Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas (1930)

Preamble to Constitution of the Communist Party of the Philippines


Written by: The Communist Party of the Philippines (Merger of Socialist and Communist Parties) (PKP-1930);
Published: 1946
Source: Text retrieved page 74 of the appendix of Communism in the Philippines: An introduction by Alfredo B. Saulo and published by Ateneo de Manila University Press in 1990; the appendix indicates this was taken from the from the AFP Handbook on the CPP issued by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP);
Markup: Simoun Magsalin;
Public Domain: Marxists Internet Archive 2005. This work is completely free.
Note: This is a translation.

The Communist Party of the Philippines (Merger of Socialist and Communist Parties) is the political party of the Filipino working classes based on the principles of scientific Communism and Marxism-Leninism. It fights for the immediate and basic wants of the workers, peasants and all elements exploited by capitalists. As the vanguard of the working classes, it stands in the forefront of this struggle.

The Communist Party will fight for the democratic rights won by the Filipino people and will defend them against enemies desiring to crush democracy and all national freedoms. The Party leads the struggle against Imperialism, exploitation of colonial and semi-colonial countries, division of classes and nations, and all forms of chauvinism.

In the struggle for democracy, the independence and progress of the classes, the Communist Party supports the democratic principles of Bonifacio, Rizal, Luna and other heroes and also the teachings of Crisanto Evangelista and other working class leaders.

In order to assure the success of these principles, the Communist Party has promulgated this Constitution: