of Marxism-Leninism – on the failure of the experience encouraged by the revisionists in our country during the Popular Unity government, the object of which was to try to implant in Chile a state bureaucratic capitalist regime dependent on Soviet social-imperialism, is of great importance for the affirmation of correct ideas.
- Promote the international unity of the proletariat and the peoples in a large world front, under the leadership of the proletariat and the Marxist-Leninist parties, to fight against the two imperialist superpowers (the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.), main enemies of the peoples of the world, of the revolution and socialism. Place particular emphasis on the struggle against the two superpowers, in each region or country, on the necessity of concentrating the blows against that which constitutes the dominant power, without depending on one to fight against the other and neither failing to take advantage of the contradictions between them when that benefits the revolutionary struggle. Furthermore, hold very high the Leninist thesis which establishes that to fight imperialism of each country and the internal reactionaries with consequence and success, it is indispensable to simultaneously fight revisionism.
- To largely disseminate the Joint Statement of the Eight Latin American Marxist-Leninist Parties which forcefully publishes the resolutions of the meeting held in Tirana, Albania, between the same parties in November 1976.


Central Committee of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Chile Second National Conference of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Chile
May 29, 1977