Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

Selected Speeches
presented at forums by the August 29th Movement, 1974-1975


Thus, when we speak of the Political line, of the program of our Party at a given stage of the revolution, we do not find it in one single document report, decision, or resolution of a Congress, Conference or plenum of the CC of the Party, but in many documents and materials of the leading organs, in various works by Comrade Enver Hoxha. These documents and works contain a summing up of the experience accumulated in the tide of the revolution and socialist construction and, on this basis, the program has been enriched, deepened and extended. Why has the PLA not worked out a complete and comprehensive program for a historical stage of the revolution right at the beginning of that stage? The sole reason is that at the outset it lacked sufficiently of the necessary experience of revolutionary leadership. (The Vanguard of the Revolution & Socialist Construction by Ndreci Plasari Appearing in Albania Today 1972)

The August 29th Movement is a multi-national communist organization formed in May of 1974. It takes its name from the great anti-imperialist march and demonstration which took place August 29th, 1970 in Los Angeles, Calif. ATM bases itself on the principles of Marxism-Leninism. We strive to help achieve a socialist society, the dictatorship of the proletariat, and ultimately a classless communist society. This can only be achieved through the armed overthrow of the existing bourgeois state. This change will occur as the result of a protracted struggle by the working class and its allies led by the vanguard of the working class, a Marxist-Leninist Communist Party.

The building of such a party is the central task of all communists and advanced elements of the U.S. This new party and socialist revolution in general, cannot be achieved without a consistent, relentless battle against any and every type of opportunism–right opportunism and revisionism, and left opportunism and Trotskyism–but most especially against the main danger world wide and nationally–revisionism and right opportunism which is led in promoting counter-revolution by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU).

The following selected speeches from our forums on party-building and revisionism represent our views on the above subjects and the lessons we learned both internally and without in struggling against all forms of opportunism in the last year. The first two speeches were given in Aug. 1974 and represent our first effort at presenting our views on Party-building and a history of the Chicano peoples struggle as we view it. The third speech is part of the lessons we have learned in the past year of our existence. It is aimed directly at the revisionists, specifically the CPSU, CPUSA, and the RU. The smashing and isolating of revisionist is a necessary condition for the victory of Proletarian Revolution. We do not address ourselves directly to all the positions put out by the RU in its Draft Program. The changes they contain for the most part are not fundamental, and besides this they neither explain why these changes have occurred nor why the old positions were incorrect, for example on the Chicano National Ques. they no longer hold that Chicanos constitute a nation but fail to explain why they have changed their position. Our polemics on the RU are still valid none the less. The first part of the speech deals with theoretical polemics against revisionism and right opportunism and the second part carries this struggle over into questions of organization. We discuss questions of form and organization and some of our work in this area. However we wish to make clear, that our work in this area has only just begun.

We encourage the reader to write to us with any comments and criticisms on these speeches as what we are striving for is clarity and unity on these important questions and a firm and clear break with all forms of opportunism.