Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line


The Third Congress of the Marxist-Leninist Organization of Canada IN STRUGGLE!

Constitution of IN STRUGGLE!

Chapter 1 The Marxist-Leninist Organization of Canada IN STRUGGLE!

1.1 IN STRUGGLE! is a Marxist-Leninist organization which is working to rebuild the proletarian party in Canada.

1.2 The task of the Organization is to apply the universal lessons of Marxism-Leninism to the concrete conditions of Canada. It does so by carrying out its Programme for the proletarian revolution in Canada.

1.3 The Organization is an integral part of the international communist movement. It is therefore also involved in the struggle to unite that movement and promote the development of proletarian revolution all over the world.

Chapter 2 Members

2.1 Any individual 18 years old or older who adheres to its Programme, accepts its Constitution, carries out its decisions, observes its discipline, pays membership dues and is actively involved in one of its organizations can be a member or probationer of the Organization.

2.2 All members and probationers must belong to a Cell.

2.3 It is the duty of all members and probationers:
a) to study, apply and defend Marxism-Leninism and further develop their communist consciousness at all times;
b) to courageously and steadfastly serve the working people of the country and throughout the world and work tirelessly to rally them to the programme of the revolution;
c) to express their views frankly and practice criticism and self-criticism courageously in order to strengthen the quality of work done by them, their comrades and the Organization;
d) to subordinate their personal interests to the demands of the revolution;
e) to protect the Organization’s secrets in any and all circumstances;
f) to fight small-group mentality and develop party spirit, work towards unity and not division, develop their initiative and report systematically on tasks carried out.

2.4 All members and probationers have the right:
a) to participate in discussions on all questions raised in the Organization, to express their point of view and submit suggestions, criticisms and proposals on any question at their Cell plenary meetings;
b) to communicate directly with all leading bodies of the Organization, including the Central Committee, and to ask them questions and make suggestions, criticisms and proposals;
c) to participate in any discussion which involves a decision regarding their behaviour, except in cases where there is serious reason to doubt their integrity;
d) to appeal disciplinary measures taken against them to a higher body, up to and including the Central Committee and the Congress. The measures taken are to be applied while the appeal is pending;
e) in addition, all members have the right to vote, to elect and to be elected to the leading bodies of the Organization.

2.5 Persons wishing to become a member of the Organization must follow the individual admission procedure. Each person must submit a written application to the Cell. Two members investigate the application, report on it, and formulate a proposal that the Cell votes on. An absolute majority is required for admission. The decision must be ratified by the immediately superior leading body.

2.6 Candidates become probationers when their applications are accepted. The probationary period lasts for at least one year. Probationers have the same duties as members but do not enjoy all the rights of members: they do not have the right to vote, to elect or be elected to a leading body, or to sponsor the integration of probationers. When the probationary period is over, and without any further request being necessary from the probationer, the Cell must vote on whether or not the probationer should become a member. An absolute majority is required for the probationer to become a member. This decision must be ratified by the immediately superior leading body.

2.7 The probationary period enables probationers to deepen their understanding of the Programme and Constitution, and of the Organization’s tasks. At the same time, it provides an opportunity for the Organization to gain a thorough understanding of the probationers’ abilities and to test their steadfastness and resolve to serve the revolution.

2.8 If members or probationers seriously violate organizational discipline or do not fulfil their duties, their Cells can, following investigation and if the absolute majority of its members so decides, apply appropriate disciplinary measures, up to and including expulsion. Expulsions must be ratified by the immediately superior body, although they are to be applied while the ratification is pending.

2.9 The Central Committee must approve the reintegration of a member or probationer who has been expelled before that person can be readmitted. The body immediately superior to the Cell must approve the reintegration of anyone who has previously resigned from the Organization.

Chapter 3: Organizational principles

3.1 The fundamental communist organizational principle is democratic centralism. It is based on the unity of action, purpose and leadership resulting from decisions taken democratically. Applying democratic centralism means:
a) decisions at each level are made following open discussion. Once decisions have been made, everyone must apply them without hesitation. The formation of factions within the Organization is contrary to the exercise of democracy and unity of action, and cannot be tolerated;
b) all members and probationers, whatever their function, must submit to the Organization; the minority must submit to the majority, the lower bodies to the higher bodies, the entire Organization to the Central Committee and the Central Committe to the Congress. If members or probationers do not agree with a decision or directive, they can make their opinion known by appealing directly to higher bodies up to and including the Congress; meanwhile, however, they must apply the decision or directive in full;
c) all members of leading bodies must be elected. Elections to all leading bodies are conducted by uninominal and secret ballot. An absolute majority is required for all elections. Members nominated for elected posts have the right to withdraw their candidacies. All elections to a leading body must be ratified by the immediately superior body. Members elected to any position of leadership can be recalled at any time by those who elected them;
d) all leading bodies must periodically report on their activitites to those who elected them. Lower bodies must regularly report on their activities to higher bodies;
e) all leading bodies solve all problems which fall within their respective mandates in accordance with the Programme and Constitution and with decisions made by higher bodies;
f) all bodies must strive in their work to link collective leadership with individual responsibility, develop criticism and self-criticism, and listen to the masses both within and outside the Organization.

3.2 The Organization must be able to ensure the continuation of all forms of its work in any and all situations of capitalist repression.

Chapter 4: The Congress

4.1 The Congress is the highest leading body of the Organization. It takes a stand on the Central Committee’s Political Report. It examines and decides on all ideological, political, and organizational questions. Only the Congress can modify the Programme and the Constitution. Its decisions are binding on all members and probationers.

4.2 The Congress elects the Central Committee, after having determined the number of. full and substitute members.

4.3 The Congress is convened by the Central Committee at least once every three years. A two-third majority of the Central Committee is required to postpone the Congress beyond that time limit. A Congress can be convened at any time by an absolute majority vote of the members of the Central Committee or of the Organization.

4.4 The Central Committee determines the methods of delegation to the Congress. Members of the Central Committee who are not elected as delegates to the Congress take part in the work of the Congress but do not have the right to vote.

4.5 The Congress is chaired by a Praesidium, elected by it. The agenda is proposed and communicated to the Organization by the Central Committee at least two months in advance. The Congress itself determines the final agenda.

Chapter 5: The central organization

A) The Central Committee

5.1 The Central Committee is the Organization’s leading body between Congresses. Its mandate is to provide ideological and practical leadership for all the activities carried out by the Organization. Its role is to ensure that the Programme and the Constitution are applied throughout the Organization.

5.2 The Central Committee’s responsibilities are:
a) to ensure that the Programme and Constitution are applied in practice in accordance with Marxist-Leninist principles and a rigorous concrete analysis of the class relationships that prevail in Canada and the world;
b) to lead the Organization in applying the orientation and decisions determined by the Congress and, on this basis, to continually develop the Organization’s political unity and unity of action;
c) to direct the press of the Organization;
d) to ensure the political and theoretical education of the entire Organization;
e) to see to the application of democratic centralism and the development of correct methods and style of work and leadership throughout the Organization;
f) to set up the necessary levels of leadership and to allocate forces, based on what the development of the Organization demands;
g) to set up the simple and efficient bodies necessary to carrying out the Central Committee’s mandate;
h) to represent the Organization in relations with other Marxist-Leninist parties, organizations and groups internationally, and to do the same with all other Canadian or foreign organizations;
i) to administer the Organization’s assets and to control the appointment and salaries of full-time cadres.

5.3 The Central Committee meets at least twice a year. There is no quorum unless at least two-thirds of the full members are present. A special meeting of the Central Committee can be convened at the request of an absolute.majority of its members.

5.4 The Central Committee has the right to demand that lower bodies account for their work at any time.

5.5 The Central Committee elects from among its members the Secretary-General, who is the official representative of the Organization among the masses and the person responsible for the work of its central leadership.

5.6 The Central Committee elects the Political Bureau from among its members after having determined its size.

5.7 The Central Committee resolves any cases not provided for by the Constitution and reports on these to the Congress.

B) The Political Bureau

5.8 The Political Bureau is an executive leadership. Its mandate is to direct the Organization’s work between meetings of the Central Committee and in accordance with the latter’s decisions. It reports to the Central Committee and is subordinate to it.

5.9 The Political Bureau convenes meetings of the Central Committee and proposes the agendas.

Chapter 6: The Regional organization

A) The Regional Convention

6.1 The Regional Convention is the highest level of leadership throughout the territory of a Region. It meets at least once a year.

6.2 The Regional Convention examines the Report of the Regional Committee and verifies the application of the Central Committee’s orientations and decisions throughout its territory. The Convention determines the orientation of work at the regional level, sets the size of the Regional Committee and elects its full and substitute members every year.

6.3 The Regional Convention controls the establishment of leading bodies at the district, city or other levels on its territory.

6.4 The Regional Convention is convened by the Regional Committee, which determines the methods of delegation and proposes the agenda at least three weeks in advance. The Regional Convention adopts the final agenda.

6.5 The Regional Committee can postpone the Regional Convention if two-thirds of its members vote to do so. A Regional Convention may be convened at any time by an absolute majority vote of Regional Committee members or of members in the Region.

6.6 If the Regional Committee consists only of a Regional Secretary, the immediately superior leadership body must agree to the postponement of a Regional Convention or the convening of a special Convention.

B) The Regional Committee

6.7 The Regional Committee is the Region’s leading body between Regional Conventions. If necessary, it elects a Bureau from among its members which directs the work between meetings.

6.8 The tasks of the Regional Committee are:
a) to ensure the firm application of the Programme, the Constitution and the decisions of the Central Committee;
b) to orient and direct the work of propaganda, agitation and organization on its territory;
c) to apply the decisions of the Regional Convention;
d) to ensure the development of correct methods of work among the masses;
e) to see to the education of members and probationers in the Region, and to assist the Bureaus and Secretaries at lower levels;
f) to set up specialized bodies and levels of leadership at the district, city or other levels, as necessary;
g) to allocate forces on its territory on the basis of concrete conditions and the objectives of each stage of development, and to see to the creation and proper functioning of the basic organizational units;
h) to administer the assets of the Region and to ensure that security measures are rigorously applied.

Chapter 7: The basic organizational unit

7.1 The Cell is the basic organizational unit of the Organization. The plenary meeting of all Cell members and probationers is the highest leading body of the Cell. The Cell’s role is to direct all agitation, propaganda and organizational work on the territory or in the workplace assigned to it, in accordance with the Programme and Constitution of the Organization.

7.2 The Cell must:
a) link itself closely with the masses and participate in their struggles, putting forward and defending the political line of the Organization;
b) apply all the Organization’s decisions and directives;
c) see to the political education of its members and probationers;
d) recruit new adherents, integrate them into the tasks of the Organization and ensure that they receive a communist education and training;
e) distribute the Organization’s publications widely among the masses and work to develop them;
f) carry out the tasks necessary for the material support of the Organization;
g) apply the security measures of the Organization;
h) develop the appropriate organizational forms for mobilizing and leading the masses to action.

7.3 The Cell has the right to discuss and vote on any question relating to the life of the Organization.

7.4 The Cell can set up any specialized group it needs to carry out its work.

7.5 A Cell can be set up on the basis of a territory or workplace if three members are fully active in the territory or workplace.

7.6 The Cell meets at least once every two months.

7.7 The Secretary or Bureau directs the Cell’s work between plenary meetings. The Secretary or Bureau is elected by the Cell for a one-year mandate. The Cell also elects a substitute to the Cell leadership.

7.8 The Cell Secretary is responsible for the accomplishment of all tasks assigned to the Cell by the Organization and for the application of the Cell’s decisions. The Secretary accounts for the Cell’s work to the immediately superior leading body and reports on his or her activities to the Cell plenary meeting.

7.9 In workplaces or territories where there is no Cell, the responsibilities of a Cell in carrying out the Organization’s tasks and in integrating members, in giving them leadership and in verifying their work are assumed by the immediately superior leading body with authority over the territory or workplace in question.