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Documents of the First (Founding) Congress of the Communist Labor Party of the United States of North America

Resolution on the United Front

Within the framework of the general crisis of capitalism, we see today an approaching, acute, all embracing capitalist crisis of overproduction with growing tensions and contradictions among the imperialists. History has shown us that the bourgeoisie, no longer able to rule in the old way, needs fascism to prepare its rear, its own proletariat, for imperialist wars. Today we see the USNA monopoly capitalists driving towards fascism. There should be no illusions about the class content and nature of fascism. As the Communist International correctly defined it, fascism in power is “the open terroristic dictatorship of the most reactionary, most chauvinistic, and most imperialistic elements of finance capital.” Fascism is not inevitable. The struggle against fascism can be successfully waged only if it is a mass struggle led by the proletariat and its communist party and not confined to a reformist drive that aims to make capitalism “acceptable.”

The danger of imperialist war is especially important at this time given the all-out propaganda campaign of the revisionists of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Communist Party of the United States of America to tie the working class movement to the leadership of the bourgeoisie in the name of “detente.” The imperialists are preparing for war in the midst of the maneuverings of “detente” which is nothing but imperialist preparation for war to re-divide the world.

Further, we can see that the road to revolutionary proletarian onslaught against the USNA bourgeoisie, the road to the dictatorship of the proletariat, lies through the United Front of the Working Class Against Fascism. This is to say once the proletariat accomplishes unity of action in the United Front Against Fascism and in so doing blunts the attack of the fascists, the Party must, without delay, seize the moment to lead the struggle on to the offensive against the capitalist system.

Therefore, the Party resolves to work towards the formation of a United Front of Action of the Working Class Against the Fascist Danger. The starting point and main content of the United Front is the defense of the immediate economic and political interests of the working class, the defense of the working class against fascism.

Within the USNA state, the drive towards fascism means ever sharper attacks on oppressed nations and national minorities. The Party and the United Front must rally the proletariat against these attacks. An uncompromising stand against national oppression is one of the first lines of defense of the proletariat threatened by fascism. Here the Party must fight for independence for all oppressed nations from imperialism.

Through its concrete demands, the United Front Against Fascism must express a proletarian internationalist stand. It must be built solidly on the basis of class struggle. The aim of the working class, by defeating the fascist offensive, is to pass over to the offensive and overthrow monopoly capitalist rule, which is the seedbed of fascism.