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J. Deane

Dockers Wage Demands

Bosses Stalling

(December 1945)

From Socialist Appeal, December 1945, p. 1.
Transcribed by Iain Dalton.
Marked up by Einde O’Callaghan for the Encyclopaedia of Trotskyism On-Line (ETOL).

The whole policy of the Labour Government during the 20 days truce has been to stand still on the demands of the dock workers. The employers have pursued a provocative policy by offering 18/– instead of the 24/– demanded by the dockers. To this insulting “offer” the Labour Government and the trade union leaders have replied, not with action, but with timidity and delay.

A Commission of Enquiry has been appointed after 30 days of negotiation between the union leaders and the bosses. This is how the labour and trade union leaders react to capitalist provocation. Troops ad threats for the dockers – silk gloves for the bosses ...

Because of their fear of another national stoppage, Donovan was forced to reject the employers’ offer. For the same reason the Labour Government is forced to try to obtain concessions from the employers. The Commission of Enquiry will most certainly, in order to avoid another stoppage and for no other reason, recommend a wage increase.

The dockers’ National Strike Committee has extended the 30 days truce until the results of the Commission are made known. If then, the recommendations do not meet with the demands of the dock workers, the union leaders will be instructed to give 21 days strike notice. Thus the dockers have given the Labour Government and the T.U. leaders every opportunity to obtain by negotiation their just wage demands.

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