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Susan Green

Readers of Labor Action Take the Floor ...

Explains Argentine Article Sentence

(4 February 1946)

From Labor Action, Vol. X No. 5, 4 February 1946, p. 2.
Transcribed & marked up by Einde O’Callaghan for the Encyclopaedia of Trotskyism On-Line (ETOL).

Dear Editors:

Saul Berg’s disapproval of my use of the sentence “At long last a Democratic Union of anti-Peron forces has been formed to defeat him and his military clique in the election,” in an article I wrote on Argentina, must, of course, be narrowed down to the words “at long last.” This was a manner of expression and had no political content. The editors did not seem to think the words gave the coloration of approval of the all-class Democratic Union, but took the sentence merely as an objective statement of fact. The article was no extensive treatment of the whole Argentine situation. It confined itself to the meaning of the latest demagogic measures of Peron. By the way, the next issue of the New International will carry a fuller article on Argentina and the present situation.

Comrade Berg’s formulations of what would happen if the Socialist Party ran its own candidate, are interesting. Factually, at the present moment the Socialist Party – as far as I could gather from my reading – is not a class-struggle party. The only people today advocating the united

front of all working class organizations against all the feudal and bourgeois elements, are the small group of Trotskyites, our comrades of the Fourth International. The deepening of the revolutionary situation may bring changes in the rank and file and in the leadership of the Socialist Party, but I talk about what is now.

As to Comrade Berg’s conclusions regarding a Radical Party (coalition) election victory, it is too soon to say – in view of the heat under the political pot – that the anti-fascist struggle would be, for long, transferred “from the streets to the sedate halls of parliament.”

— Susan Green

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