Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

Marxist-Leninists, Unite!

Resolution of the Brussels Federal Committee of the Belgian Communist Party

A Reply to the “Open Letter” of July 14, 1963 Published in Pravda


We believe that:

”The conclusion of a separate treaty on discontinuing nuclear tests at a time when the Western powers were pursuing a reckless arms race could only create a general illusion that something was being done to prevent a nuclear war, whereas the Western powers were actually pushing matters precisely to such a war. . . . The conclusion of a treaty on the ending of tests, in isolation from the general problem of disarmament and with a continual nuclear arms race in progress, besides failing to do any good to the cause of peace, might even lead to the contrary– it might camouflage preparations for a nuclear war.”

This quotation is drawn from the Soviet government memorandum of September 28, 1961.

Let us also remember these remarks made by Khrushchov on September 9, 1961.

”Agreement on the cessation of one kind of tests only – in the atmosphere – would be a disservice to the cause of peace.” He said that this would be “a dishonest deal. Of course, the Soviet Government cannot and will not strike such a bargain. A deal of this nature is wanted by those who build their policy on deceit of the peoples, on playing at negotiation.”

This criticism applies perfectly to the Moscow agreement which in fact encourages underground tests by the powers which have already made hundreds of tests and accumulated enormous stocks of nuclear weapons.

* * *

This very same Khrushchov has taken his stand today with “those who build their policy on deceit of the peoples, on playing at negotiation.” He does this without the slightest justification, surrendering the cause of the struggle against the menace of war, endangering the defence of the socialist camp and the Soviet Union itself and meeting the demands of American imperialism, the main force of aggression and war in the world.

The revisionists of the Political Bureau of the Belgian Communist Party, once again surrendering the positions taken by the Party and its congresses, have distinguished themselves in the deafening chorus of praise from all the pseudo-pacifists whose actions increase the danger of war.

The Moscow agreement represents not only a new blind capitulation before imperialism but actually leads to collaboration with the imperialists.

The latter are only worried about strengthening their aggressive military potential, principally through carrying on underground nuclear tests. They do this to the detriment of the defensive potential of the socialist camp and oppose other socialist countries, notably China, having at their disposal suitable means for discouraging the aggression with which they are constantly threatened.

This aggression is, moreover, carried on daily by imperialism in, for example, Taiwan, Viet Nam, Korea and in general against the peoples oppressed by all forms of colonialism.

On the other hand three imperialist countries possess atomic weapons. Innumerable American bases throughout the world as well as the American navy and air force are equipped with missiles carrying nuclear weapons.

This is the spread of nuclear arms organized by the imperialists.

There is, in addition, no further advantage to be derived by U.S. imperialism from continuing above-ground tests. Instead the Pentagon will now be able to devote its maximum effort in the conditions most favourable to itself to developing “tactical” nuclear weapons, especially suitable for aggression against the peoples.

It has cynically publicized this objective by announcing the immediate beginning of a new series of tests.

In his message to the American Senate on August 8, 1963, on the morrow of the signing of the Moscow treaty, President Kennedy stated clearly and cynically the aims of the imperialism he represents.

“The United States has more experience in underground testing than any other nation; and we intend to use this capacity to maintain the adequacy of our arsenal. Our atomic laboratories will maintain an active development programme, including underground testing, and we will be ready to resume testing in the atmosphere if necessary.

“On the other hand, unrestricted testing – by which other powers could develop all kinds of weapons through atmospheric tests more cheaply and quickly than they could underground – might well lead to a weakening of our security.

“This treaty is in our national interest.”

In these conditions it is not surprising that the manufacturers of bombs, of Polarises, of the F-104G, and the servants of NATO should utter cries of admiration.

* * *

The revisionists, and notably those of the Political Bureau of the Belgian Communist Party, go them one better in this chorus of acclaim. There is nothing surprising about that.

As Jaures said, “capitalism brings war just as a cloud brings a storm.” In carrying out its policies, capitalist imperialism hopes to continue to be able to use thermonuclear weapons as a powerful means of aggression and blackmail.

The revisionists, acting as servants of the bourgeoisie, develop their deceitful “ideology” of class collaboration on the same basis, using thermonuclear blackmail as their sole “argument.”

This is why neither the imperialists nor the revisionists want the banning and destruction of nuclear weapons; and why only the action of the people can impose it upon them.

As the August 7, 1963, resolution of the Hiroshima World Conference Against Nuclear Weapons declared, peace-loving people need nuclear disarmament and not a “more rationalized” arms race for “more perfect” nuclear weapons.

The Lefevre-Spaak government which has hastened to give its support to the Moscow agreement takes an active part in the policy of overarming NATO: military expenditure increases; German bases have been established, the F-104G continues to be manufactured at great cost and they are just now forming an atomic wing of the air force.

* * *

Communists, consistent fighters for peace, will not relax their vigilance. They will not allow themselves to be duped by the compliments which the imperialists and their new “collaborators” heap on each other.

They will expose the insane slanders of the imperialists and revisionists who dare to accuse of adventurism and bellicosity those who take courageous action against the danger of war, and its causes and those who profit from it: lies and fabrications have always accompanied the criminal actions of imperialism.

They welcome the resolution of the Hiroshima World Conference which called for action for the conclusion of a treaty totally banning nuclear tests and nuclear weapons.

They support the statement of the Chinese Government dated July 31, 1963, to all the countries of the socialist camp and to all peace-loving countries and peoples in the world, calling on them to unite and struggle firmly to the end for the banning and the complete, total, thorough and resolute prohibition and destruction of nuclear weapons and for the defence of world peace.