Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

Communist Party of New Zealand

Trotskyite Coup in Albania


In February 1991, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of New Zealand published the 400-page book Albania’s Slide into Capitalism. This book was split into three sections:

1. A detailed exposure of Albanian revisionism published by the CPNZ Central Committee on 11.2.91.
2. Significant documents, declarations and news reports on Albania spanning the last three decades.
3. Pertinent extracts from the theoretical work of Enver Hoxha, Albania’s leader for four decades till his death in 1985.

Copies of this 400-page book Albania’s Slide into Capitalism are still available from the CPNZ Central Committee. The price is $NZ50 for orders within New Zealand and $US50 for overseas orders. A supplement to this book was made necessary by the flurry of events in Albania since January 1991. The result is the 90-page volume you now hold in your hands titled Trotskyite Coup in Albania.

This 90-page supplement is split into seven sections, incorporating the latest CPNZ Central Committee statement on Albanian revisionism issued on 15.4.91, a re-print of the CPNZ Central Committee statement of 11.2.91, four People’s Voice articles exposing the counter-revolutionary actions of Alia & Co, and the latest update (to 8.4.91) of significant documents, declarations and news reports on Albania.

The price of the supplement is $NZ15 for local orders and $US20 for overseas orders.

The 400-page volume Albania’s Slide into Capitalism and the 90-page supplement Trotskyite Coup in Albania together constitute an extremely detailed and comprehensive exposure of the origins and nature of Albanian revisionism.

They are essential reading for everyone fighting to put the well-defined principles of communism into practice in the sharpening class struggle.

The CPNZ Central Committee invites a public response from all overseas parties to our party’s public exposure of Albanian revisionism. This should help to focus the international struggle against revisionism and consolidate the world communist movement. Please address all correspondence to:

CPNZ Central Committee
April 1991