Fascism: What Is It? F A Ridley 1941


1. The founder of the Jesuit Order. See FA Ridley, The Jesuits: A Study in Counter-Revolution (London, 1938).

2. Colonel Blimp was a cartoon character in Britain, an unimaginative military officer whose hidebound way of working stifled efficiency. He became a symbol of those unable to break from obsolete traditions and bureaucratic practices. [MIA note].

3. German industrialist and original backer of Fascism. Thälmann: leader of German Communist Party.

4. Rajani Palme Dutt, Fascism and Social Revolution (Martin Lawrence, London, 1934); Daniel Guérin, Fascism and Big Business (Pioneer, New York, 1939) [MIA note].

5. Ernst Henri, Hitler Over Europe (Dent, London, 1934); the actual name of the author was Simon Rostovsky [MIA note].

6. A reference to Richard Harold Naylor, who started the first regular horoscope column in Britain, in the Daily Express in 1930. Entitled ‘What the Stars Foretell’, it proved extremely popular, and paved the way for similar columns in other newspapers [MIA note].

7. Already the Nazi leaders assure us that their ‘New Order’ will be based on ‘Labour’ – viz, a natural economy of barter – and not on gold.