Editor’s Note

Against the Current No. 22, September/October 1989

The Editors

THIS ISSUE OF AGAINST THE CURRENT includes a feature on China after the Tiananmen massacre: an interview, several interpretive essays, and brief eyewitness reports. Because of the volume of this material, which we felt was important in view of the significance of the Chinese events for socialists, we have had to hold over Kent Worcester’s memorial essay on C.LR. James. It will appear in our next issue.

As this issue was in preparation, we were saddened by the death of Michael Harrington, co-chair and longtime leader of Democratic Socialists of America, and among the best-known spokespersons for socialism in the United States. Regular readers of ATC are undoubtedly aware of very deep differences we have with Harrington’s strategy for achieving socialist goals. This does not lessen our respect for his decades of activism and dedicated service to the movement.

We extend congratulations and solidarity to Margaret Randall, whose long battle against deportation ended victoriously when the Board of Immigration Appeals ruled that she had never lost her U.S. citizenship and therefore was not deportable for any reason.

© 2020 Against the Current

September-October 1989, ATC 22