Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

Communist Labor Party

The Road to Socialism

Third Party Congress, Communist Labor Party
November 1980


Here is a brief summary of definitions of basic party documents:

Congress–A congress for a communist party is a gathering of elected delegates and observers to set the general direction of the Party. The main task of the Congress is to discuss and agree upon the strategic projections of the Party for the next period and to elect the Central Committee to guarantee the implementation of these projections. A change in the direction of the class struggle is the basis for a Congress.

Constitution–The constitution is the basis for the legality of the Party. It sets out the organizational rules and procedures for the Party’s operation.

Reports–Reports to the Congress are evaluations of the work of the Central Committee and other leading bodies. These reports are to be discussed in relation to the direction set by the previous Congress and in relation to the upcoming tasks.

Political Resolution–The political resolution analyzes the salient developments of the objective revolutionary process.

Program–The program of the Party puts forth the goals and aims of the proletarian movement.