Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

Big crowds hear CPML leaders on China visit

First Published: The Call, Vol. 6, No. 39, October 10, 1977.
Transcription, Editing and Markup: Paul Saba
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Large crowds gathered in Oakland, Calif., and Washington, D.C., Sept. 25, to hear CPML leaders Michael Klonsky and Eileen Klehr report on their recent visits to the People’s Republic of China and their meetings with Chinese leaders.

The audiences greeted the reports with warm enthusiasm after hearing of the continued confidence shown by the CPML in the Chinese Communist Party and its present leadership. The victory over the counter-revolutionary “gang of four” was firmly supported.

The mass meetings in Oakland heard Klehr, the Party’s vice-chairman, describe the meeting with China’s new leader Hua Kuo-feng as being “like a meeting between old friends, because despite differences of language and culture, we share the same views.” She showed how the recent 11th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party was a victory for the people of China as well as the people around the world.

The 350 people who packed a church in Washington heard Klonsky, chairman of the CPML, relate many examples of the crimes of the “gang of four” and the great sentiment of support for the present leadership on the part of the Chinese people. He gave first-hand accounts based on the delegation’s own experiences with people in many parts of China.

The audiences also saw films of the meeting between the Central Committee delegation of the CPML and the leadership of the CCP. Lengthy question and answer periods dealt with the many questions in people’s minds regarding this earth-shaking struggle.

The meetings ended on a strong note of unity and broad support for socialist China and the new victories of the Chinese people.