Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

Documents from the Founding Conference of the National Network of Marxist-Leninist Clubs


The National Network of Marxist-Leninist Clubs (NNMLC) was formed in March 1979. The political unity of the Club Network is expressed in its paper Developing The Subjective Factor–The Party Building Line Of The National Network of Marxist-Leninist Clubs. The Club Network views the central task before U.S. Marxist Leninists today as the rectification of the general line of the U.S. communist movement and the reestablishment of its party.

The Club Network has been forged to contribute to building a broad rectification movement within the anti-revisionist, anti-left opportunist trend as a whole. The Club Network sees the struggle over party building line as the key struggle within that rectification movement at this time.

Presently, there are Clubs or Club Organizing Committees in New York, Boston, Washington D.C., Los Angeles, the Bay Area, and Seattle. Their activities include advancing the line struggle among communists through such forms as forums, seminars, and study circles as well as some limited intervention in the day-to-day class struggle around issues such as solidarity with Southern Africa Liberation Struggles.

The Clubs can be contacted by writing:
P.O. Box 11118
San Francisco, CA 94101