Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

Editorial: Nixon-Mao Put Counter-Revolutionary Show on the Road

First Published: Canadian Worker Vol. 4, No. 2, March 1972
Transcription, Editing and Markup: Paul Saba
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Now that Nixon has been feted in Peking the world-wide fight for Workers Power will advance a step closer to realization. For now it is obvious to more and more millions of workers and peasants that the once much respected “Mao Tse-Tung Thought” contains dreams of uniting oppressors with the oppressed and plans for reactionary alliances. Revolutionaries aren’t going to fall for the so-called “Revolutionary Diplomacy.” It’s clearly a Khruschev retread. Chou En-lai is doing the same song and dance (“America the Beautiful”) about “peaceful co-existence” with U.S. Imperialism and the peaceful intentions of Nixon that Khruschev performed when he met Eisenhower. (If you like Nikita, you’ll love Chou.)

The capitalist countries are in a tremendous crisis. Workers everywhere are giving them hell. Strikes, unemployed marches, revolutionary violence and wars have been occurring everywhere as the world-wide profit system rapidly declines. China felt this earthquake of mass struggle when the Workers, Peasants and Red Guards bitterly fought to block the return of Capitalism. Using the cult of Mao (and the Army) the revisionists managed to survive by the skin of their teeth. Naturally this isolated gang of bureaucrats was anxious to fall in with Nixon. Threatened working class revolution in the U.S., China and around the world, Nixon and Mao realized that they were “made for each other.”

Apparently some choked on the idea of bringing the world’s most hated imperialist to the “bastion of Socialism.” It just wouldn’t look right, they knew. It seems the doubters were eliminated. (One can imagine Mao saying: “Let a hundred flowers blossom ... on the grave of Lin Piao”).