Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

Statement of political agreement for the creation of the CANADIAN COMMUNIST LEAGUE (MARXIST-LENINIST)


The Cellule Ouvriere Revolutionnaire (COR), the Cellule Militante Ouvriere (CMO) and the Mouvement Revolutionnaire des Etudiants du Quebec (MREQ), announce at this time the dissolution of their respective groups and their fusion into a single organization, the CANADIAN COMMUNIST LEAGUE (MARXIST-LENINIST).

This marks a big step forward for unity of Marxist-Leninists in the struggle for the creation of a Marxist-Leninist communist party in Canada. We have begun to break the localism and dispersion which characterized, up until now, the young Canadian Marxist-Leninist movement. The creation of this vanguard organization represents a major event in the future development of class struggle in Canada.

Our organization bases itself on Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tse-tung Thought. Its central task is to create a genuine Marxist-Leninist communist party in Canada. Only this party will be able to lead the Canadian working class in its historic mission – to destroy the bourgeois state, – establish the dictatorship of the proletariat, and build socialism and communism.

Our organization is the product of many months of struggle for unity by Marxist-Leninists. After long debates, our three groups reached political agreement. This agreement was made possible through a process of ideological struggle conducted on the basis of the fundamental principles of Marxism-Leninism and their application to the concrete situation in Canada and the world. Carried out in the spirit of unity-struggle-unity, these debates enabled the groups to make ideological, political as well as organizational unity.

Though founded in Quebec, the CANADIAN COMMUNIST LEAGUE (MARXIST-LENINIST) intends to consistently struggle for the greatest possible unity of Marxist-Leninists across Canada; it intends to develop a truly national character.

The present text is the political agreement reached by the three founding groups of the CANADIAN COMMUNIST LEAGUE (MARXIST-LENINIST) and constitutes its political line. This political line will be deepened and elaborated by the League’s First Congress. Already, it represents an enormous step forward when compared to the original political lines of the founding groups. It noticeably clarifies several fundamental questions of the proletarian revolution in Canada, particularly the analysis of the principal contradiction and the links between the internal situation in Canada and the international situation. It is, in short, a big advance in the application of the fundamental principles of Marxism-Leninism to the analysis of the concrete situation in our country.

In this text, we put forward our positions on certain essential questions.

Firstly, we reaffirm our adherence to the fundamental principles of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tse-tung Thought and our opposition to all forms of opportunism – in particular revisionism, with Soviet social-Imperialism as its world leader and the “Communist” Party of Canada as its representative in our country.

The section that follows explains our analysis of the international situation. Here we affirm the need for the Canadian people to prepare to face the rising danger of war (the inevitable result of the rivalry between the US and the USSR, the two superpowers) and to mobilize to defend Canada’s national independence.

We then analyze the course of the revolution in Canada and its links with the world proletarian revolution. We identify the principal contradiction as being that which opposes the Canadian proletariat to the Canadian bourgeoisie. We show the determining role of the resolution of this contradiction in the resolution of secondary contradictions: firstly, in the contradiction between the Canadian people and the two superpowers, in particular US imperialism; and secondly in the contradiction represented by Quebec’s national oppression. Following this analysis of the strategic problems, we define our central task at the moment as communists: the creation of a genuine Marxist-Leninist communist party of the Canadian proletariat. In light of the lessons and experiences of the international communist movement, we analyze the essential characteristics of the party and define the practical and theoretical tasks which we must undertake to fulfill the conditions for the creation of the party.

The following section deals with the workers’ movement, some of its main characteristics, and the tasks of communists, particularly in the trade unions.

Finally, we affirm our determination to struggle against the oppression of women and for women’s emancipation, stressing how this struggle forms an integral part of the proletarian revolution.

It’s clear that the analyses presented in this text must all be developed and deepened; that is why our principal theoretical task is the development of our political line to the level of a revolutionary program. But already our political line permits us to successfully undertake the fusion of scientific socialism with the workers’ movement.

We must keep in mind the essential principle comrade Mao Tsetung teaches us: “Ideological and political line determines everything.” The Marxist-Leninist communist party can only be created on the basis of a genuinely proletarian line elaborated and tested in the practice of class struggle.

Proletarian revolution is inevitable. The Canadian proletariat, guided by its party, will surely overthrow the Canadian bourgeoisie.