MIA: Marxist Writers: G. D. H. Cole


G. D. H. Cole

G. D. H. Cole Archive


He was English guild socialist and an advocate for the co-operative movement. He was also a notable socialist historian. One of his most influental works is the five-volume A History of Socialist Thought, published between 1953 and 1960.

Guild Socialism (Encyclopędia Britannica article), 1922
Building Houses Without Profit, 1922
A Word to Max Beer (book review), 1922
The British Labour Movement To-day, 1937
My Idea of Democracy, 1940s
International Society For Socialist Studies, 1956
From Liberalism to Laborism, 1957
The Case for a Libertarian Solution, 1959


Archive maintained by Zdravko Saveski


Last updated on 6 June 2023