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Documents of the 2nd Conference of Canadian Marxist-Leninists on the Path of Revolution in Canada

Montreal, April 8-9, 1977


We wish to express our sincere support to In Struggle! for organizing this conference on the unity of the Canadian Marxist-Leninists. The Canadian bourgeoisie has intensified its repression of the working class and the contention between the two imperialist superpowers poses a threat of world war. Therefore, a unity of the Canadian Marxist-Leninists is of particular significance in order to struggle against both the internal and external menace.

The Canadian state has introduced the notorious Bill C-24 in order to repress immigrants in particular third world immigrants. This Bill plans to replace future immigration by an import of cheap, captive and transient labour force as was done in the beginning of this century and as is practiced in Germany and other European imperialist countries. To combat this repression and the attempts of the bourgeoisie to divide the working class and promote racism, a unity between the immigrant and non-immigrant workers has become more urgent than ever before. We are confidant that Canadian communists will respond to this by upholding the interest of the working class above every other consideration and inspire the confidence of the immigrant workers through a process of linking their concrete struggles with the struggle to build the proletarian party.

We are presenting a joint message of third world groups in accordance with the trend of unity of the third world as well as in accordance with the aspirations of the third world immigrants.

The people of the third world highly value the support of the working class of the capitalist countries for their struggles. In accordance with this aspiration of our people we have organized ourselves into third world groups to struggle against our enemies and to win your support for our struggles and extend our own.

Third world is the main force against colonialism, imperialism and superpower hegemonism. Countries of the third world have a common history, have common enemies and do not have antagonistic contradiction with each other. This forms the basis of unity and has resulted in a real trend of unity. Imperialism, mainly the two superpowers, are the common enemies of all the people and countries of the third world, are the cause of its economic backwardness including semi-feudalism and feudalism, are responsible for continued apartheid and racism, are behind fascist repression and are constantly attempting to cause division. No country of the third world is a bourgeois capitalist country and struggle for national liberation and new democratic revolution remain the main struggles in countries of the third world, which have not completed this phase.

During the present phase of anti-imperialist struggles, there exist two definite trends. One is the revolutionary movement of the people expressed through liberation movements and mass anti-imperialist struggles and through developing and consolidating socialism and defending independence. The other trend is a developing unity between the countries of the third world for the control of their raw material, for the defense of their sovereignty and against bullying and hegemonism of the two superpowers. Both are positive features and both are unfavourable to imperialism. Of these two the revolutionary struggles of the people for national liberation and for new democracy is the principal force against imperialism and reaction. Unity such as symbolized by the three Indochinese people, between the peoples of the third world including the peoples of the socialist countries or unity such as reflected by the conference on non-aligned countries in Colombo and the recent summit conference of the African and Arab countries are all parts of the anti-imperialist movement of the third world.

We are confident that the Canadian working class will take an all-sided view of the complex but advanced situation in the third world and offer its support to anti-imperialist struggles of the peoples and countries of the third world and oppose all war preparations of the two superpowers.

Long live the unity between the oppressed peoples and nations of the third world and the Canadian working class! Long live the unity between the immigrant and non-immigrant workers!
Down with colonialism, imperialism and superpower hegemonism!