Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

’Situation is Excellent’: China’s People’s Congress denounces ’gang of four’

First Published: The Call, Vol. 5, No. 33, December 20, 1976.
Transcription, Editing and Markup: Paul Saba
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Another decisive blow was dealt to the “gang of four” in China early this month when the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress denounced the traitorous actions off these four capitalist-roaders.

The standing Committee of the Congress, China’s highest organ of state power, was called together for the first time since the death of Chairman Mao by Hua Kuo-feng, the new Chairman of the Communist Party. Chairman Hua personally attended the meeting.

One of the new developments in the struggle against the “gang of four” was the specific changes brought against the four conspirators for their attacks against Chou En-lai, Chinese Premier who died earlier this year, Chou En-lai’s widow, Teng Ying-chao, was nominated by the Standing Committee to be one of the vice-chairmen of the National People’s Congress.

Ties Standing Committee agreed that the downfall of the “gang of four” – Wang Hung-wen, Chang Chun-chiao, Chiang Ching and Yao Wen-yuan – had led to an “exelent situation” throughout the country. Addressing the meeting, Vice-Chairman Wu Teh, mayor of Peking, pointed out that the huge movement to deepen the criticism of the “gang” had sparked an upsurge in the “socialist enthusiasm and initiative of the masses,” with “inspiring news of victories” from all parts of the country.

The Standing Committee pointed out that mass criticism of the “gang” would strengthen the dictatorship of the proletariat. Out of the struggle, the masses have already deepened their understanding of the correct relationship between the two tasks of “grasping revolution, promoting production,” specified by Chairman Mao.

Posing as “leading Marxists,” the “gang of four” distorted Chairman Mao’s line by putting the two tasks in opposition to each other. In their attempt to overthrow leading cadres in the party, the “gang” accused everyone who saw the need to promote production of being “empiricists” who weren’t taking class struggle as the key link.

The Standing Committee delegates pointed out that the struggle against the “gang” must continue in order to sharpen the people’s ability to distinguish genuine from phony Marxism.

Contrary to reports from the bourgeois press, Chinese leaders have stressed the importance of continuing to take class struggle as the key link by studying revolutionary theory and especially “the theory of the dictatorship of the proletariat and . . . Chairman Mao’s instructions concerning the criticism of the ’gang of four.’ ”

Wu Teh elaborated on this when he pointed out the importance of supporting the gains of the Cultural Revolution and struggling to restrict bourgeois right-the class differences left over from capitalist society which give rise to a new bourgeoisie under socialism.

In addition, Wu Teh said that, along with criticizing the “gang,” it was necessary to continue the criticism of Teng Hsiao-ping, the former party leader who negated class struggle as the key link in building socialism.

Continuing to make class struggle key, the Standing Committee underlined the need to promote production as well. The importance of learning from model production teams like Tachai and Taching has been stressed in the current campaign.

The Standing Committee also commended the role of Party Chairman Hua in leading the movement against the “gang.” Newly nominated Vice-Chairman Teng Ying-chao said that Hua Kuo-feng’s leadership in smashing the “gang” “. . .fully shows that Chairman Mao made a wise decision in choosing his successor ... It shows (Chairman Hua’s) talent as a leader as well as his revolutionary style of work.” She also said that unity of the Party Central Committee is “higher than ever.”

The Standing Committee also discussed and took steps to continue to carry out Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line on the international struggle against the two superpowers. They voted unanimously to appoint Huang Hua, China’s UN ambassador, to be the new foreign minister, replacing Chiao Kuan-hua whom the committee voted to remove.

In another report, Vice-Chairman Ulanfu pointed out the importance of the downfall of the “gang” in carrying out a revolutionary line on foreign policy.

Now, Ulanfu said, “we will surely be able to better implement Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line and policies in foreign affairs, uniting with the international proletariat and the revolutionary people in various countries, especially the people of the third world.”

This important meeting showed that the splitting and wrecking of the “gang of four” has produced the opposite of what they intended. The mass criticism of the “gang” is strengthening working-class power in China.