Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

Red Star Collective

Critique Of In Struggle’s Declaration of September 6, 1977 “Against Right Opportunism In International Questions”


According to IS!, those who don’t agree that revolution is “just around the corner” (p. 8) are “phoney revolutionaries.” Their notion of the imminence of revolution, which sounds very militant, is just a cover for their lack of real analysis of how to acheive socialism. Like national independence, the question of war is irrelevant to IS!: “For our part, we don’t know whether revolution will take place before the war or after; we don’t know if war will take place. What we do know is that our task is to prepare revolution here in our country and support revolution elsewhere.. .”(p. 16). We have here the beginning and end of IS!’s analysis of the international situation.

Near the beginning of the communique, IS! asks; “How are we going to tackle these contradictions? How are we going to defeat opportunism and revisionism? How are we going to assure the victory of Marxism-Leninism ? There is no other path than the one which consists of analysing the concrete situation in the light of the principles and teachings of Marxism-Leninism. . .”(p.12).

In upholding Marxism-Leninism only in extreme abstraction, and refusing to do a real concrete analysis, IS! risks rejecting Marxist-Leninist principles in practice.

We await real debate and struggle, aimed at understanding differences and resolving them on the basis of Marxism-Leninism, from IS! on the questions we have raised.