Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

Statement of Political Unity of the October League (ML)


The Unity Statement, which follows, outlines the basic program of the October League (Marxist-Leninist).

We in the October League are dedicated to ending the exploitation and suffering of the people under the imperialist system. We believe that to accomplish this end, as we outline in the Unity Statement, we must employ three main weapons: a communist party, a broad united front and armed struggle.

Since its founding, the October League has begun to dig deep roots among the masses, particularly among the workers in the large factories around the country. We have taken an active part in building the united front against imperialism and its vicious policies at home and abroad.

The October League is one organization in the young, but growing communist movement in the United States. This movement takes as its ideological basis, the theories developed by Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Mao Tsetung through their participation in the class struggle around the world. We are also the inheritors of the proud, fighting history of the masses of American people: the struggles of labor, the Afro-American and other oppressed nationalities, of women, of the struggle against imperialist war and the best traditions of the communist movement.

But this young communist movement in the U.S. still has many weaknesses. It is relatively small, scattered and is inexperienced in making socialist revolution. Although it has grown up in opposition to the revisionist CPUSA, it has only begun to apply the theory of Marxism-Leninism to the concrete conditions in the U.S.

In addition, it remains for communists to fully integrate themselves with the working class and the struggle of the masses. Only with active participation in the day to day battles of the people will it be possible to test in practice the correctness of our policies and to forge the unity necessary for building a new communist party in the U.S.