The New Militant, Jan-Jun 1936 Complete Contents by Issue, Volume 2 1 Jan. 4, 1936 War Policy Causes Clash in Students Unity Conference -Resolution Adopted Ambiguous on Crucial Question of Soviet Union; S.Y.L. and Yipsel Members Fight Stalinist Social Patriotism -Student Unity Conference Clashes on War Policy S.L.I.D. Convention Strike Nears in Texas WPA Crisis -State Relief Administration "Plays Ball" While Woreers Starve (Special to New Militant) by James Evans Persecution of Mexican Workers Lack of Coordination Issue Call for Packing Meet Road is Cleared for French Fascist Coup -People's Front Abandons Defense Corps -Blum, Thorez In New Betrayal by H.F. Roberts [H. Frank Roberts] The Perfidious Example Followed The Fascist Danger Over? Waving the French Flag La Rocque's Army Disgusting Scene of "Reconciliation" Fire at the Bolsheviks Omits Names Cabinet Empowered to "Dissolve" Fascists Free Their Hands Bolshevik-Leninists Real Target Question for Stalinist Sages Utica Conference of "Militants" Deepens Rupture in Socialist Party "Activism" the Keynote Issue up to N.E.C. Olson Calls Out Militia In Strutwear Hosiery Strike in Minneapolis -Troops Summoned Aftyer Cops Prove Helpless In Protecting Scas in Face of Courage and Militancy of Striking Workers by Carl O'Shea The Workers Go Into Action Public Against Strutwear Bosses Latimer Urges Bosses Break Agreements -Coal, Transfer Employers Reject Plan to End Contracts with 574 (From the Northwest Organizer) 2 Year Strike is Called Off Scratch a Sectarian Illinois, Iowa Relief Workers Plan Walkout Theater Benefit ("Let Freedom Ring" is The Play) Question Box by A. Weaver Sectarianism, Centrism and the Fourth International -Leon Trotsky Analyzes the Role of these Tendencies In the Revolutionary Movement by Leon Trotsky Marxian Distinctions The Sectarian View of Society Ready-Made Formulas Twins and Antipodes Vereecken's Predictions Democratic Centralism Adaption to "Legality" Discussion as Dogma A Strange Example Field and Weisbord The Road to the New International The Initial Difficulties March of Events by Jack Weber Undeclared War in East Eden Makes Secretary Laval Shaky Betrayal in the Present War Crisis by John West (A Chapter from West's pamphlet "War and the Workers") "Good" and "Bad" Capitalist Powers Defense of the Soviet Union Sanctions Neutrality The Monkey Strike by Bill Haywood ("Big Bill" Haywood I.W.W. leader) Theatre Review -Winterset (The Bridge of Sighs) by Maxwell Anderson 2 Jan. 11, 1936 NJWPA Men Win Wage Rise -Officials Back Down in Face of General Strike Threat by Felix Giordano Tired of Promises Local Strikes Authorities Take Revenge Preparing to Defeat Relief Cut NEC Suspends N.Y. Old Guard as Socialist Party Splits Wide Open National Split Cleveland Hot-Air Fest A Pacifist Jamboree -Patriots Take Lead in League for War Against Fascism Congress by Philip Stryker Next Week Left Wing is Only Hope in Silk Strike -Must Fight to Save Union From Stalinist Suicide Policies Workers Pay for Tire War Report Shows by Jack Wilson Nationwide in Scope Workers Shoulder Costs Stalinists Pledge Faith to Greek Monarch Toledo Auto Plant Shut Down By Mass Picketing -Two Months Old Strike Galvanized by Militant Tact -Wins First Concession From Mathers Spring Co. WPA Official Gets Told by Project Union Stalinists Sabotage Unity Protest Lays Cuban Terror Regime to Roosevelt Gov't Letter of Protest Progressives Gain in AFL Union Meets -Radio Workers Decide to Affiliate with Lewis Movement by Arne Swabeck Join With Lewis Movement Questions Plague A.F.L. Old Guard Auto Unity Movement New England Progressives Gain Maritime Federation Under Fire How Support Lewis? President's Speech Prepares the Masses for War with the Lie of "Peaceful" Imperialist America -He Flaunts U.S. Slave Hold on South America by A.J. Muste A Cheerful Picture Creating War Psychology False Pictures The Certainty of War New Deal Served Capitalism "People's Front" -New Panacea of Stalinism by Max Shachtman How the German Social Democrats Followed the Road to Ruin Why the Stalinists Made the Turn to the "People's Front" "People's Front", Democracy and Fascism The Farmer-Labor Party and the "People's Front" "Rally 'Round the Flag" The Maritime Federation Socialist Party Split Gen'l Fang, Stalinist Hero, Kuo Min Tang Butcher by Lo Sen A Policy Dripping with Blood Who Is General Fang? A Kuomintang General A Kuomintang Governor Too Radical for Fang New York Theatre Party (The play is "Winterset") 3 Jan. 18, 1936 Under the Banner of Lenin by James P. Cannon California Parole Board to Meet on Mini Case -Only Pressure of Workers' Organizations Can Prevent Unfavorable Action by Reactionary Forces Board Decision Important N.S.A.C. Asks Protests Board Members Reactionary Pressure Can Help C.P. Breaks Unity Plowing Under the AAA by George Marshall Who Benefited and who Suffered from the AAA? Who Are the Usurpers? Rewriting American History Ohio Drivers Local Flourishes Under Rabid Boss Attacks -Youngstown Local 377 in Union Drive Reviving the Labor Movement Attack by Bosses Local Issues Paper "Make Youngstown a Union Town" Packing House Workers Plan Union Merger Defense Plans New Federal Appeal in Scottsboro Case Tampa Aid Group Balks Whitewash -Florida Victims Hold N.Y. Mass Meeting January 22 Speakers at Protest Meeting Threat to Remove A.F.L. Convention Strike Ties Up West Coast Shipbuilding Acting in Solidarity The Industrial Union's Record Dangers to the Strike Craft Unions Threaten Conflict Looms on West Coast -Maritime Federation Is Threatened with General Lockout -New Struggle Finds Workers Prepared by C. Curtiss [Charles Curtiss] Furnishing Scabs Union Cards Urges East Coast Action Follow Class Struggle Relief Sharrenburg's Attack Toledo MESA Local Wins Real Victory In Ten-week Battle March of Events by Jack Weber Neutrality for Sanctions Neutrality Today Vigilantes in Seattle Statement of Bill Reich by Bill Reich (Criticisms of Louis F. Budenz and his endorsement of C.P. positions) Program of Cleveland Congress Reeks With Pacifism; Class Struggle Omitted -Neutrality, Major Plank of Platform, Guarantees Support to U.S. Government by Phillip Stryker (Second installment of his article on the League Against War and Fascism Congress in Cleveland) Stalinist-Pacifist Chop-Suey The Illusion of Neutrality The Disarmament Illusion A Gaseous Attack on War The Ambulance Chasers Speak Up The Cat and the Canary The Manager's Corner The Supreme Court, the New Deal and the Class Struggle -Supreme Court Integral Part of Capitalist State by John West Daily Worker Finds the Issue Better in N.Y. Post Marxism and the State The Reformist Approach Denial of the Class Struggle How the "Founders" Reasoned The Jeffersonian Reaction Judiciary and Class War Playing Reaction's Game Parliamentary Activity Supplementary 4 Jan. 25, 1936 Jugoslav Communist Escapes from Siberia; Bares Anti-Bolshevik Terror of Stalin -Revolutionists Held in Jails, Solitaries and Concentration Camps -Three Loyal Hungarian Stalinists, in Conflict with Bela Kun, Clapped into Jail by A. Ciliga Exile Without Trial The Concentration Camps On the Concentration Camps Life ion the Penitentiaries Some Remarks on the Penitentiaries and Exile Who People the Solitaries? Help the Exiles! On Political Life in the Solitaries, Penitentiaries and in Exile A Statement of Fact on Stalin's Terror, On Mr. Hearst and the Sunday Worker Bakers Union Official Framed in Youngstown -Third Unionist Arrested in Anti-Labor Drive Led By Reactionary City Administration by George Truhar City Wage-Cut Drive Boss Spurns U.S. Mediator Committee Funks on Union Ohio WPA Union Wins Wage Rise -Rapid Growth, Militancy of Union Causes Many Concessions (Special to New Militant) Militancy at High Point Likelihood of State WPA Strike WPA Teachers Form Union in Minnesota Utilities Brotherhood Hits Edison Layoffs -Lays Power Tie-up to Undermanned Crews at Power Houses Fired for Organization Work Morgan Coined Gold out of Workers' Blood in 1917-18 -- With Wilson's Aid by Arne Swabeck Object of Investigation A Sham Opposition Morgan Turns on the Heat Lousing Gives Game Away Page's Letter Fight Police in Vermont Walkout -Marble Workers Battle Militantly After Three Month Siege by Cyrus Rigby The Battle When the Smoke Cleared Students Support Strike Developments in the Needle Trades; A Program for the Progressives by A.J. Muste The Changing Situation Union Gains Test Yet to Come A Hot House Plant Guiding Ideas for Progressives "Soviet Russia and Ethiopia the Goats" -Behind the Scenes by James Evans Behind the Scenes Loaded Dice Laval Bides His Time Relief Roles Are Pruned in Texas -Starvation, Graft, and Corruption Rife in State by James Evans (Special to the New Militant) Pruning the Relief Roles Passing the Buck From Red River to Rio Grande Hangmen of Finnish Workers Pay Homage to Scandinavian "Socialists" -- and they Reciprocate by A.J. [A.J. Muste?] Glance Into Finland's History Social Democracy Misses Chance The White Terror Stool-Pigeon Activity Eulogy for Butchers Who Are the Exiled Revolutionists In Jails and Concentration Camps? L.B. Kamenev G. Zinoviev Theodor N. Dinglestedt Mousia Magid S.P. Medvediev I.T. Smilga V.M. Smirnov Shlyapnikov Voya Vuyovich Assassination and Physical Extermination News From Norway The N.A.P. and the S.A.P. International "Mot Dag" (Norway) and the Sanctions Question Danger in Scottsboro -An Editorial The War Policy of U.S. Imperialism -Neutrality Laws and War -Pacifism versus Revolutionary Policy by John West "Neutrality" Part of War Policy Who Believes Neutrality Means Peace? Chloroform for the Masses "Freedom of the Seas" Profits, Trade and War The Doctrine of "Isolation" Life-Blood of Imperialism The "Aggressor" and Status Quo 5 Feb. 1, 1936 Stalin's Terror Against Bolsheviks -Speakers: James P. Cannon A.J. Muste (Headline above Masthead) Pen Prostitute No. 1 -Hired Liar No One Frenzy at Revolutionists Mr. Cullen on the Phone Who Gave This "Permission" Who Sent Hearst the New Militant Did Trotsky Get Paid? Stop Crawling, Budenz A Shameless Pair The Question is WHAT Not Where Deny the Charges, Browder! Next Week! (Another installment of Anton Ciliga's exposure of Stalin's repression aginst revolutionists especially in the Jugoslav C.P.) Cablegram from Leon Trotsky Hits Hearst and Daily Worker Lies "Socialist Call" on "Hearst, Trotsky & the Communists (Editorial reprinted from the Socialist Call, Feb. 1, 1936 "Hearst, Trotsky and the Communists" C.P. Plans to Wreck Local 574 by Carl O'Shea Page Mr. Meyer Lewis The Surrender-to-Tobin Plan The Charge of "Syndicalism" Directives of the C.E.C. of Communist Party to the District Committee -- Minnesota Planned Struggle Against Trotskyites Special Problems Their Strength in this District. Why? Their Policy of Defeat Our Approach Tactic Steps to Drag Them into Open 700 at Tampa Protest in N.Y. Executive Council Backs Down "Tell the Workers the Truth About Stalin's Hounding of Revolutionists in the Soviet Union" -- Trotsky Urges by Leon Trotsky The Comintern--G.P.U. Terror What Are Their Crimes? Prison for the Critics An Objection and the Answer Reformists Mum on Stalin's Crimes Bring the Slanderers Out Into the Open -New Militant Editor Calls for Impartial Committee to Pass Judgment on the Stalinist Frame-up (Letter to James Baldwin, Director, A.C.L.U., from James P. Cannon) Bare Murder on WPA -Toledo Union Demands Federal Investigation Into Case Local Wins Recognition -Mpls Power House Union Forces Wage Rise and Seniority Rights (Reprinted from the Northwest Organizer) Powell Framed; Scottsboro Boys In Peril -Mass Protest Only Means For Freedom -Smash the Bourbon by Mobilizing the Labor Movement! -Labor Defense Front Powell Framed "The Best People of Alabama" "Fair Play and Justice" Herndon Case Again in Court Russell Case Ferrero and Sallito Robinson on the Spot Mini Appeal Social Security and the Class Struggle -The Townsend Plan -The Panacea of a Quack Doctor The Townsend Crusade The Townsend Panacea The Struggle for Social Insurance Reformism and Revolutionary Policy Russian Fascists Hail the Anti-Bolshevik Terror in Soviet Union The Manager's Corner The Crime of Scottsboro -An Editorial Zeller Pamphlet Out! Needle Strike Impends Troyanovsky Dodges Sergei Trotsky Issue (Letter from Roger Baldwin) Will the A.F. of L. Split on the Issue of Industrial Unionism -Miami Meet Sharpens Cleavage Between Old Guard and Lewis by Arne Swabeck Lewis Central Issue A Threat to the Old Guard Bitter-Enders Dissent Organization as Special Privilege Antagonism Will Grow Pressure on Lewis Deep Organizational Gulf The Possibilities of Split Horse-and-Buggy Age Over 6 Feb. 8, 1936 Milliners Stoppage Settled -Trimmers Suffer Cut As Contract Is Made Behind Closed Doors Trimmers Lose Out Another NRA They Will Organize Furriers Strike Is Scotched -Gold Forces Wretched Agreement on Union -No Closed Shop by J. Rabinowitz Surrenders Closed Shop The Pot of Gold The Stalinists' Record Hunger Stalks Poor Texas Farms As Roosevelt Plans Take Effect (Special to the New Militant) by James Evans Two Generations Unspeakable Misery Next Week! (Articles by Leon Trotsky and A. Tarov on the condition of the Bolshevik-Leninists in the Soviet Union and exile.) 700 in N.Y. Mass Meet Protest Stalin's Terror -Vote for Resolution Calling for Committee to Probe Charges Made by Ciliga and Tarov Labor Skate Disbands Militant San Diego City Labor Council by Richard Fraser Progressives Gain Control An Open Shop Town The Race with Time Motor Products Strike Enters its Third Month -Detroit Auto Workers Battle Bravely Against Motor Dynasty, Police Terror, Dillon Sabotage Motor Barons Unyielding An Augury of Future Battles Dillon to the Bosses' Rescue "Smash the Strike"--Says Green A Disgraceful Spectacle Changed Conditions Green Retreats Under Fire Union Launches Counter Attack Rubber Baron Grants Union Demands -"Sit-Down" Protest over Discharge Forces Reinstatement by Jack Wilson Workers Sit Tight Company Tries Obstinacy Force Wages for "Strike" Bulletin by Jack Wilson (Sit-down at Goodyear in the wake of successful Firestone sit-down strike) Pekin Strike Called Off; Paralyze City in Fight To Remove Police Chief -Green Succeeds Where Bosses and Tear-Gas Were Powerless Causes of the Strike Looking for Plug-Uglies The Wolf at the Millionaire's Door -The Poor Rich by John G. Wright The Unkind Era "It's Your Own Fault" Bill Jones Gets Every Nickel The Poor Rich Losses for Bosses Chrysler's Misfortune Out of Its Own Pocket Operating for Philanthropy Soak the Poor The People's Front as Applied in China - 1927 -Hitherto Unpublished Document Reveals Betrayal of Revolution Through This Policy (The minutes of the Chinese Sub-Committee of the Executive Committee of the Communist International in Moscow, May 1927) Analytic Report by Albert Treint Anton Ciliga Describes Wrecking of the Jugoslav C.P; Tells of Opposition Struggle in the Soviet Union by A. Ciliga [Anton Ciliga] Pages From Internal Life in Jugoslavia Struggle for the Right to Depart Revolutionary Defeatism in Practice in the Ruhr in 1923 Plan of Action Formulated Appeal to the Soldiers Fraternization Propaganda Repression and Evacuation "The Press Is the Collective Organizer"--Lenin Lewis Robs the Treasury The Wall Is Cracking For the Unit of Unemployed The New Labor Press Socialist Call and Daily Worker Shades of Lenin! News Flash! (Dressmakers impending strike) A Cry of Protest From A Siberian Exile Camp -Letter of 13 Bolsheviks, Written in 1934, Comes to Light for First Time To Akulov, Attorney General of the U.S.S.R., Moscow Hounded by Bourgeoisie and Stalin The Hunger Strike Arbitrary Extension of Sentences Ciliga's Heroic Protest Siberian Exile "We Hold You Responsible..." February Issue of New International Out Soon 7 Feb. 15, 1936 20,000 Oppositionists Expelled From the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in Recent "Cleansing" -Forces of the Fourth International Grow in the Strongest Fortress of Stalinism; "Purging" of Critics Conducted by G.P.U. Behind Backs of the Membership; Prepare Another Mass Ousting for Spring by Leon Trotsky The Categories of Expelled The Chief Opposition Force In the Dnyeper-Petrovsk Province The Black Sea Region 20% "Trotskyists" in West-Siberia Then Come the Trotskyists and Zinovievists Where Repression Is Strongest 20,000 Expelled New Purge in Preparation The Power of our Program Rebel Spirit Stirs Akron Gum Miners -Successful Sit-Down Strikes Impel Militant Action In Rubber Unions by Jack Wilson Union Grows After Struggle Causes of the "Sitdowns" Workers Ready for Strike Trotsky Cables Denial to AP on Daily Worker Lies -Denounces Repressions Against Bolshevik-Leninists by the Stalin Bureaucracy (The article contains the text of the cable signed by Leon Trotsky) Find WPA Head Guilty of Murder -Worker Jury Unanimous in Verdict; NUL, WAA Leaders Speak The Physician Testifies Verdict is "Guilty" Urges Unity of Unemployed Mooney Appeals For Aid -Funds Badly Needed to Fight Activities of Calif. Frame-up Crew (Letter from Tom Mooney) An Organ of Reaction Frame-up Crew Still Active Miners Convention Hurls Defi at Green Ultimatum on CIO -Complete Solidarity with Industrial Union Movement Spurs Organization in Other Industries by Arne Swabeck Crushing Defeat for Green Miners Branch Out In the Grand Style Autonomy and Roosevelt Clash with Craft Unions Radio Workers Bolt Meat Packers Launch Drive in Industry -Affiliate with CIO; Fight for Unrestricted Industrial Charter in AFL Minneapolis Unions Join Lewis Set-Up -22 Locals Take First Step in Conference; 574 Represented New York Dressmakers Force Bosses to Terms -Strength of Union Forces New Contract -Report Gains on Major Issues of Conflict With Employers Laundry Strike Remains Solid in 9th Week Two Pamphlets ("The Road for Revolutionary Socialists" by Fred Zeller and "War and the Workers" by John West) C.P. Union Reneges On Office Workers Discouraged Strike Action Membership Fights "Yellow Dog" Our Revolutionary Heritage: The Corn Rebellion by Leighton Rigby Opposition to War The Burden of Oppression The Working Class Union The Battle and Its Outcome The Treachery of the Spanish "Labor Party of Marxist Unity" by Leon Trotsky Political Betrayal I.L.P. and Spain "Unity"--with Whom? "My Escape from Stalin's Prison" By A. Tarov Record of a Worker Bolshevik Arrest, Exile and Prison Capitulators Returned to Prison Infected Cells In Water Hunger Strike The Honor Roll Across the Border The Local Population The Villager's Opinion Concerning the Mensheviks Hike With Lumen Club Roosevelt Carves A Latin American Empire by John West An "American League of Nations"? World Interests of the U.S. Colonies of U.S. Imperialism American Capital Growth of U.S. Influence Looking Forward to War 8 Feb. 22, 1936 Mass Action Forces Amnesty in Spain -Government Compelled To Release 30,000 Dutch Gov't Clamps Down on Revolutionary Party, RSAP, for Anti-Imperialist Campaign -Fourth Internationalists Strike Back as Police Raid Homes, Party Printshop, Confiscate Issue of "Neuwe Fakkel", Party Organ Only Shadow of Democracy Left Bury'ng the Bourgeois Tradition Vigilantes Prosecute Militants -Leader of Cal. Tar-Feather Mob Sues Victims for Assault and Battery by Ernest Besig, Director, A.C.L.U., N. Cal. Branch The Stalin Frame-Up Mill at Work (Letter from Trotsky to Olav Scheflo, connected with the newspaper "Soerlandet," an organ of the Norwegian Labor Party.) Frisco Central Labor Council Calls for the Release of Mini Another Enemy of Labor Council Enters Presidential Race -Landon "Balanced Budget" at Expense of Workers, Unemployed and Poor Farmers by James Evans No Friend of Labor "Balancing the Budget" Pickets Blockade Akron Co. -Threat of Injunction as Lines Stay Solid in Walkout by Jack Wilson Calling the Bosses' Hand One for All, All for One Workers' Demands "We'll Stop at 3!" Plant Closed Scabs Ineffective Force State Wide WPA Wage Rise -Ohio Pay Increase Laid to Action of Jobless Organizations by Art Preis The Blade Concedes Victory Unity Vital Need Left Wing Group Gains in Phila Needle Trades Union -Stalinists and Lovestoneites Support Administration; Sabotage United Front Disgraceful Squabble "Militants" Issue Leaflet "Impractical"... New Conference, New Attack The Stalinist Line-up "Militants" Gain Social Patriotism Routed in Debate Between YCL-YPSL on War Question Second Edition Social Patriots In Case of an Alliance... Tyler's Speech "Beacon or Burden" The Manager's Corner "Assassination" by Postcard, or the New Stalinist Frame-up -Use Incident in Effort to Deport Leon Trotsky Hearst Frame-up Used in Norway Fred Zeller Uncovers Real Motive of Campaign by Fred Zeller (From Revolution, Organ of the Revolutionary Socialist Youth of France) What the Drudges Feared Trotsky on Stalin Why They Hate Trotsky Roumanian "Peoples Front" Finds "Democracy" in Military Dictatorship [Archaic spelling of "Rumanian"] "Traces" of Democracy Supplication to His Majesty Demonstration Called Off Fascist Gain Notes "Our Line's Been Changed Again" Hathaway Made the Scape Goat St. Gottwald Attacks "Trotskyite" Dragon How Stalinism Prepares For War Stalinists Return to Old Love in China, Gen'l Fang -Ally and Butcher of 1927 Revolt is Seen as Hero of 1936 Peoples Front by Lo Sen Revolt in Stalinist Ranks Member of Chiang's Government General Soft on Jesus The Moscow Build-up Stalin Gives Him Arms No Criticism of Feng Allowed The Butcher Gets to Work Feng, Through a Stalinist's Eyes Fourth International Forces Grow in China 9 Feb. 29, 1936 Japanese Invasion Threatens Soviet Union -War Looms as Anti-Soviet Gang Seizes Nippon Gov't -Military Clique Wreaks Vengeance on "Moderates" In First Step to Hasten Drive of Imperial Conquest and Assault on Soviet Union by Lo Sen Censorship Clamps Down Military Wants No "Moderates" Assassinated Ministers too "Slow" Planned to Test U.S.S.R. Aid to Japanese Diplomacy "Conflict" of Master and Servant The Price of the Hireling Path is Not Smooth On Guard! Support the Rubber Workers! by Farrell Dobbs, Secretary-Treasurer of Local 574 Nations Jockey for War at London Naval Conference Rearming on Eve of New War Britain's Stake America's Game Massed Goodyear Pickets Throw Back Police Army for First Major Victory in Rubber Strike -Union Threatens General Strike if Militia is Called Out by Carl O'Shea Women Very Active Goodyear President Broadcasts Real Industrial Union Lewis Forces Strong Every Aid Promised by Akron C.U. Committee by Jack Wilson Union Officials Timid Strike Events To-Date Combating Company Maneuvers The First Set-back CLU Gives Support Terror Rages as Arkansas Bosses Battle with Starving Sharecroppers -Death by Hunger Stalks On Pres. Roosevelt's Poor Farms by James Evans The "Law" Breaks into a Meeting Perspectives of the Akron Strike by Jack Wilson Goodyear's Fabulous Profits The Progressives and Leadership All Akron Will Reply Sit Down Hits Chem Plant in Akron Boro -500 Barberton Workers Force Managers to Vacate Green Urged To Organize Steel Plants -CIO Challenges Old Guard In Answer to Threat Of Mass Expulsion by Arne Swabeck Steel Industry Pivot Trade Union Democracy The Hunt for Trotskyist Contraband -History Books for Sale! -The New Revision Under Way in U.S.S.R. by John G. Wright "Liquidating" Pokrovsky The Official Decree Contraband in Official Textbooks Radek Whines A "Faction of Communism" Stalin's Letter Daily Worker Distorts Lenin's Teachings -What Price Alliances? -Social Patriotism Scorns World Revolution by Dan Eastman What Lenin Said Indignation is no Reply Nonsense on War Alliances and the USSR How the Social Insurance Laws Operate in Capitalist England Health Insurance and Old Age Pensions Workmen's Compensation and Assurance Unemployment Insurance The Effect of Social Insurance on the Worker Father of His Country Now Sires "People's Front" -CPers Discover Workers' Hero in Slave Owner George Washington Tradition--Bourgeois and Proletarian Washington's Role Browder vs. Marx and Engels Marxist Conception of History Engels to Bebel Lincoln's Place in the Civil War Austrian Centrist Party Takes the Count "Red Front" Disintegrates "Differences" Overcome 10 Mar 14, 1936 Lift Strike to Tie-up New Areas if Realty Board Stays Adamant -Militant Spirit and Action Pervades Workers' Ranks in 2nd Week La Guardia's Proposal Statement of Local 22 574 Pledges Aid to Milwaukee Strikers IWA Leader Is Framed on Fake Charge -Auto Accident Used as Blind for Four Month Sentence of James Cross by Gerry Allard Organize Defense Committee Funds Needed Hold Ohio WPA Meet Hearst News Gripped in Milwaukee -Bottom Drops Out of Advertising as Guild Continues Strike Advertising Drops 2,000 on Picket Line (Additional coverage of Hearst News Strike in Milwaukee) Wide-Spread Support Strike Morale High A National Fight Jail French Bolsheviks in Class Fight -Solidarity with Brest-Toulon Strikers Evokes Repression by C.P. Allies (From Revolution, Paris, France) The Trial The Reformists "Defense" Revolutionists on the Stand St. Louis Kroger Clerks Ask Labor Aid for Long Strike Fink Agencies Used Issue Strike Bulletin New Japan Gov't Tool of Army -"Moderate" Cabinet Stop-Gap Until Road Is Clear for Final Lunge by Lo Sen The Stop-Gap Solution "Incidents" Cease Temporarily Support for Outer Mongolia Hitler Makes Bid for Anti-Soviet Alliance -Invasion of Rhine Drives Nail into Versailles Coffin -Italy Holds Trump Cards as Powers Face Alternative of United Front Against USSR or Anti-German Bloc Hitler's Trump Cards The "Two Halves" of the World Fire on Franco-Soviet Pact The Logic of Hitler's Position New Turn in Preparation? Our Policy is Unmistakable F.D. Sharpens Ax for WPA Relief Men -Hunger Only Solution of Capitalist Politicians for Unemployment Crisis by James Evans Reichstag Fire Defendants Persecuted -The Case of Popov--Tanev -New Light Shed on Comintern "Helmsman" What is Their Crime? Tanev's Attempt at Suicide Kolarev Sheds Some Light Dimitroff as a Leader The Methods of the "Helmsman" Convention Resolutions -Adopted by 2nd National Convention of the Workers Party Statement on the War Crisis Resolution on the Socialist Party Three Editions -- Three Versions First Edition Second Edition (After Lenin died) Third Edition (Most recent) The Spanish Elections and the People's Front -People's Front Acts as Brake on Upward Movement of Masses by Max Shachtman The Great Value of Struggle Reasons for Resurgence People's Front--A Lightning Rod Bourgeoisie Discredited Program of People's Front Relationship of Forces Treacherous Stalinism "Speed Up or the Scabs Will Take Your Jobs--" Straw Boss? No, West Coast C.P. Sharecroppers Take Vote on General Strike by H.L. Mitchell, Executive Sec'y, Southern Tenant Farmers Union Mass Evictions Continue Arrest 14 in NY WPA Protest Demands Pres. Act on Cal. WPA Layoffs 11 Mar. 21, 1936 Workers Press for Action in Spain -Azana Lays Ground for Action in Spain -Leraders Still Playing Fatal Game with Republicans by Alfredo Rojas Peasants Waiting The Firing of Churches Azana Consolidating Power Stalinists in Menshevik Role Azana Shows His Hand Time to Build Dual Power Shuffle New War Cards at London -Revolutionary Working Class Can Upset Applecart of Capitalist Politicians and Warmakers Nazi Army on the March Main Positions in Rhine Conflict Italy, Germany and Soviet Union And the Working Class? Service Strike Terminates in Compromise -N.Y. Realty Board Refuses Reinstatement of Many Strikers The Settlement Union Plans to Mobilize All Ex-Soldiers WPA - 1936 Football (Special to the New Militant) by James Evans Goodyear Picket Line Retains Firm Control; Prepared to Counter Bosses' Vigilante Terror Two Aspects of Struggle The Trusts Mobilize Defending the Picket Posts Extracts from the Rabble-Rousing Radio Speech of Former Mayor of Akron Gum Miners Reject Bad Settlement Secret Ballot Howled Down Strikebreakers Stirring Trouble Appeal Hearing on Sac'to C.S. Cases Expected Soon Defense Difficulties Overcome Warnick Persecution Continued Soil & Profits "Conserved" (Special to the New Militant) by James Evans Dividing the Spoils The Great Marxist Teachers on the Commune * Karl Marx * V.I. Lenin First Time in History For a Better Future Conditions Unripe Menace to Slavery * Frederich Engels * Leon Trotsky War and Revolution The Commune The Achievements of the Commune The World War The Tradition of the Communards by Maurice Spector Socialism in Words but Treacherous Patriotism in Action -Beware of Social Patriotism Masking its Judas Game Behind Empty Revolutionary Phrases by John West A Perfumed Poison Social Patriotism in 1914 Four Forms of Social Patriotism Defense of the Soviet Union Wars of Democratic Nations Against Fascist Nations Neutrality Legislation League and Governmental Sanctions No "Buts" in Anti-War Struggle Collaboration with Class Enemy "Defense of the Soviet Union" March of Events by Jack Weber The "People's Front" World of Labor -CPers Neutral to Lithuanian Fascist Gov't In a War with Germany Greece 53rd Anniversary of the Death of Marx -Marx - Leader and Thinker -Engel's Speech at the Grave of his Friend Readers, Attention! (The March 7 issue was skipped due to an unavoidable machinery malfunction) Gold and Dust 12 Mar. 28, 1936 Call for Revolutionary Mass Action in France -Fourth Internationalists Alone Follow Liebknecht Slogan in Rhineland Crisis The Lie of the Defense of Democracy The Versailles Treaty How Can U.S.S.R. Be Defended? Revolution or War Picket N.Y. WPA Unions Aid Sac'to Victim Easy Terms for Socialists -Victory for Austrian Labor A Serious Error Spanish Masses Demand Results -Unemployed and Land Workers Begin to Take Matters into Own Hands; Azana Dismayed by Alfredo Rojas Unemployed Forcing Action Struggle Sharpens in S.P. Bourgeois Parties Consolidating Double Fakery Mr. Laski Advises Police Aid Hearst in Guild Strike -Milwaukee Workers Hold Firm Against Arrests and Sluggings Strikers Storm "Safety" Building From Fish to Browder -Marcantonio Takes Another Leap on His Flying Trapeze Sit Down Wins in Minneapolis Blacklist Ruled Out in Akron Fact -Workers Feel Strengthened Though Settlement is Compromise No Discrimination Points in Agreement Union Officials Wavering Obstacles in the Road Strike Sweeps Pa. Projects -Eastern Part of State Tied Up -7,000 WPA Workers Respond to Call of Joint Action Committee of Unemployed and Unions Demands Formulated by Committee Ouster of Jones One of Main Demands Reply of Mr. Edward N. Jones New York Painters Defend Rights Committee Finds Irregularities Officials Watching the Wind Union Under Double Fire After Five Months of Sanctions -Its Effect upon the Italo-Ethiopian War, The Great Powers and the Workers by John West National Unity Independent Action Weapon of Peace? The Real Meaning March of Events by Jack Weber Relief--For Big Business Division of Labor Unity of the Unemployed World of Labor -Stakhanov Campaign Gripped by Serious Crisis In the Soviet Union by John G. Wright Split in the Swedish C.P. Belgium Steel, For the Slaughter Gt. Britain Rearms -On Land, Sea, Air British Imperialism Girds Itself for New War -- While Workers Starve by T. C. War in the Air A Naval Dilemma Army Recruiting Revelations Industry and War An Ally! -C.P. Supports Cardenas of Mexico; He Calls Troops Against Peasants Why the Czechs Had to Eat Crow by Henry Thuman Social Patriotism with a Vengeance What is Monstrous? Gottwald's Quick-Change Act Why the New Shift? 13 Apr. 4, 1936 Trotsky on the Stalin Interview What Does the Experience with Mongolia Teach? Wherein Lies the Cause of War? The "Comic" Misunderstanding with Regard to the World Revolution Norman Mini -Class War Prisoner No. 57606 War on S.U. Behind New Border Clash -Nippon Gov't Driving Toward Open Outbreak In Mongolia Japan Provokes Incidents Hirota's Policies New Support For Newsmen Teachers Association Sympathetic French Gov't Jails Zeller, Youth Leader -Zeller is 2nd Arrested As Capitalists Prepare for War "Union of the French Nation" The Case of Levacque C.P. Rats on Bolsheviks In Company with Royalists Solidarity with Levacque Intense Campaign Militants Sweep N.Y. Socialist Primaries Croppers Aid Group Forms Move Trial From Tampa Jobless to Unite in Nationwide Army at Great Washington D.C. Congress Meeting on April 7-10 -Mass Reply to New Gov't WPA Slash -Fighting Policy Is Prime Task of Jobless Gathering Plight of Unemployed Rich Years of Struggle Tactics for the Jobless Johnson's Treachery Stalintern Ready to Embrace Chiang Kai Shek -Offer Chinese Red Army in Return for Resurrection of Disastrous 1927 Bloc by Lo Sen After Shanghai...Wuhan The Cycle of Adventurism Back to the Bloody Past The Stalinist Flip-Flop "Return the Land" A Noose for the Workers The Red Armies on the Altar Build the Fourth International World of Labor -London International Labor Conference Endorses Imperialist War Policies by John G. Wright The Hitch in Organic Unity in France Japan A Letter from Italy -Nationalist Maniacs Driving Nation Through War into Collapse and Ruin The Ethiopian Campaign The Situation at Home The Plight of the Masses The Opposition Movement Spanish Revolution Reaches Critical Stage -Workers Misled as Capitalist Class Conspires Against Them by Alfredo Rojas Dividing the Landed Estates Strike Movement Aggressive Still Clinging to Azana Catholics Boycott Elections The Threat of Postponement Army Held in Readiness A Ray of Hope A Dubious Ally for Stalinism -How the "Old Guard" becomes a "Friend of the Soviet Union" as Soon as Litvinoff Plays League of Nations Politics by Max Shachtman Support for "Democratic" Capitalism Powers "Concern" for Russian Revolution The Trotsky-Borah Amalgam Old Guard--C.P. Draws Closer 14 Apr. 11, 1936 Launch United Unemployed Organization -March on Capitol Is Last Act -Johnson's Rump Convention Folds Up -- A Fiasco NUL Well Represented Rump Convention Fizzles Militant Note in Speeches Klan Pays Defense Attorney -Whitewash Planned in Tampa Flogging Trial Attorney Paid in Cash Administration Tries Shakedown Unions Flay Grand Jury Tokyo-Berlin Alliance Against USSR Reported -Adequate Soviet Defense Made Extremely Difficult By Stalinist Manoeuvers With Chinese Bourgeoisie by Lo Sen On the Far Eastern Front Offer to Liquidate Red Army The Treaty Myth Facts on Tampa The Background The Crime The Protests The Indictments The Defendants The Attorneys The Judge The Witnesses The Present Trial The Need for Continued Support Sentence Chambers, Mini, et al. -Calif. Prison Board Sets Sentences for Sacramento Defendants Tribute to Sacramento Committee Muste to Speak on April 19 Azana Speaks Firmly For Conservative Spain -Loudly Applauded by Stalinists and Monarchists--Caballero Cautious; Swing to Right Apparent by Alfredo Rojas Azana's Speech For Azana--Monarchists, Stalinists Croppers Swindled Share Croppers Not Represented Tugwell Will "Investigate" The Union's Demands Akron Guild Man Fired by Blake Lear American Labor at a Glance -574 Leader Gives His Impressions of Industrial Union Movement in the East (From Northwest Organizer) by Farrell Dobbs Craft Unionism Disastrous Workers Want Action "Rule or Ruin" Role of the C.I.O. Southern Illinois Unions Back Kroger Strike Wiles' Report Craft Union Blocks Shirt Workers' Organization by Albert Dane Amalgamated Progress "Organizing" with Bosses Aid Poison Finishes His Work Ferrero-Sallito Denied Writ By Federal Court Judge Nation-wide Protest Help Defend Ferrero and Sallito Peoples Front -John Bull Model Guild Strike Solid March of Events by Jack Weber America Plans for War Detinning and War Preparations for War The Electoral Pact -Full Text of the People's Front Agreement in Spain for the Election to the Cortes (As Translated from El Socialista, Jan. 16, 1936, organ of the Socialist Party of Spain) World of Labor -What Happened at the Trade Union Unity Congress in Toulouse, France by John G. Wright Results of the Spanish Elections The "Suicide" Advice of the German C.P. in Plebiscite -A Counterpart to Social Patriotism in France, Equally Disastrous The Stalinist Suicide Advice Meat for Hitler Arguments on a Platter What Are the Conclusions? A Jingle of Lies to Please the "Master" by Alpha A Consumer for the Garbage A Compromising Par Prospects for a Farmer-Labor Party in the 1936 Elections What the F.L.P. Move Means The Stalinist Fiascos Campaign for Roosevelt 15 Ap. 18, 1936 Woe to the Vanquished-- Mussolini Slogan -Fascist Army Overruns Ethiopia -Two Internationals Reveal Bankruptcy Once Again Jobless Masses Unite Ranks -An Analysis of the Washington Unemployed Convention and the Task Ahead by Max Shachtman Advantages of Unity Politics and the Unemployed What the Stalinists Wanted "Militants" Disorganized No Unity in Action at Meet The Farmer-Labor Party The War Question The "Independents" The N.U.L. Delegation Jail 1,000 Bolsheviks in Chile The Old Guard and the SP Primaries by John West The Two Decisive Factors Ranks Activated "Voice of Social Democracy" Bill Green Toasted Safety-Valve Labor Party Lessons for the Militants Danger of Conciliation In Stalin's Prisons -Dr. Ciliga Continues Series on Persecution of Revolutionists Under the Stalin Regime by Dr. Anton Ciliga In the Prisons at Leningrad and Verkhne-Uralsk Persecution of Chinese The Hunger Strikes Political Life Ciliga's Prison Conclusions Huge Student Strike Nears -350,000 Expected to Join in Protest Against War in Nation's Schools Warn Against Intimidation A Confused Slogan Malcolm Cowley: Portrait of a Stalinist Intellectual -The Saga of the Literary Cop Who Patrols the New Republic Beat for Stalin by Felix Morrow The Lost Generation The Bohemian Life The New Urge Malcolm Come to...Stalin Love at First Sight Cowley Spills the Beans Criticism a Crime Cowley as a Thinker Towards an "Understanding" of Marx Discovering Trotsky Everything Goes Character Assassination A Titanic Task An Ugly Libel World of Labor -Polish Bund Flays Stalinists for Pogrom Incitement Against 4th Internationalists by John G. Wright Poland Analysis of the Akron Strike And the Role of the CIO -Industrial Unionism in Mass Production Industry by A.J. Muste Vigilantes Crushed Role of C.I.O. An Agency for Roosevelt The McGrady Arbitration How the Agreement Carried Timidity of Local Leaders Partiers in the Strike 16 Apr. 25, 1936 Down Tools May First! Demonstrate Against War and for Workers Republic -New York Labor to Unite in Huge Parade -All Political Tendencies Combine for First Time in Years; Only Bankrupt Old Guard and Labor Bureaucrats Sabotage by Martin Abern The S.P. Old Guard The Stalinists The W.P. and the United Front Seamens Struggle Settles -West Coast Unions Retreat; But Employers Aims are Spiked by Arne Swabeck Five Outstanding Questions Frisco Local Target for Attack The Attack Fails The Strike Award Gains Consolidated Union Charter Revoked "We've Got the Men!" Significance of the Retreat Donkey and Elephant Gird for Election Spree -G.O.P. and Democrats Vie for Privilege to Represent Capitalist Class and for...the Gravy by John West Point, Counter-Point The Republican Scramble Aim of the G.O.P. Struggle Differences Superficial The Only Major Struggle Red Scare Is Raised in Tampa -Mimeograph Machine Becomes Threat to "Civilization" by Sidney Hertzberg Whitaker's Mysterious Evidence Tricks of the Defense On the 50th Anniversary of May Day -An Editorial Two Negro Boys Framed in Arkansas -Protest Must Stay Hangman's Hand Acting on Platers Orders (Special to the New Militant) by James Evans Planter "Justice" Hunger Strike in Stalin's Prisons -Heroic Struggle of Revolutionary Political Prisoners Against Despotic GPU Is Told by Dr. Ciliga in Fourth Installment of Series by Anton Ciliga Reasons for the Struggle A GPU Coup Chelyabinsk and Hunger Strike A Nocturnal Visit The Execution of the Poles "We Will Not Permit..." An "Official" Decree A New Columbus Itinerary On Route to Irkutskt British Imperialism Faces Dilemma As Line-Up in Europe Changes by Maurice Spector British Cabinet Quandary The Pro-German Orientation "Power Politics" March of Events by Jack Weber -Decline of the British Empire Radek and the Conservation of the Empire France at the Crossroads -In Lieu of an Introduction to the Second Edition of "In Defense of Terrorism" by Leon Trotsky Between Editions A Significant Incident A "Democratic Republic" More Vital than Statistics Two Agencies of Finance-Capital The Decline of Capitalism Social Disintegration in France An Unsolved Question An Unstable Situation Leon Blum's Wisdom Announce New Lecture Series (Trotskyism or Stalinism? General Strike Marks New Left Trend in Spain -Azana Directs Shafts at "Communism" in Reply to Provocation from Fascists but Workers Action Makes Them Run for Cover by Alfredo Rojas Robles Threat of Civil War Azana Attacks Communism The General Strike Azana Compelled to Act Leftward Development in S.P. 17 May 2, 1936 Workers Throng the Streets on May First -Thousands Expected To March -New York Parade Will Mark High Point In Many Years Tasks of the Fourth International in Spain -A Letter to a Spanish Comrade by Leon Trotsky The Removal of Zamora Nin and Andrade Tasks of the Fourth International Law'n'Order Ruse Flops -Akron Vigilante Frame-up on Trade Unionists Falls Through Cops Maul Guildsman -Guild Protests to Hoan After Many are Slugged by Police "We Have Been Naught, We Shall Be All!" (Political Cartoon concerning May Day and Labor demands) Peoples Front Salvages Bankrupt Radicals in First French Election -Real Issues Will Be Decided in Streets Not By Ballot Box Left Vote Mounts Doom of the Radical Socialists People's Front Saves Radicals Herriot-Daladier Will Crack Whip Finance-Capital Into Action Jersey Jobless Ousted -Bourbon Politicians Inflict Final Injury on Unemployed May Day Greetings from Comrade Tom Mooney by Tom Mooney New Trends in the Evolution Of the Unemployed Movement -Problems Arising from The Washington Unity Conference by A.J. Muste From "Self-Help" to Class Struggle The Most Urgent Problem Changed Situation Power in United Body Only Struggle Effective Link with Union Militants Needed The Roosevelt-Lewis Coalition And the Farmer-Labor Party -Lewis Takes the Wind Out of Stalinist 1936 Sails Stalinists and Lewis A Shrewd Strategy Whither the "Peoples Movement?" A Significant Omen Townsend Plan Hits The Downward Trek Birth of Movement Mushroom Growth The Investigation Committee's Revelations A Revolutionary Attitude Browder: The Man & His Book -The Stalinist System of Beloved Leaders by Max Shachtman The "Beloved Leader" "Mind Like an Adding Machine" Bureaucratic Leadership "But the King Is Naked" Omniscient and Omnipresent Shameless Panegyrics for Stalin Stalin: Peer of Kantians Ordaining Lesser "Beloved Leaders" Following Machiavelli's Advice A "Red-Blooded American" On the Soviet Section of the Fourth International by L.T. [Leon Trotsky?] 10,000 Expelled in Capital Cities "A Sensational Interview" -Azana Sends His Best Love to Stalin (Comments on an interview in the Daily Worker) France at the Crossroads -In Lieu of an Introduction to the Second Edition of "In Defense of Terrorism" by Leon Trotsky (Continued from last issue) Status Quo--The Policy The Society for Bankrupts Safety Valve for Capitalism Foreign Policy of People's Front Proletarian Disarmament Is This a Bloc? An Axiom of Marxism The Tradition of Lenin Is France Saved from Fascism? Dubinsky Finds a Haven in Roosevelt Camp Logic of Right Wing Policy Living and Acting Like Bosses Dubinsky's Hatred of "Militants" 18 May 9, 1936 Radicals Hold Whip Hand In French People's Front -Their Aid is Vital to S.P. and C.P. Plans -Social Patriotic Policies Hold Sway in New Left Coalition What the Gains Mean Comparisons with Spanish Vote Results Come as Shock Distressed at New Set-Up Defeated Despite People's Front Blum Prophesies Collapse The Meaning of the French Elections by John West Rubber Co's Grant Wage Increases Lingering Doubts Dispelled Splendid Fraternal Delegations Solidarity with Cuban Comrades! -Widespread Support Needed Against Reaction The New Constitution of the U.S.S.R. by Leon Trotsky The Whip Against the Bureaucracy Democracy Without Politics The Historical Meaning of the New Constitution Tasks of the Vanguard Progressives Triumph at Auto Workers Convention -Dillon-Green Machine Receive Smashing Defeat; Plan of Action Drafted by Jack Wilson Green and Dillon Trounced Tasks Before the Convention Election of Officials The Red Scare Flays Craft Union Regime Unity Probable Soon Labor Party Resolution A Significant Observation Terror Reigns in F.D.'s Cubs -Hundreds Jailed and Tortured -Batista Attempts to Cover Up by Investigation (Special to New Militant) Conciliation and White Terror Amnesty Committee Ineffective Organizations Represented Sensitive to American Protest France at the Crossroads -In Lieu of an Introduction to the Second Edition of "In Defense of Terrorism" by Leon Trotsky Building the Cadres The Inevitable Regroupment From Pacifism to Social-Patriotism -British Workers and War -Stalinism: Yesterday and Today by T.C. (London) Pledge to Support Gov't Stalinist Policy Dutt Answers Dutt Last of Leninist Line In the Dark of Night the C.I. Prepares The New Betrayal for China -Members of CP Are Kept in Ignorance -Bolshevik Leninists Point the Way by Li Fu-Jen (Translated from "Struggle," Organ of Communist League of China) Only a "Maneuver" Staggered by True Facts Wan Min's Crooked Calculations Covering Their Criminal Past The Real Culprit: Then and Now An Unnoticed May Day Funeral (The funeral of the myth of "Soviet China") Milwaukee Labor Council Urges Unions Aid News Strike Refutes Hearst Charges 19 May 16, 1936 Communist Party Trails F.D. Bandwagon -Browder Borrows Farley Campaign Slogans: New Deal Demagogy Aided as "Labor Party" Flops Union Chiefs Follow Daily Worker...To Roosevelt The Main Enemy! Confusion Versus Marxism A Campaign Against Socialism Roosevelt is the People's Front Aid the Russian Bolshevik Exiles! * Stalin Plans Wholesale Persecution -New Decree Directs Violence of Regime Against Revolutionists by L. Trotsky [Leon Trotsky] * Report Death, Suffering In Stalin's Siberian Jail * Pressure Forces Victor Serge's Release from S.U. Union Blooms in Akron by Blake Lear Five Sit-Downs in Night Centralization on Increase Out of Their Own Mouths C.I.O. Faces Challenge of Steel -Drive to Organize Industry Major Problem Before American Labor by Arne Swabeck A.F. of L. Decision Remains Paper Lewis Flays Wretched Policy After Fifty Years The Empire of U.S. Steel The Challenge of Steel The A. A. Convention Company Unions Stampede Roosevelt Steals Labor Party Thunder -Labor Chiefs Use New Deal as Safety-Valve by Arne Swabeck Raw Deal for Auto Workers No Serious Labor Party Swing Local Bodies Powerless F.D.'s Eye on 1936 No Labor Party Wanted Now John L. Lewis and Industrialist Serve Same Master in 1936 Elections Striking Coincidence An Act of Betrayal Differ in Method Not Ideology High Stakes for Lewis Rely on Gov't Good Will The World of Labor -The Liquidation of the Russian Komsomls (Y.C.) as a Political Organization The New Catechism Six "Heroic" Tasks Stalin Contradicts Scriptures Not All is Roses Cautious About Opposition Influence Daily Worker Performs Sleight-of-Hand on Elections in France "Democratic" Regime Falls Making Gains from Losses Blum Follows Bruening People's Front Boosts Azana into Presidency by Alfredo Rojas A Significant Index Caballero's Cogitations Refuse to Join Capitulator Mass Action Broadens Rigorous Censorship in Spain In the Columns of Alpha Browder: The Man and His Book -2. The Wooing of the Socialist Party by Max Shachtman Abandoning the Old Mistress The United Front Mood The Keeper and the Nurse What Happened to Social-Fascism? United "Against the Leaders" How Black Becomes White Why the Farmer-Labor Party? 99.44 Percent Pure The Mystery Grows Paging Abe Cahan! History Has Already Spoken 20 May 23, 1936 The Death of the Little NRA -An Editorial Reactionaries Rely on State's Rights Roosevelt Receives Reward of Virtue The Triple Play What Now? Croppers Rebel At Slave Wages -5,000 Arkansas Sharecroppers Strike Against System of Peonage on Cotton Plantation Enthusiasm for Strike High Jobless Hit Pa. Relief -Workers Alliance Calls for Appropriation for Emergency 121 Million Declared Imperative Committee Interviews Earle Crowd Swarms Legislature Demands 6 Billion Appropriation "Third International After Lenin" Off the Press, A Lexicon for the Revolutionary Movement Prevent Trotsky from Appearing Document Sees Light of Day Prophecy Fulfilled Parole Mini; Free Others, His Demand -Mini Appeals for Struggle To Force Release of Chambers, Deckers Mini Appeals for Other Prisoners New Sitdown at Goodrich -Rubber Workers Rap Violation of Union Regulations by Blake Lear Blum Upholds French Capitalism -People's Front Leader Pledges "Safe" Regime, Socialism, Only Solution to Crisis, Is Remote to S.P. - C.P. Moguls Blum's Capitalist Program Stalinists Revive Cartel Policy People's Front Program Not as Radical as Roosevelt Blum to Safeguard Investors Cheers and Cocktails for Stalinism Anti-Military Propaganda Subsides The Future of the People's Front Book Review by Jack Taylor (Discusses Stalin's comments on Trotskyism and the history of the October Revolution in his published works) Who Is Counter-Revolutionary? "Socialism in One Country" Differences with Lenin Whitewash Lynchers in Tampa Flogging Trial "Shirking His Duty" State Often Overruled Refuses to Testify The Bull's Hunch France--The Last Week Before the War by A. Rosmer Introduction Youth Against War The Violence of "Democracy" Repression Begins Jaures Assassinated The Die Is Cast Social-Patriotism Olson's Confab A Roosevelt Rally -Farmer-Labor Party is Ruse for Political Trades by Arne Swabeck Mr. Olson's Record Who Will Be There? Who Will Back Roosevelt Browder Protects Statue of Liberty Roosevelt's War Program The Great Deception World of Labor -Labor Party Leaders Vote Arms Budget in Belgium; Anti-Semitic Riots in Poland Belgium Poland 21 May 30, 1936 Tobin Plug-Uglies Slug 574 Heads -V.R. Dunne and Geo. Frosig Attacked by Thugs in New Union--Busting Campaign by Reactionaries Fascists Gain in Belgium -People's Front Losses Mirror Future for France No People's Front in Belgium? Only Stalinists Excluded Belgium the Mirror for France Stalinists Gain Despite Themselves Criticism Boomerang for D.W. Growth of Revolutionary Vanguard Spanish S.P. Nears Split -Right Wing Takes Sanctions Against Left; Convention Postponed Day to Day Report of S.P. Convention At Cleveland, Ohio by John West and Max Shachtman The Keynote Speeches Preliminary Skirmishes Old Guard States Its Case Old Guard Overwhelmed Organization Questions Trade Union Policy Conflict on Platform The Road to Power War Plank Disputed The Farmer-Labor Party United Front Resolution Statement of Minnesota S.P. on Farmer Labor Party Question 2 Shot, 15 Jailed In LA Bean Strike -"Red Squad" Unleashes Terror Against Walkout of 5,000 Agricultural Workers; Defense Funds Urgently Needed Unions Rap Co. Plot -Rubber Workers and CLU Rally Against Provocations of Barons by Richard Ferguson C.L.U. Supports Men The Problem in Akron by A.J. Muste Conditions Still Bad Cotton Lords Ape Hitler -Concentration Camps Set Up to Defeat Tenant Farmers Strike Persecuted by Stalin -The Honor Roll Vassili Feodorvich Pankratov Lado Dumbadze Mikhail Bodrov Gregory Stopalov In Orenburg Exile On the Flying Trapeze Again -Bittelman Takes the Swing this Time in Pamphlet "Going Left" Concessions Run Amok Bittelman's Findings The Horrible Example On Fascism Who is Responsible? A Slander Indeed! The Skeleton Again "Communists Foresaw Fascist Evolution of Social Democracy" And the United Front! An Eye-witness Account of Events in Poland -Participant Tells How Revival in Labor Movement Is Met by Savage Police Repression and Betrayed by Stalinists and Reformists Massacre on the Streets The Crisis in the Pilsudskyist Dictatorship Police Fire on Funeral Poverty, Unemployment and Terror The Clique Struggle 1914-1936: The Same Social Patriotic Tune -Dividing World into Good and Bad Nations, Browder Voices Same Phrases as Social Democrats by Arne Swabeck Gottwald Apes Haase Handmaiden of the Capitalist State Vote the Credits! Bourgeoisie Pleased "Forces for Peace" The Bad American Bosses Pro-Labor and Pro-Roosevelt? Hillquit-Browder Want U.S. to Act 22 Jun 6, 1936 Workers Party Call All Revolutionary Workers to Join the Socialist Party Turning Point at Detroit The Question of War The Break With the Old Guard Degeneration of the Communist Party Party Democracy Statement of National Committee (Statement from the National Committee of the Workers Party of the U.S., endorsed by the National Committee of the Spartacus Youth League) On the Flying Trapeze Again -Bittelman Takes the Swing this Time in Pamphlet "Going Left" by Karandash (Continued from last issue and concluded in this one) An American Austro-Marxist Zinoviev on Adler and Bittelman New Converts for the League In the Camp of Revisionism The Capitalist Transition Left is Anti-Stalinist Stalinists Hedge on Committees; Explain Non-Revolutionary Aims -From Revolution (Paris) The Radicals in a Panic Stalinists Retreat Under Fire The Anti-Trotsky Cliques Fold Up T.J. O'Flaherty Dead Letter from His Sister Founder of Communist Movement Expelled as Left Oppositionist Wrote for The Militant Stalin Destroys Conquests of October Revolution * Bolsheviks Hounded; Class Enemy Granted New Rights Privileges and Repressions * The Class Nature of the Soviet State -A Letter from Leon Trotsky by Leon Trotsky * Bureaucracy Strangles the Factory Committees * Czarist Methods Return in Schools The Revolutionary Reform The Stalinist Reform Announcement (With the entry into the Socialist Party the press of the Workers Party suspends publication.) Blum-Thorez Strain to Head Off Strikes -Blum and Stalinists Place Preservation of Capitalist Order Above Workers' Interests Workers Take Possession Action Spontaneous Crisis Wracks France The Elections and After Capitalist Order, Blum Demands Gov't Prepares Strikebreaking On Other Side of Barricades C.P. Urges Workers Return Political Acts of Strike God Forbid! Strikes Continue People's Front Betrayal Everywhere The Program of Victory Stalinists Incite Pogrom Against Revolutionists at Commune Rally A Balance of Spanish People's Front by Alfredo Rojas The Government Repression Crisis in the Labor Movement The Split in the S.P. Role of the Stalinists The Maurin-Nin Party Regroupment Still Waits