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Jack Wilson

Rubber Union in 2 Hr. Strike

(11 November 1935)

From New Militant, Vol. I No. 47, 16 November 1935, p. 4.
Transcribed & marked up by Einde O’ Callaghan for the Encyclopaedia of Trotskyism On-Line (ETOL).

AKRON, Ohio, Nov. 11. – A two-hour “strike” of all workers in the truck tire department at Goodyear protesting a wage cut gave further impetus to the organization drive of the United Rubber Workers of America this week.

A special meeting for the truck tire builders was held at the Goodyear local hall which resulted in additional members for the union a day after the “strike.”

This was the third department in Goodyear which sat down at work while a delegation went to the management to demand a restoration of wage rates in the past few weeks.

Two well attended meetings for all Akron rubber workers were addressed by officials of the United Rubber workers union as each local prepared to resist any company attempts to follow Goodyear’s policy as agreed.

Meanwhile the “Big Five” tire manufacturers made a temporary truce in the price war which means they’ll reap more profits since they’ve reduced wages in some departments in the plants.

The Goodyear workers’ “strikes” brought temporary withdrawal of the wage cuts but in each instance the company slyly reduced piece work rates individually in an effort to prevent wide-spread protest.

However, resentment continues to increase among the workers and the union obtains new members.

These developments indicate that the possibility of a strike in the rubber industry during this peak season gains weight since only through a well-planned strike can the United Rubber Workers resist the rubber barons’ ruthless policies.

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