Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

Political Education and Action Collective

The Failure of the Left to Create a Mass Movement and a Way Forward


In the past two years we have witnessed massive attacks on the working and poor people of New York City. At present, after more than two years of New York City in crisis, confusion and demoralization exists, both in the trade union movement and on the left. The way forward is unclear. Division and sectarianism is rife. The strategies put forward by communist groups over the past two years have not succeeded. The left has not, except in isolated incidents, been able to rally masses of people.

The New York City fiscal crisis presented developing communist tendencies with what appeared to be a perfect opportunity to make headway in the trade unions, community groups and other mass organizations. People are angry at the attacks on their basic living conditions. The democratic veneer of bourgeois government has, in part, been replaced by the Emergency Financial Control Board. In short, the material conditions present opportunities for communist success.

However, the developing communist organizations in general have not been able to capitalize on the situation. The left has failed to develop a significant political movement in New York at a time when the need for such a movement is great. What has been the problem?

The purpose of this pamphlet is to answer this question and to begin to chart a new direction forward for the left in New York City. In order to do that this pamphlet will address what we feel are the key questions facing the developing communist movement in New York City. First, what is the state of the working class movement in New York City today? Secondly, why is the working class movement in such a state? Third, why has the left failed to develop a political movement? Finally, how could the kind of political movement we are talking about be concretely developed in NYC today?