Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

In Struggle!

The CPC(ML): A Revisionist Organization of Agent-Provocateurs

Appendix 3: List of organizations created by CPC(ML)

The following are some of the main front organizations for CPC(ML) in addition to those already listed, with their publications: Progressive Workers, Immigrants (National Minorities), Youth and Students (England, 1968); Ad Hoc Progressive Women’s Committee (1968); Comite Pour les Droits Democratiques du Peuple (1969); Workers Defence Committee (Winnipeg, 1969); Committee for the Defence of National Minority People’s Rights (1970); Black Revolutionary Party (USA, 1971); Popular Student Front (McGill, 1969); Mao Tse Tung Thought Study Group; American Student Movement (1970); Canadian Friends of China Association (1969); Canadian People’s Democratic Front to Defeat US Imperialism and To Support the National Liberation of the Quebec People (1970); Canadian People’s United Front Against American Imperialism (1972); Indian Progressive Study Group (1968); Iranian Progressive Study Group; Latin-American Progressive Study Group; Pakistani Progressive Study Group; Ad Hoc Committee to Support the Struggle of the Anshinabe People to Regain their Land and their Hereditary Rights (1974); Ad Hoc Committee to organize the League of Progressive Women (1975); Provisional Committee for the United Front to Support the Struggles of Nations and Oppressed Peoples of the World (1975): Ad Hoc ComŽmittee to Oppose Racist Attacks Against National Minority Peoples (1974) ; Toronto Committee Against the Two Superpowers (1975) (these exist also in Hamilton, Windsor, Kitchener); Antonio Gramsci Circle (1975) ; Association Ouvriere de Montreal (1974); Workers College of Canada (Montreal); Mouvement Revolutionnaire des Ouvriers (1970); Progressive Culture Club (of University of Waterloo, University of Guelph, etc.); East Indian Defence Committee (of Vancouver, Hamilton, Toronto, 1974-5); Dhesi Bhagat Temple (in Vancouver, Winnipeg, Toronto, 1977); Communist Youth Union of Canada (Marxist-Leninist, 1977); Academic Activities Committee (University of British Columbia, University of Toronto); Canada-Albania Friendship Society (1977); Union of Third World Students (York University); Canadian Peoples (Citizens and Residents); Defence Committee (1977); Montreal Progressive Cultural Workers Committee (1976); Organization of Indian Marxist-Leninists Overseas (1977, alternate name for Hindustani (Jhadar Party); Canadian Workers Association (1977); Committee of Canadian Cultural Workers; Joint Committee of CPDC, EIDC and WIPO; York Student Movement (at York University, similarly for any other campus); Ad Hoc Committee to Oppose Political Persecution at York University (1977); Indian Defence Committee of Britain (1977); Ad Hoc Committee to Establish the Progressive Women’s Association (1978); Waterloo-Wellington Canada-China Friendship Association (1975); Coalition of Unemployed Workers (Peterborough, 1977); Filipino Progressive Study Group; Black Progressive Study Group; Comite de Lutte des Chomeurs Quebecois; Groupe Revolu-tionnaire Culturel (GRC); Necessity For Change Institute for Ideological Studies (1968); Front Etudiant d’Ahuntsic (1969); Groupe Revolutionanire Etudiant (Quebec), Indian Workers Movement.