Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

Constitution of the San Diego Marxist-Leninist Group


Adopted: January 1-10, 1985.
Published: Red Flag, No. 6, April 1985.
Transcription, Editing and Markup: Paul Saba
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The San Diego Marxist-Leninist Group (SDMLG) is the revolutionary political organization of the San Diego proletariat. It is an organization of a new type, organized in revolutionary style. It is a vigorous vanguard organization of the proletariat leading the proletariat & its allies in the all-out struggle against the class enemy. Its main & only task is the founding of the Party of the US Marxist-Leninists because without this Party this struggle cannot be continuous & victorious.

The basic program of the SDMLG is to carry the proletarian revolution thru to the end. The aim of the SDMLG is to overthrow the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie & establish the dictatorship of the proletariat & build socialism by overthrowing capitalism. The lofty bright red banners of the proletarian revolution & the basic program of the SDMLG are: the smashing of the US empire & the liberation of the enslaved nations & the entire proletariat from the impoverishment & slaughter by the US war machine & its fascizlng of their life; unyielding defense of the right of all nations to self-determination up to & including the right of secession; relentless struggle for the liberation of women & against the pornography & religious obscurantism which attempt to degrade them. We are ashamed of the chauvinist plundering actions of US Imperialism, swear to fight every action, particularly military, that it takes, and, after the proletariat’s victory, reparations will be made to all those countries & peoples who suffered under its yoke. We fight for a new scientific-socialist America without imperialism & reaction, & with the broadest possible democracy for the proletariat & its allies, & absolute suppression of the imperialists & reactionaries.

After the seizure of political power, the state of the dictatorship of the proletarlat will be used as the instrument of thorough-going socialist revolution & socialist construction, & the problems facing the proletariat & its allies will be sorted out by the total expropriation (without compensation) & elimination of all exploiting classes, by perfecting the relations of production & by steadily developing the productive forces. The dictatorship of the proletariat is absolutely necessary to rid the country of all exploiting classes, to defend the country from any imperialist aggression & counter-revolut1on & to improve the well-being of the proletariat & its allies.

The basic program of the SDMLG accords with the best interests of the proletariat & its allies & with those of the US. The Implementation of this basic program is the demand of the proletariat (& its allies) & is the only way forward for the US. The material conditions are ripe for revolution; & the implementation of the basic program of the SDMLG is the task & the problem taken up for solution.

The ultimate aim of the SDMLG is the realization of communism.

The SDMLG recognizes no other means but mass revolutionary violence to achieve these aims.


1. The founding & the building of the party is carried out under the general climate of vigorous class conflicts & the sharpening of class contradictions in close & unbreakable link with the working class movement & the struggles of others oppressed or discontented with capitalism. It is the proletariat & its allies who need the party; it is they who will give birth to it, & it is the unbreakable unity of the proletariat (& its allies) around this party which creates the conditions for the final victory over the class enemy & is the solid foundation for the triumph of the revolution & socialism.

2. The SDMLG is the militant voluntary union of the San Diego Marxist-Leninist communists who struggle continuously to bring about the unity of all the US Marxist-Leninists into one party based on scientific socialism in all-out struggle against all forms of opportunism & revisionism; who vigorously & with great revolutionary enthusiasm & vigilance help develop & implement the Marxist-Leninist ideological & political line of the Group on all questions; who defend its unity & Marxist-Leninist communist quality; who unswervingly carry out the struggle against imperialism, capitalist exploitation & wage slavery; who defend the purity of Marxism-Leninism & are loyal pupils of Marx, Engels, Lenin & Stalin; who firmly & uncompromisingly carry out the struggle against revisionism & opportunism of all hues & against social democracy & reformism in the Marxist-Leninist & Workers’ Movements; & who are resolute fighters for the triumph of the revolution & socialism & are fearless & undaunted in their mission.

3. The SDMLG is the class organization of the San Diego proletariat, its most advanced detachment, its highest form of class organization & its general staff.

4. The party we are working to found will be the instrument of the dictatorship of the proletariat, &, after the dictatorship of the proletariat has been established, it will be the sole leading force of the state of the dictatorship of the proletariat. The dictatorship of the proletariat cannot be established without a revolutionary party based on Marxism-Leninism & organized in revolutionary style, & there can be no consolidation & expansion of the dictatorship of the proletariat without this party.

5. THE SDMLG takes Marxism-Leninism as the theory guiding its thinking. Marxism-Leninism is an entirely new & complete ideological system, suitable & mandatory for the triumph of the revolution & socialism. It illuminates the path of the proletarian movement for emancipation. It is an ever-lasting source of fresh life & strength to the proletarian movement & is the basis for the militant unity of the SDMLG; it will surely lead to the uniting of all the US Marxist-Leninists into one party. SDMLG uses the dialectical method & the materialist outlook to solve all the problems facing it. It works vigorously to nurture in all its members the dialectical method & the materialist outlook to solving problems & wages an irreconcilable battle against all bourgeois reactionary “isms” – especially pragmatism, the philosophy of imperialism, with its empiricism, individualism, spontaneity & expedient opportunism embodied in one phrase, “the end justifies the means” – & the metaphysical approach & idealist outlook of all decadent & moribund reactionary classes.

6. The history of the Communist & Workers’ Movement teaches that, at every sharp turn of history, the revisionists & opportunists of all hues, the imperialists & their propagandists, lackeys, servants & other reactionaries, launch new attacks on the theory of Marxism-Leninism & the revolutionary spirit to try to disintegrate & disperse the revolutionary forces & preserve their man-eating system. The SDMLG is always vigilant to firmly carry on the struggle against revisionism & opportunism of all hues, defend the purity of Marxism-Leninism & to maintain the revolutionary spirit at a high level in order to unite & strengthen the revolutionary forces & hit at the enemy.

7. The ideological building & consolidation of the SDMLG, & later the party, is an uninterrupted task. The SDMLG clearly sets itself the task of leading the working class, particularly in the struggle to found the party, in order to accomplish its aim of overthrowing the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie & establishing the dictatorship of the proletariat & establishing the hegemony of the proletariat. The founding of the party will be the result of the determined & vigorous struggle against all imperialist, bourgeois, & all other forms of reactionary ideology, & against the revisionist & opportunist corruption & degeneration of the Marxist-Leninist Communist & Workers’ Movement. The defence of the purity of Marxism-Leninism is the basic task in the ideological founding & consolidation of the party; & the purging from the SDMLG, the US Marxist-Leninist Movement & the workers’ movement of all bourgeois, reactionary, revisionist & opportunist trends & the establishing of the hegemony of the proletariat is the most urgent political task.

8. Revisionism & opportunism of all hues foster factionalism & disunity & promote high levels of bourgeois & reactionary spirit in the Communist & Workers’ Movements. Right opportunism & revisionism of all descriptions, shades & forms, have their social base in the labor aristocracy & the prosperous petty bourgeoisie. “Left” opportunism, adventurism, revolutionary phrase-mongering & anarchism have their social base in the ruined petty-bourgeoisie. The influence of the labor aristocracy & the petty bourgeoisie, as the social props of imperialism in the working class movement, can only be eliminated by the party based on Marxism-Leninism & organized in revolutionary style. SDMLG takes as one of its most important tasks the waging of class struggle within itself, within the US Marxist-Leninist Movement, & within the working class movement against all bourgeois & alien influences to unite the US Marxist-Leninists into one party so that the purging of the workers’ movement of all bourgeois & alien class influences can be carried thru to the end. The firmness & tenacity with which the SDMLG fights the bourgeois revisionist & opportunist influences inside & outside itself, & all the incorrect views & shortcomings, makes it impossible for the bourgeois, revisionist & opportunist elements to develop an alien class trend within it. The SDMLG, & later the party, maintains a high level of vigilance against the bourgeois, revisionist & opportunist elements & never permits the disruption of its monolithic unity.

9. Out of the ranks of its social props, the labor aristocracy & the petty bourgeoisie, the bourgeoisie organizes its main political propr the “Holy Alliance of the ’Left’” – at whose head currently stand the Trade Union Beaurocrats & Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Coalition. This political prop plays the essential “vanguard” role for the bourgeoisie in the political sphere: generally trying to prevent the anti-imperialist unity of the masses &, when unable to prevent it initially, to disrupt it & turn it into its opposite – a reserve of the bourgeoisie – &, at all costs, particularly to try to prevent & then to disrupt the successful carrying out of the main & only task: the struggle to unite the US Marxist-Leninists into one party. We focus particular attention & great energy on the absolutely essential struggle against this political prop.

10. The SDMLG grew out of the struggles of the progressive forces in San Diego & across the US to stop the vicious criminal actions of US Imperialism. It became clear to the progressive fighters that they had been betrayed by the old Communist Party (CPUSA), which had, by the early fifties, degenerated into a completely reformist organization, & that their first & most pressing task was to found again the Marxist-Leninist Party & on more solid bases. But to found the Marxist-Leninist Party, it is necessary to know what Marxism-Leninism is, & the early degeneration of the CPUSA in the ’30s & the weakness of the attempt to revive it after WWII, along with the savage persecution of our ideology by the US Imperialists, left the revolutionaries without ideological arms & unprepared for the task before them. One heroic attempt after another was made to refound the party, by the POC, PL, CL, ACWM(COUSML), RU, OL, BWC, ATM, PRRWO, WVO, MLOC, IWK, Resistencia, & others, & many smaller groups & collectives. But all failed under the ideological & police aggression of the bourgeoisie. The capitalists & their agents managed to keep everyone worked up, racing around from one mass struggle to another to whip up “anti-imperialist” sentiment, fighting or studying the most amazing minutia from Marxist-Leninist theory, or screaming at each other over which “side” to take in one of the imperialists’ pseudo-struggles, like “Nuclear Freeze”, Busing, the ERA, & so on. In this way they temporarily stopped people from sitting down & talking things over, from studying the basic points of scientific communism & how they apply in the US, & from founding the Party of all the serious Marxist-Leninists to plan the way forwards & act on this plan. In this way too, the Imperialists & their police prepared the foundations for their thesis that “you tried Marxism-Leninism & it failed.”

But Marxism hadn’t failed, nor could it, because it is the scientific truth, universal & good for all time. Socialist Albania bloomed under the Marxist-Leninist leadership of the PLA, while Yugoslavia, the USSR, & China decayed alive, showing an ever-increasing growth of all the serious contradictions & maladies of capitalist society. Under the unwavering exposure of Enver Hoxha & the PLA, the Titoites, Krushchevites, Maoists, Eurocommunists, Social-Democrats, Anarcho-syndicalists, Trotskyites, etc. showed themselves to be guardians of the dying capitalist order & unswerving enemies of the proletariat & the peoples. The theories of “workers’ self-management”, “state & party of the whole people”, “socialist international division of labor”, “the theory of three worlds”, & “unity of all who can be united – including the bourgeoisie” were all unmasked & shown to be weapons in the arsenal of Imperialism in its desperate struggle to hold on a little longer.

Thus the situation on the international scale was clarified, while on the local scene, the theories of the opportunists & police agents were also being unmasked by the revolutionaries with the help of the great polemics issued by the Communist Party of Canada (M-L) (CPCml) & its stalwart leader, Comrade Hardial Bains. The Marxist-Leninists unmasked & smashed many enemy theories, including the theory: of ̶the party growing spontaneously out of the mass movement or the national liberation movements”, that “the task was (merely) to ’build (whip up) the mass movement’”, that “the party could not be built yet because the mass movement wasn’t big enough”, that “we should pick & choose what we liked in Marxism & build a ’true’ or ’created-for-the-USA’ Marxism on this basis”, that “organization is primary”, that “Marxism & unity are arrived at thru raging ’debates’ with the ’enemy’ (i.e., other Marxist-Leninists) in public”, that “we should take part in the pseudo-debates of ’public opinion’, organized by the bourgeoisie, on one bourgeois side or the other”, & so on.

Thus the stage was reached where the revolutionaries could look about them calmly & see that the Party must be founded as the immediate task. And that it could be founded only by the Marxist-Leninists uniting in the struggle to unmask & drive from the mass movement the reformist & opportunist agents of the imperialists & their ideas. That this is the only road to uniting the masses in conscious struggle with the wide view of seeing & organizing every fight as part of the preparation for revolution. The rightist cowards & traitors who had hidden themselves within our midst, as well as some who had never really grasped Marxism, are now out openly supporting the “Rainbow Coalition”, Jackson, Wlnpisinger, Roybal & all the other hangers-on to the Kennedy Liberal butchers, or they are “building (whipping up) the spontaneous struggle” while carrying out a fevered campaign to “explain” to the masses how the socialism in the USSR under Stalin & in Albania today is not the solution to their problems, thus trying to deny the masses a goal & perspective, to tire them out in endless action without any hope of final victory.

The time to form the Party has come. The Holy Alliance of the “Left” – the civil rights “leaders”, labor lieutenants, “minority” politicians, & the opportunist parties, groups & sects which tail after these “bigger lights” – has shown that it’s a disgusting vaudeville act dancing to whichever tunes the imperialists play. The campaigns for the “nuclear freeze”, “disinvestment in S. Africa”, “humanizing the INS”, “police review boards”, “legistlative over-sight of the CIA”, & so on, have been shown up as savage ideological aggression to cover up the unchanging violent heart of the imperialist exploitative order, which will never cease its mad drive for the maximum monopoly profit thru the ruin & impoverishment of the people, the plunder of foreign countries, & the militarization of society. The bases of Marxism-Leninism are also known now & the SDMLG has summed them up in its “10 Burning Questions...”. We must use this foundation to unite, defeat the bourgeoisie’s demogogy & demogogues, & thus unite the masses in struggles where they consciously prepare themselves, under the Party’s leadership, to be agents in history, to carry out the final revolution.

We must separate ourselves, from the very beginning, from all the trends of imperialist thought, both the open rightists & the ultra-leftists who use “violent” language to “denounce” the reformists for not going far enough in defending & spreading imperialism’s disorientation campaigns. No matter how “red” the language, the PLP is still pushing the “30 for 40” hoax; the RCP – the “all nationalism & organization is the enemy” sham; the MLPUSA – the “disinvestment in S. Africa” farce.

What is needed is a party that will say openly that imperialism is everywhere reaction & monopoly all down the line; that will unmask every bourgeois attempt to confuse & draw the fire of the masses away from them. It will openly tell the people that 1t is this bourgeoisie who organized & runs the S. African government to enslave the black masses for the maximum profit; & that all talk, no matter how “revolutionary” about divestment, etc., is just part of their attempt to conceal this brutal fact: Imperialism is racist to the core because racism is profitable, & it will continue to commit any crime & atrocity to defend its profits. We need such a party & we swear to fight continuously for the Party, making it the sole center of all our activity until we succeed & dissolve the San Diego Marxist-Leninist Group.

11. The SDMLG vigorously works for the unity of the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement & resolutely takes up the international tasks of opposing imperialism & all reaction, & revisionism & opportunism of all hues. It works for the defeat of revisionism & opportunism of all hues & takes up its sacred duty in defence of the purity of Marxism-Leninism & the principles of proletarian internationalism. It vigorously gives its views on all important questions, particularly at this time, prior to the founding of the US party, to all questions bearing directly on the main & only task of founding this party. It does not permit anyone to deprive it of the right to express its views. It persists in giving its views, expressing its opinions & providing solutions to the problems facing the world without any fear of anyone & without submitting to any pressure or blackmail. The SDMLG reserves the right to fight all those who are meddling in the internal affairs of our country & who are inciting the revisionist & opportunist elements to attack us, the other genuine Marxist-Leninist forces in the US & the party we are working to found.

12. The SDMLG defends all genuine socialist countries & considers the People’s Socialist Republic of Albania to be the only genuine socialist country today, & works to establish close fraternal ties with all genuine Marxist-Leninist parties. It firmly advocates building & consolidating firm fraternal ties on the basis of Marxism-Leninism & proletarian internationalism. It advocates bilateral & multi-lateral discussions & opposes any party announcing arbitrarily & without prior consultation a peculiar theory of its own as had been done by the theoreticians of “three worlds” 1n order to force a split in the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement on this counter-revolutionary basis. It stands for bilateral & multi-lateral cooperation as an important weapon against imperialism & all reaction, & against revisionism & opportunism of all hues, & for the triumph of the revolution & socialism. It vehemently opposes the “recognizing” of one or another group, particularly bourgeois factionalist groups, in another country as the “representative” of that country within the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement; & insists that only the Marxist-Leninists of the given country have the right to decide who can represent them. The stand of Lenin & the Comintern of insisting that all the Marxist-Leninists of a given country unite into one party before they would be officially recognized must be upheld. It vehemently opposes the revisionist & opportunist counter-revolutionary line of floating sects as so-called “parties” & “organizations” in order to cause maximum ideological confusion & the political disunity of the class 1n the struggle against the enemy. The SDMLG firmly & correctly believes 1n the equality of all genuine Marxist-Leninist parties, big & small, old or new, & that it is consistent with the militant & revolutionary spirit of Marxism-Leninism to find one’s own bearings independently, confidently & with revolutionary wisdom & drive. Just as the SDMLG permits no faction or factional struggle within it, with the same revolutionary fervour it opposes the international groupings of revisionists & opportunists which form factions & wage factional struggle in order to disrupt & liquidate the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement. The SDMLG considers the settling of accounts with the bourgeoisie, monopoly & non-monopoly, Anglo & minority nationality, within this country to be its proletarian internationalist duty & sets itself the lofty task of working to found & build the party that will be able to carry this out to successful completion & unite with the proletarians & revolutionary masses of all lands in the titanic struggle against imperialism, led by US imperialism & Soviet Social-Imperialism, & all reaction, & for the triumph of the revolution & socialism.

13. The SDMLG uses the method of criticism & self-criticism & the mass democratic method that recognizes that all cadre have the right & responsibility to fight for the development & defense of its Marxist-Leninist ideological & political line. Systematic check-up is carried out to insure that all cadre implement the line in all its aspects.


14. The organizational principle of the SDMLG, & later the party, is democratic centralism.

The leading bodies of the SDMLG at all levels are elected thru democratic consultation & thru secret ballot by the congresses, conferences or meetings of the respective level. The Congress is the highest level.

The whole SDMLG must observe unified discipline. The individual is subordinate to the organization, the minority is subordinate to the majority, the lower level is subordinate to the higher level, the entire SDMLG is subordinate to the Central Committee, & the Central Committee is subordinate to the Congress.

Subordination means subordination to the Marxist-Leninist line of the SDMLG. Every member of the SDMLG must be a soldier of the SDMLG & must defend the interests of the SDMLG, the proletariat & the country, & fight the class enemy, even at the cost of his or her life.

There can be no subordination to an individual, nor any “special discipline” for any individual, no matter who, & no one can put himself above the SDMLG & its discipline.

The leadership at all levels is exercised thru committees & not thru individuals.

The leading bodies of the SDMLG at all levels regularly render account of their work to the congress, conferences & general membership meetings at their respective level. They constantly listen to the opinions of the members as well as of the workers (& others oppressed by & discontented with capitalism) outside the SDMLG & accept their supervision. They must not suppress any criticisms of the SDMLG or of any of its parts, work or leaders.

Every member must not only participate in arriving at the correct decisions of the organization but she or he must also participate in implementing them. Thru this method, a situation is created in which all Individual members have their say, democratic consultations are vigorously carried out, all matters are discussed & aired openly, & a line, as well as the ways & means of carrying 1t out, adopted within the general framework of the Marxist-Leninist line of the SDMLG, is agreed upon. At the same time, there is the centralized leadership of the agreed-upon line & there is the maximum mobilization of all members of the SDMLG to take up the tasks entrusted to them.

All levels of the SDMLG’s organizations & the leading bodies are organized in full secrecy & carry out their activities 1n full secrecy under all circumstances. Any violation of this proletarian line on secrecy amounts to taking a hostile attitude towards the SDMLG &, if persisted in, is tantamount to joining the class enemy. All violations of the proletarian line on secrecy are dealt with according to the constitution.


15. The basic organization of the SDMLG meets at least once a week &, under certain circumstances, the meeting may be postponed or held before its due date. All decisions of the basic organization are subject to the approval of the leadership. The duties of the basic organization are:

A. To use the mass democratic method in order to help develop the ideological & political line of the SDMLG & develop the collective life & leadership of the organization & to educate the members in developing their revolutionary initiative in carrying out all aspects of that line in their work.
B. To lead the class struggle by implementing the general line of the SDMLG, that founding the party is the main & only task...all its work must help this task be carried out...through 5 general levels of activity: between SDMLG & other Marxist-Leninist groups & forces in the US; ongoing consolidation within SDMLG; recruitment thru testing & consolidating our closest supporters organized in the Anti-Imperialist Union of San Diego; winning over the advanced workers & other advanced elements to work under SDMLG’s leadership within the Anti-Imperialist Union of San Diego; broader dissemination of Marxism-Leninism amongst the masses & particularly within the working class so as to arouse a mass movement of the workers (& others oppressed by & discontented with capitalism) to discuss: the enemy – imperialism & its traitor misleaders, & the need for its revolutionary overthrow; the science of Marxism-Leninism & the dictatorship of the proletariat as it existed formerly in the USSR & does now in Albania; & especially, the need for the Party...& to set about working under SDMLG’s leadership to build it.
C. To educate the members in the spirit of communism & provide them with direction & orientation;
D. To recruit new members;
E. To assign duties to each of the members in order to develop the maximum initiative as well as the collective method of carrying out the concrete practical tasks of the SDMLG, to check up on the work assigned & to guide the members in implementing the line thoroughly & in a revolutionary way;
F. To exercise the control of the SDMLG from below by making sure that the Marxist-Leninist communist quality of each of the members & of the leadership is preserved, & that it is this Marxist-Leninist communist quality which is the decisive criterion in the enrollment of new members & the election of the leadership;
G. To provide revolutionary discipline & render account of the work of each individual & of the basic organs;
H. To lead the work of the Anti-Imperialist Union of San Diego as well as provide leadership to the work of the other mass organizations in the area;
I. To study the works of Marx, Engels, Lenin & Stalin conscientiously & defend the purity of Marxism-Leninism. To study the History of the CPSU(B) – Short Course (1938), the History of the Party of Labor of Albania & the works of Enver Hoxha & the experience of the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement, including the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) with Hardial Bains at the head;
J. To carry out large-scale propaganda & agitation work (particularly the former during the pre-party period) for the SDMLG & for the party 1t is working to found;
K. To collect funds for the SDMLG’s work;
L. To remain in constant touch with the revolutionary masses, to study & investigate the conditions & regularly report to the leadership;
M. To elect the leadership of the Group;
N. To remain vigilant against the activities of the class enemy, to inculcate the minds of the members with lofty proletarian morality & principles & to participate in the resistance struggle against the attacks of the class enemies & their state; and
O. To defend the integrity of the SDMLG, its ideological, political & organizational line & the internal information of the SDMLG. The basic organization must organize in complete secrecy & regularly gather information about the activities of the class enemies & take resolute measures to maintain secrecy all of the time, as well as maintain the morale & the activity of the basic organization at a high level.


16. Any worker, or other revolutionary element, who has reached the age of 18, is a resident of the US, accepts the Constitution of the SDMLG & has been active in the struggle to found the party, is recommended by two members of the SDMLG & agrees to abide by the SDMLG’s discipline & uphold proletarian morality & pays dues can apply to join the SDMLG. Each applicant for admission must go thru the procedure for admission individually.

17. Application for Candidate Membership must be filed by two members of the SDMLG who have known the applicant for at least a year as a participant in the struggle to found the party & have worked with the applicant during that period. The full meeting of the basic organization then either rejects the application or extends the period as supporter of the SDMLG or recommends to the Leadership that the applicant should be accepted as a Candidate Member of the SDMLG. If the Candidate Member is accepted, then the basic organization sets the probationary period.

18. The rights & duties of the candidate members of the SDMLG are the same as those of the full members (see next section – #18) except they have no right to vote, elect or be elected to the leadership of the SDMLG.

19. The rights & duties of the Full Member of the SDMLG are:

A. To participate actively thru the mass democratic method...(see section #15 A for the rest of the wording)
B. To lead the class struggle by implementing the general line...(see section #15 B for the rest of the wording)
C. To elect & be elected to the leadership of the SDMLG;
D. To work in a basic organization & come under its full leadership;
E. To pay regular dues;
F. To study the works of Marx, Engels, Lenin & Stalin conscientiously & become an able disciple of these great leaders & teachers of the international proletariat. To study the History of the CPSU(B) – Short Course (1938) and the History of the Party of Labor of Albania & the works of Enver Hoxha & the experience of the International Marxist-Leninist Communist Movement (including the Canadian CPC(ML) with Hardial Bains at the head);
G. To actively participate in the full life of the basic organization & set a good example of proletarian discipline & morality, of collective spirit & individual responsibility for matters both small &, especially, big; of Marxist-Leninist communist consciousness, proletarian courage & self-sacrifice;
H. To implement all the decisions of the SDMLG conscientiously & participate actively in working out concrete guidelines in order to implement the decisions of the leadership & of the basic organization;
I. To vigorously participate in criticism & self-criticism, defend the integrity of the SDMLG & the purity of Marxism-Leninism, & struggle for the uniting of all the US Marxist-Leninists into one party;
J. To dissseminate the theory of Marxism-Leninism widely & carry out agitation &s particularly, propaganda (in this pre-party period) for the Marxist-Leninist line of the SDMLG;
K. To recruit new members to the SDMLG; and
L. To courageously lead the mass struggle (at this time, especially the mass struggle to found the party) & fear no hardship & be always ready to make any sacrifice, including the supreme sacrifice, for the cause of the revolution & socialism & show the indomitable spirit of the proletariat in a practical way to defeat the class enemy.
M. The SDMLG member has the right & responsibility to criticize weaknesses & errors of the SDMLG’s organizations & leading members & make proposals to them. He or she must fight the twin dangers of liberalism from below & beaurocracy from above. If a group member holds different views with regard to the decisions or directives of the SDMLG’s organizations, he or she is allowed to reserve his or her views provided he or she does not form a faction & does not hold views which are revisionist & opportunist or are in any way detrimental to the interests of the SDMLG & the party it is working to found. Every member has the right to report directly to the leadership.

The individual with divirgent views has no right to propagate or implement the views & has no right to violate the discipline of the SDMLG under any circumstances. The member vigorously participates in working out the line of the SDMLG & dealing with the problems of SDMLG, the US Marxist-Leninist Movement & the party we will found.

20. When SDMLG members violate Group discipline, the SDMLG’s organizations at the levels concerned shall, within their functions & powers & on the merits of each case, take appropriate disciplinary measures – warning, serious warning, removal from posts in the SDMLG, placing on probation within SDMLG, or expulsion from the SDMLG. Political & ideological apathy as well as vacillations on the fundamentals of the ideological, political & organizational line & principles of the SDMLG is a cause for the gravest concern...a member who makes no change despite for education should be persuaded to withdraw from the SDMLG.

Any member who becomes opposed to the ideo-political line of the SDMLG, particularly those aspects addressed in its document, “The 10 Burning Questions & The Stand Of The Marxist-Leninists; The First 5 Being The Necessary & Sufficient Basis For Founding The New US Marxist-Leninist Communist Party” 1/1/85, (a short synopsis of which can be found in the statement of “Our Stand” of the Anti-Imperialist Union of San Diego) must be immediately struggled with over these points. No change despite further education & struggle is grounds for removal from the SDMLG.

All proven renegades & enemy agents must be cleared out of the SDMLG & of the movement to found the new party & not be readmitted.

The SDMLG upholds the great Leninist principle of “better fewer, but better” when dealing with the Marxist-Leninist communist quality & the composition of the SDMLG & the US movement to found the new party.


21. The Anti-Imperialist Union of San Diego, militant union of the advanced workers & other advanced elements, is led by the SDMLG & is the instrument of revolutionary propaganda & the reservoir of new members for the SDMLG.

The SDMLG pays special attention to the education of the advanced in Marxist-Leninist communist consciousness & in the lofty ideals of liberation & emancipation of the proletariat & lays great emphasis on the mobilization of the advanced around the SDMLG to help it carry out its main & only task on all 5 general levels of activity: between SDMLG & other Marxist-Leninist groups & forces in the US; ongoing consolidation within SDMLG; recruitment thru testing & consolidation of these closest supporters organized within the Anti-Imperialist Union; winning over of more advanced workers & other advanced elements; & broader dissemination of Marxism-Leninism amongst the masses & particularly within the working class to arouse a mass movement at all 5 levels to discuss: the enemy – imperialism & its traitor misleaders & the need for its revolutionary overthrow; the science of Marxism-Leninism & the dictatorship of the proletariat as it formerly existed in the USSR & does now in Albania; & especially, the need for the party… & to set about working under the leadership of SDMLG (& other genuine US Marxist-Leninist forces) to found that party.