Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

New England Regional Steering Committee OCIC

Resolution #1: Carry Through the Struggle Against White Chauvinism

Issued: n.d..
Transcription, Editing and Markup: Paul Saba
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EROL Note: This resolution was submitted to the New England Regional OCIC Conference, September 1980.

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Whereas primarily white chauvinism and secondarily anti-working class bias are the main ideological obstacles within the OC blocking the OC in its task of uniting the tendency;

Whereas the OC has launched a campaign primarily against white chauvinism and secondarily anti-working class bias among its members;

Whereas the charge that the campaign involves “unprincipled methods of struggle” is based on a racist refusal to engage in criticism/self-criticism of white chauvinism;

Whereas the charge that the campaign is idealist and ultra-left is an attempt to deny the existence of the concrete forms of white chauvinism confronted in the OC’s practice and therefore serves to maintain that racist practice;

Whereas the feminist line is a racist line which identifies sexism as the primary obstacle to uniting the tendency and therefore raises the struggle against sexism above the struggle against white chauvinism and anti-working class bias in the OC;

Whereas the view that racism is due to the segregation of white communists from national minority people and not white chauvinism has no basis in reality and is based on white chauvinist attitudes towards the national minority comrades that OC members do know;

Whereas certain “questions of organization” have been raised, such as the way meetings are organized, the need to discuss an outreach plan, etc., these are a deflection and diversion of the struggle against white chauvinism and postpone it to the indefinite future;

Whereas the claim that white working class comrades do not share responsibility for an abstract discussion of white chauvinism is an attempt to deny the white chauvinism of these comrades and liquidate their responsibility for taking up the struggle against racism;

Whereas the demand that local center meetings break into small groups is an attempt to avoid the most advanced and sharpest struggle against white chauvinism and anti-working class bias;

Whereas the OC in N.E. is characterized by a conspiracy of white chauvinism where most white members, in a refusal to expose and struggle against their own white chauvinism, engage in a practice of protecting each others’ white chauvinism through such methods as silence, failing to struggle sharply, posturing, etc., and which presents a serious obstacle to the campaign;

Be it resolved that this conference reject the various forms of opposition to the campaign primarily against white chauvinism and secondarily anti-working class bias as being a defense of the white chauvinism and anti-working class bias in the OC, as an effort to avoid the struggle against white chauvinism, and as being based on white chauvinism and class bias; that it fully endorse the campaign against white chauvinism and anti-working class bias and that it calls on all OC members to carry cut a sharp and persistent struggle against all manifestations of white chauvinism and class bias in the OC.