Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

Proletarian Cause

Editorial Statement

Capitalism is beset with an immense political and economic crisis, the likes of which it has not experienced in forty years. This crisis is due in large part to the dramatic victories of the Indo-Chinese peoples, national liberation struggles around the world, the consolidation of socialist China, and the ever-sharpening inter-imperialist competition. These developments are bringing capitalism closer to its demise. The capitalists have more and more begun to shift the brunt of their problems onto the backs of U.S. workers, heightening the internal contradictions in the U.S. and setting the stage for the final showdown between labor and capital. This has created extremely favorable conditions for revolutionary struggle and for linking Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought with the struggles of the working class. “Revolution is the main trend in the world today.”

At this time in the U.S. the main task of communists is to prepare the working class ideologically and organizationally for revolution. However, the absence of a communist party with a clearly defined revolutionary program causes the advancing mass movement to meet with many set-backs. The experience of the mass movements of the sixties has led great numbers of honest revolutionaries to the conscientious study of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought and to integration with the struggles of the working class.

This emerging communist movement was born in the struggle against left sectarianism (Progressive Labor Party) and right opportunism—particularly the revisionism and reformism of the degenerate Communist Party (U.S.A.). These are the significant strengths of the emerging communist movement.

But the young communist movement is also characterized by fragmentation and organization along lines of nationality and locality. In its theoretical development the communist movement lags far behind the rapid advances of the mass movement and the objective conditions. The struggle for correct theory has become decisive.

The purpose of Proletarian Cause is to contribute to the solution of those theoretical problems collectively faced by the communist movement. Our basic stand is to build unity among the new communist forces: First by consolidating unity where unity exists. Second by organizing principled struggle over points of difference which will advance the movement.

But Proletarian Cause is not simply a marketplace of ideas. It will, rather, reflect and aid in consolidating those theoretical advances which have been won through struggle within the communist movement.

Theory cannot be developed independently of practice. The questions addressed in Proletarian Cause are those that have been drawn from or relate to the practice of U.S. communists within the working class. We emphasize this connection of theory with practice in order to avoid the errors of dogmatism that obstruct the struggle against the main danger in the international communist movement, modern revisionism.

The principles of unity upon which Proletarian Cause is founded are:

1) Taking hold of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought as our work outlook.
2) Basing ourselves on the leading role of the proletariat in the U.S. socialist revolution.
3) Recognition that socialist China is a leading force in the world revolutionary movement and that the Communist Party of China is a leading force in the international communist movement.
4) Recognition of the need for a genuine communist party in the U.S.
5) Recognition of the necessity to overthrow the bourgeois state and establish the dictatorship of the proletariat.
6) Support of the right of oppressed nations to self-determination and recognition that national liberation movements directed against imperialism are part of the world revolution.
7) Recognition that the full emancipation of women is a task of the proletarian revolution, and that the struggle for full social and political rights for women is the responsibility of all communists.

Proletarian Cause is linked to local communists and their practice through regional committees. The regional committees elect editorial board members, discuss and propose articles for submission to the journal, discuss and criticize the published issues, and distribute Proletarian Cause within their region.

The articles submitted by the regional committees are selected for publication by the editorial board guided by the following criteria:

1) The principal criterion is that articles should apply Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought toward the solution of a theoretical question raised by the practical struggles of the masses and the proletarian socialist revolution. That is, articles should make a contribution toward summing up the advances made in theory and practice and lay the basis for further advances.
2) Articles should be chosen which promote clarification of our differences. Articles addressing differences should serve to advance ideological struggle towards a higher unity by promoting an all-sided view of a problem.
3) Articles should be directed mainly at U.S. imperialism as the number one enemy. The fight against the modern revisionists and the Trotskyites should be in the context of furthering the fight against imperialism.
4) Articles should attempt to build the unity of the working class and not divide it. Chauvinist and sexist articles should be excluded from the journal’s pages.
5) Articles should be written in a clear, concise and scientific style, and with a length no longer than worth.

We invite all organizations, collectives and individuals who share the perspective we have outlined to strengthen this effort by participating in the regional committees and by submitting articles for publication.